Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Corporal David Mathieson MID

British Army 2nd Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers

from:Aberdeen, Scotland

My grandfather, David Mathieson, was sent to Belgium in the first contingent of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in August 1914. His unit was left with the rearguard at Mons to cover the retreat and he was captured along with his men. He then spent the rest of the war in a German POW camp.

He died when I was quite young, but I reflect that he would have come back to a country he did not recognize and an Army he did not recognize. I am given to understand that, except for the men he was captured with, pretty much everyone he had served with before the war was dead.

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