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Although many of the terms coined during the two World Wars are in regular use today, some now have different meanings. This glossary aims to help you understand some of the more common terms and abbreviations used in letters, diaries and documents and includes words in regular use as well as military terms.
- AA
Anti-Aircraft - AA & QMG
Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General - AASC
Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Company - AASS
Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Section - AB
Able Seaman - ABPO
Advanced Base Post Office - Abri
Dugout - ACC
Army Cyclist Corps - ACG
Assistant Chaplain General - Ack Emma
Morning - Ack-Ack
Anti Aircraft Fire - AD or Art. Dpt
Artillery Depot - ADAPS
Assistant Director Army Postal Services - ADC
Aide de Camp - ADGT
Assistant Director-General of Transportation - ADL
Assistant Director of Labour - ADLR
Assistant Director of Light Railways - ADMS
Assistant Director Medical Services - ADOS
Assistant Director Ordnance Services - ADRT
Assistant Director Railway Traffic - ADS
Advanced Dressing Station - ADTN
Assistant Director Transportation - ADVS
Assistant Director Veterinary Services - AEC or A. Emp. Coy
Area Employment Company - Aeroplane Strips
Communication method - AF
Army Form - AFA
Army Field Artillery or Australian Field Artillery - AG
Adjutant General - AGS
Army Gymnastic Staff - AIF
Australian Imperial Force - AIS
Assistant Inspector of Searchlights - Ak dum
Hurry up - AMFO
Assistant Military Forwarding Officer - AMLO
Assistant Military Landing Officer - AMO
Administrative Medical Officer - AMS
Assistant Military Secretary - ANZAC
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps - AO
Army Order - AOC
Army Ordnance Corps - AOD
Army Ordnance Department - AP
Armour Piercing ammunition - APC
Army Pay Corps and Assistant Principal Chaplain - APM
Assistant Provost Marshal - APO
Army Post Office - AQMG
Assistant Quartermaster-General - Archie
Anti Aircraft Fire - ARD
Alberta Reinforcement Depot - ARMW
Army Reserve Munition Worker - ARP
Ammunition Refilling Point - ARS
Advanced Regulating Station - ASC
Army Service Corps - ASD
Army Schools Department - ASO
Area Searchlight Officer - ASP or Amm. Sub. Pk
Ammunition Sub-Park - AT
Army Troops - Aunt Sally
Ration Delivery - AVC
Army Veterinary Corps - BAC
Brigade Ammunition Column - Banjo
Entrenching Tool - Bantam
A man under 5"4' tall - BAPO
Base Army Post Office - Battle Bowler
steel Helmet - BC
Battery Commander or Base Commandant - BCA
Battery Commander’s Assistant - Bdmr
Bandmaster - BG
Broad Gauge Railway - BGGS
Brigadier-General General Staff - BGRA
Brigadier-General Royal Artillery - Big Ack
Armstrong Whitworth FK8 Aircraft - Billet
Accomodation - Biscuits
A three section mattress - Bivouack
Camp - BL
Breech Loading - BLC
Breech Loading Converted - Blighty
The UK - Blighty One
A wound serious enough to need treatment in the UK - Blue Cross
Gas - BM
Brigade Major - Boche
The Germans - Boko
Plenty - Bomb
Hand grenade or explosive shell dropped from aircraft - Bombardier Fritz
Chips (french fries) - Bombing
Throwing hand grenades or dropping bombs from aircraft - BOR
British Other Rank - Brass Hat
High Ranking officer - BRCS
British Red Cross Society - British Warm
overcoat - Brocks Benefit
night bombardment - BSM
Battery Sergeant-Major - Buckshee
Free - Bull Ring
Training camp - Bully Beef
Corned Beef - Bumf
Toilet paper - Buzzer
For signalling Morse code - BWI
British West Indies Regiment - BWM
British War Medal - C.B.
