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Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Lt. Edwin William George Bennett

British Army 59th Brigade, 188 Bty. Royal Artillery

Edwin Bennett served with 59th Brigade, 188th Battery, Royal Field Artillery.

2/9/1914 - Enlisted in Bristol

11/9/1914 - Completed Training

2/7/1915 - Embarked for Alexandria

15/7/1915 - Arrived Alexandria

4/2/1915 - Promoted to Bombardier

1/8/1915 - Embarked for Gallipoli

9/8/1915 - Arrived Gallipoli

18/11/1915 - Promoted to Corporal

10/12/1915 - Embarked for Alexandria

22/12/1915 - Arrived Alexandria

26/4/1916 - Posted to B Battery XI Division

28/6/1916 - Embarked for Marseilles

7/7/1916 - Arrived

8/4/1917 - Returned to England for Officer cadet training

6/10/1917 - Commissioned Lieutenant

7/12/1917 - Attached to 3sec 63rd Brigade

8/2/1918 - Posted to 223rd Brigade

2/6/1918 - Act. Captain

29/11/1919 - Attached to Horse Stationary Camp, V111 Corps

25/4/1919 - Posted to 223rd Brigade

7/6/1919 - Posted to 317th Brigade

1/7/1919 - Demobilized

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