Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

Add Information to Record of a Person who served during the Great War on The Wartime Memories Project Website

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Rflmn. William James Bennett

British Army 9th (Queen Victoria Rifles) Btn. London Regiment

from:Wood Green, London

Bill Bennett joined up on 1st September 1914 at the age of twenty. He was attested at the Davies Street Headquarters of the 9th Battalion, London Regiment, The Queen Victoria Rifles. After basic training he went to France with the Battalion on 4th of November 1914. Little is known of his war service but by 5th January 1915 he had been repatriated suffering from dysentery and having developed a severe stammer. The cause of these two afflictions is not recorded. But he spent until 1st October 1916 in hospital in the UK and was then discharged as no longer fit for service. Despite his relatively short time on active duty, he qualified for the 1914 Star, the War Medal and the Victory Medal. All of which are still proudly kept by his Grandaughter.

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