Confined to Barracks. - C3
Worthless - Cage
Prisoner of War Camp - Cat walk
A narrow path - CB
Confinement to Barracks or Counter-Battery - CBSO
Counter-Battery Staff Officer - CC
Confined to Camp - CCCC
Cape Colony Cyclist Corps - CCD
Commander of Coast Defences - CCRA
Corps Commander Royal Artillery - CCS
Casualty Clearing Station - CDS
Corps Dressing Station - CE
Chief Engineer - CEF
Canadian Expeditionary Force - CEPC
Chief Engineer Port Construction - CF
Chaplain to the Forces - CFC
Canadian Forestry Commission - CGS
Chief of General Staff - CHA
Commander Heavy Artillery - Char
Tea - Chat
Louse - CHDAVC
Convalescent Horse Depot Army Veterinary Corps - Cheveux de Frise
Barbed wire entanglements - Chit
Note or receipt. - Christmas Tree Order
In full kit - CID
Committee of Imperial Defence - CIGS
Chief of the Imperial General Staff - CLC
Chinese Labour Corps - CLLE
Charger-Loading Lee-Enfield rifle - CLLM
Charger-Loading Lee-Metford rifle - CLRO
Corps Light Railway Officer - CME
Chief Mechanical Engineer - CMO
Court-Martial Officer - CMP
Corps of Military Police - CO
Commanding Officer, Conscientious Objector - Coal Box
Heavy German shell - Coal Scuttle
German Stahlhelm - Cold Feet
Cowardice - Cold Meat Ticket
Identity disc - Comic Cuts
Corps Intelligence Summary - Conchie
Conscientious Objector - Cone
Illuminate with Searchlights - Consolidation
Converting captured enemy trenches and infrastructure to be suitable for own use. - COO
Chief Ordnance Officer - Corkscrew
A steel post for wire entanglements - Corkscrew
A manouver used by aircraft to escape from searchlights - CP
Censorship & Publicity - Cpl
Corporal - CQMS
Company Quartermaster Master Sergeant - CRA
Commanding Royal Artillery - Crassier
A spoil heap - CRCE
Chief Railway Construction Engineer - CRE
Commanding Royal Engineers - Cricket Ball
No.15 hand grenade - CRO
Corps Roads Officer - CSIC
Cadet School Infantry Company - CSM
Company Sergeant Major - CT
Communication Trench - Cushy
An easy task - CVBC
Cape Volunteer Bearer Corps - D of A
Director of Artillery - D Rlys
Director of Railways - DA
Divisional Artillery - DA & QMG
Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster General - DAA
Director of Army Accounts - DAAG
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General - DAC
Divisional Ammunition Column - DACG
Deputy Assistant Chaplain General - DAD Roads
Deputy Assistant Director of Roads - DAD Sigs
Deputy Assistant Director of Signals - DADAPS
Deputy Assistant Director Army Postal Services - DADGR&E
Deputy Assistant Director of Graves Registration and Enquires - DADGT
Deputy Assistant Director-General of Transportation - DADL
Deputy Assistant Director of Labour - DADMS
Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services - DADOS
Deputy Assistant Director Ordnance Services - DADPS
Deputy Assistant Director Postal Services - DADRT
Deputy Assistant Director Railway Traffic - DADS
Deputy Assistant Director Supplies - DADT
Deputy Assistant Director Transport - DADW
Deputy Assistant Director of Works - DAG
Deputy Adjutant General - DAH
Disorderly action of the heart. - DAMS
Deputy Assistant Military Secretary - DAP
Divisional Ammunition Park - DAPC
Deputy Assistant Principal Chaplain - DAPS
Director of Army Postal Services - DAQMG
Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General - DBC
Director of Barrack Construction - DCIGS
Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff - DCM
Distinguished Conduct Medal - DD S and T
Deputy Director Supplies and Transport - DD Sigs
Deputy Director of Signals - DDAPS
Deputy Director of Army Postal Services - DDGMR
Deputy Director-General Military Railways or Movements and Railways - DDGT
Deputy Director-General of Transportation - DDIWT
Deputy Director Inland Waterway Transport - DDMS
Deputy Director Medical Services - DDOS
Deputy Director Ordnance Services - DDRT
Deputy Director Railway Traffic - DDTN
Deputy Director of Transportation - DDVS
Deputy Director Veterinary Services - DDW
Deputy Director of Works - Dekko
to observe - DEOS
Director of Equipment and Ordnance Stores - Derby Men
those recruited under the Derby Scheme - Devil Dodger
the Chaplain - DFC
Distinguished Flying Cross - DFS
Director of Financial Services - DFW
Director of Fortifications and Works - DGAMS
Director-General, Army Medical Services - DGAVS
Director-General, Army Veterinary Services - DGNS
Director-General National Service - DGO
Divisional Gas Officer - DGTF
Director-General of the Territorial Force - DIL
Dangerously Ill List - Dispersal Unit
A camp soldiers or airmen are posted to to process their discharge from the services. - DIWD
Director Inland Waterways and Docks - Dixie
An oval cooking pot - DIY
Derbyshire Imperial Yeomanry - DLR
Director of Light Railways - DM
Director of Mobilisation - DMO
Director of Military Operations - DMS
Director of Medical Services, also Deputy Military Secretary - DMT
Director of Military Training - DNTO
Divisional Naval Transport Officer - Dog and Maggott
bread and cheese - Doggo
in hiding - DORA
Defence of the Realm Act - DORE
District Office Royal Engineers - DOS
Director of Ordnance Services - DP
Drill Purpose - DPS
Director of Personal Services - DPW
Director of Prisoners of War - DQMG
Deputy Quartermaster-General - DR
Despatch Rider - DRF
Depression Range-Finder - DRG&E
Director of Graves Registration and Enquires - DRLS
Despatch Rider Letter Service - DRO
Director of Recruiting and Organisation - DRT
Director Railway Traffic - DSC
Distinguished Service Cross - DSD
Director of Staff Duties - DSM
Distinguished Service Medal - DSO
Distinguished Service Order - DSQ
Director of Supplies and Quartering - DTM
Director of Transport and Movements - DTMO
Divisional Trench Mortar Officer - DTN
Director of Transportation - Dud
A shell that fails to explode - Duff
Not up to standard - DW
Director of Works - E&M
Electrical and Mechanical - EBSVR
East Bengal State Volunteer Rifles - EEF
Egyptian Expeditionary Force - EFC
Expeditionary Force Canteen - EinC
Engineer in Chief - ELC
Egyptian Labour Corps - Elephant Iron
Corrugated iron used in dugout roofs. - Emma Gee
A Machine Gun - EMO
Embarkation Medical Officer - Enteric fever
Typhoid. - Estaminet
A small cafe - F.A.P.
First Aid Post - FANY
First Aid Nursing Yeomanry - FAO
Forward Area Officer (Light Railways) - FAU
Friends Ambulance Unit - FGCM
Field General Courts Martial - Fini Kaput
Gone or finished - Fishpond
A type of Radar used by the Royal Air Force from mid 1944 onwards. - Fizzer
A disciplinary charge - Flag Wagger
A signaller - Flak
anti aircraft fire or gun - FLC
Fijian Labour Corps - FOO
Forward Observation Officer - Fosse
Slag Heap - FP
Field Punishment - FPO
Field Post Office - FSC
Field Survey Company - FSL
Field Searchlight - FSM
Field Service Manual - FSR
Field Service Regulations - Funk
To be nervous afraid or depressed - FWD
Four Wheel Drive - GCM
General Courts Martial - GHQ
General Headquarters - Glasshouse
Prison - GMP
Garrison Military Police - Go West
To be killed lost or stolen - GOC
General Officer Commanding - GOCinC
General Officer Commanding-in-Chief - Goggle-eyed Booger with the Tit
British PH gas helmet - Gone for a Burton
To be killed - Gooseberry
Barbed wire entanglement or reel - GRC
Graves Registration Commission - Green Cross
Phosgene Gas - GRO
General Routine Order - GRU
Graves Registration Unit - GS
General Service and General Staff - GSO
General Staff Officer - GSW
Gunshot Wound - HA
Heavy Artillery - HAR
Heavy Artillery Reserve - Hard tack
British army biscuit - Harness
Infantry webbing - Harry Tate
an RE8 aircraft - Hate
Bombardment - HBMGC
Heavy Branch Machine Gun Corps (later Tank Corps) - HE
High Explosive - Hom Forty
A French railway carriage - HPD
Home Postal Depot - HS
Home Service - HSC
Hospital Ship Case - HT
Horse Transport - Huntley and Palmer
Twin Lewis Guns mounted on an aircraft - Hussif
Housewife, a sewing kit. - HV
High Velocity - IA
Indian Army - IAF
Independent Air Force - ICT
inflammation of the connective tissue, medical diagnosis - IE
Illegal enlistment - IFF
Identification Friend or Foe - IGC
Inspector-General of Communications - IGT
Inspector-General of Transportation - IHL
Imprisonment with Hard Labour - Inquiry Bureau
The Inquiry Bureau was run by the Red Cross and helped families seeking news of the missing. - Interior economy
repairing personal equipment - IO
Intelligence Officer - IOM
Inspector of Ordnance Machinery - IOR
Indian Other Rank - IS
Inspector of Searchlights - IW&D
Inland Waterways and Docks - IWGC
Imperial War Graves Commission - IWT
Inland Water Transport - Jack Johnson
A German Shell which burst with black smoke. - JAG
Judge Advocate General - Jam Tins
improvised hand grenades - Jankers
Fatigues performed whilst confined to barracks as a punishment - Jump Off
the launch of an infantry attack - Knife Rest
An X shaped wire entanglement used to stop gaps in an emergency - KR
King’s Regulations - L/C or L/Cpl
Lance Corporal - Lachrymatory
A type of gas. - LEE
London Electrical Engineers - LG
Lewis Gun - LO
Liaison Officer - LofC
Lines of Communication - Lorry Hoping
Cadging free lifts on ASC transport - LR
Local Reserve - MAC
Motor Ambulance Convoy - Maconachie
Tinned vegitable stew - Mafeesh
All gone - MB
Medical Board - MC
MIlitary Cross - MDS
Main Dressing Station - MEF
Mediterranean Expeditionary Force - MFD
Military Forwarding Department - MFO
Military Forwarding Officer - MFP
Military Foot Police - MGC
Machine Gun Corps - MGGS
Major General General Staff - MGO
Master-General of the Ordnance - MGRA
Major General Royal Artillery - MGS
Machine Gun School - Mitt
Hand. - MLO
Military Landing Officer - MM
Military Medal - MMGC
Motor Machine Gun Corps - MML
Manual of Military Law - MMP
Military Mounted Police - Moaning Minnie
Shells fired from the German Minenwrfer - MPI
Mean Point of Impact - MPSC
Military Police Staff Corps - MS
Military Secretary - MSM
Meritorious Service Medal - MT
Mechanical Transport - Muckim
Butter - Mufti
Civilian clothing - MVC
Motor Volunteer Corps - MVS
Mobile Veterinary Section - N/F Flares
Night Fighter flares - NACB
National Army Catering Board - Napoo
Finished - NCC
Non-Combatant Corps - Nickels
Propaganda Leaflets - Nix
Nothing or no - NTO
Naval Transport Officer - Number 9
Sick - NYD
Not Yet Diagnosed - NYDN
Not Yet Diagnosed Nervous - OC
Officer Commanding, Officer Cadet - Old Contemptible
Original member of the 1914 British Expeditionary Force - OP
Observation Post - OR
Other Rank - ORS
Orderly Room Sergeant - OTC
Officers Training Corps - P & BT
Physical and Bayonet Training - Packet
a wound - Padre
Chaplain - Parnee
Water - Pave
Cobbled roads - PB
Permanent Base - PBI
Poor Bloody Infantry - PC
Principal Chaplain (non Church of England) - Picket
Metal post for barbed wire or a sentry or patrol - Pickled Monkey
meat of unknown species served to Prisoners of War in Germany - Pill Box
Reinforced concrete gun emplacement - Pineapple
British Mills Bomb or German Trench Mortar Bomb - Plum Pudding
A heavy trench mortar shell - PM
Provost Marshal - PNTO
Principal Naval Transport Officer - Pongelow
Beer - Potato Masher
German Stick grenade - POW
Prisoner of War - Pozzy
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry - psc
Passed Staff College - Pte.
Private - PU
Permanently Unfit - PUO
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (fever) - QF
Quick Firing - QMAAC
Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps - QMG
Quartermaster General - QMS
Quartermaster Sergeant - Qs
Qualified for Staff - Quarter to Ten
British 9.45" trench mortar - Quick Firer
A Field Service Post Card - R.A.P.
Regimental Aid Post. - RAF
Royal Air Force - RAFA
Royal Australian Field Artillery - RAGA
Royal Australian Garrison Artillery - RAP
Regimental Aid Post - Rating
Men serving with the Royal Navy who are not Officers. - RCE
Railway Construction Engineer - RCO
Railway Control Officer - RDC
Royal Defence Corps - Red Cap
Military Policeman - Red Hussar
A cigarette - Red Star
Hydrogen sulphide and carbon disulphide gas - Registration
Checking gun is on target - REPS
Royal Engineers Postal Section - RFA
Royal Field Artillery - RFC
Royal Flying Corps - RGA
Royal Garrison Artillery - RH
Railhead - RHA
Royal Horse Artillery or Reserve Heavy Artillery - RM
Riding Master or Royal Marines - RMA
Royal Marine Artillery - RMLC
Royal Marine Labour Corps - RMLI
Royal Marine Light Infantry - RNAS
Royal Naval Air Service - RND
Royal Naval Division - RO
Recruiting Officer - ROD
Railway Operating Division - Roger
A gas cylinder - ROO
Railway Ordnance Officer - Rooti
Bread - Rough House
to fight - RP
Rules of Procedure or Regimental Police or Refilling Point - RSM
Regimental Sergeant Major - RSO
Railhead Supply Officer - RTC
Reserve Training Centre - RTE
Railway Transport Establishment - RTO
Railway Transport Officer or Railway Traffic Officer - RTU
Returned to Unit - Rum Jar
An earthenware jar the run ration - Russian Sap
a trench in a tunnel. - S.A.A
Small Arms Ammunition - San Fairy Ann
It doesn't matter - SANLC
South African Native Labour Corps - Sap
A trench which juts out into No Man's Land often used as a listening post - Sapper
A qualified soldier of the Royal Engineers - Saturday Night Soldier
A Territorial Soldier - Sausage
A Barrage Balloon or a German Mortar Bomb - SC
Staff Captain - SCF
Senior Chaplain to the Forces - Scoff
Food - SD
Staff Duties - SGS
Surveyor-General of Supply - Sgt. or Sjt.
Sergeant (rank) - Short Arm Inspection
Medical Inspection for venereal disease - SIW
Self-Inflicted Wound - SLR
Superintendent of Light Railways - SMLE
Short Magazine Lee-Enfield rifle - Snowdrop
RAF Policemen - SOS
A call for artillery assistance - SOS
Struck off strength - Souvenir
To steal - SP
Strongpoint - Square Pushing
To go out smartly dressed usually with or seeking a young lady - Squarehead
A German - SR
Special Reserve - SRS
Sound Ranging Section - SSM
Squadron Sergeant Major (cavalry) - Stand to
To be on alert when an enemy attack was expected - Stinker
A sheepskin or goatskin Jerkin aslo known as a Teddy Bear - Strafe
To machine gun or bombard - Stunt
A task requiring skill - Sweet Fanny Adams or SFA
Northing at All - Swinging the lead
Malingering - TAT
Temporary Ambulance Train - Taube or Tauben
British nick name for German aircraft or any type - TB
Temporary Base - TC
Tank Corps - TCO
Train Conducting Officer - TDO
Telephone Dug-out - Teddy Bear
A goatkin Jerkin issued in cold weather also known as a Stinker - TEE
Tyne Electrical Engineers - Terrier
A territorial soldier - TF
Territorial Force - Third Man
Gone too Far - Three Blue Lights
A highly improbable event - Throw a Seven
To be killed - Ticket
Discharge from the Army - Ticklers
Jam or improvised hand grenades made from jam tins - Tin Hat
Steel helmet or something that spoiled everything - Tin Opener
A bayonet - TM
Trench Mortar - TMB
Trench Mortar Battery - TO
Transport Officer - Toc Emma
A trench mortar - Toffee Apple
Spherical trench mortar with a shaft attached - Toot Sweet
Quick - TOS
Taken on strength - Town Major
The Officer responsible for billeting arrangements in a specific town - TR
Training Reserve - TRB
Training Reserve Brigade - TSM
Troop Sergeant Major (cavalry) - VAD
Voluntary Aid Detachment - VADGS
Voluntary Aid Detachment General Service - VC
Victoria Cross - Very Light
A flare often coloured, fired from a Very pistol for signalling - Vin Blanc Anglais
Whisky - VO
Veterinary Officer - VTC
Volunteer Training Corps - WAAC
Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (later QMAAC) - WD
War Department - WE
War Establishment - White Star
Chlorine and phosgene gas - Whizz Bang
a 77mm German shell - Wind Dangerous
Wind direction favourable for an enemy gas attack. - Wind up
Nervous - WIR
West India Regiment - WO
War Office - WWCS
Walking Wounded Collecting Station - Yellow Cross
Mustard gas - YOC
Young Officers Company - Ypreite
Mustard Gas - YS
Young Soldier - Zero Hour
The time sheduled for an attack to begin
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