The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
1st April 1916On this day:
- Attack pracice
- Zeppelin Raid Zeppelin L11 crossed the coast at Seaham, Co. Durham at 11.00 pm, dropping
bombs on Eppleton Colliery, Hetton Downs, Philadelphia and
Sunderland. Twenty one bombs were dropped at Sunderland causing severe damage to shops and houses and a tram at the Wheatsheaf Depot. 22 people were killed, with a further 25 seriously injured and over 100 suffered
slight injuries. The Zeppelin L11 then headed south flying just off the coast
and dropped further bombs on Port Clarence and Middlesborough,
where 2 men were injured, and then on Brotton before heading out to
sea after midnight.
- GRM Woolston opened Government Rolling Mill Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire started in April 1916 for the Production of brass and cupro-nickel strips and cups. First output was Feb 1917. It was under the direct control of Mr. G.H. Robinson.
- GCF Blackheath opens. Government Cartridge Factory Blackheath in Staffordshire was started in April 1916 for the production of small arms ammunition. First output was December 1916. It was under the direct control of the Birmingham Metal & Munitions Co.
- GCF Blackpole opens. Government Cartridge Factory Blackpole, Worcester started in April 1916 for the production of small arms ammunition. First output was early 1917. It was under the direct control of the King's Norton Metal Co.
- HMEF Craigleith opens H.M. Explosive Factory Craigleith, Edinburgh, started in April 1916 for the production of T.N.T. First output was Feb 1917. It was under the direct control of the Lothian Chemical Co.
- Transport Fired Upon 6th County of London Brigade RFA at
The 16th London Battery registered points behind the German front line from Lorette Observation Point. The Germans are still working hard on the Pimple. A British aeroplane was brought down by enemy anti aircraft guns at 1545 today.
From 1900 onwards the enemy fired on our transport in Carency and east of Carency main roads.
War Diaries
- Railway Activity

Water Tank Building on Candas-Acheux Railway. 16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles - Pioneers.
Railway Candas to Acheux.
In addition to the ongoing work, evening entertainment was organised from 1900 to 2030. Cinematograph put in an appearance with a new programme of films each day.
The Division was able to see itself on parade when it was reviewed by King George V on Hankley Common prior to its departure from England.
Charlie Chaplin went down as a great favourite with the French children as well as the troops.
Captain Paton, now the Battalion’s Chaplain, had been sent a Pathescope from friends in Londonderry, so cinema shows became more accessible than ever. The Battalion had with it for 3 days the Ulster Divisional Troupe, The Follies (later called The Merry Mauves) and thoroughly enjoyed its performance. There was also a Battalion smoking concert and a regimental minstrel group was formed.
Railway work continued with some changes in the location of companies and responsibilities of officers.
Captain Jewell (4 Company) was responsible for the terminus at Candas, for a new diamond crossing, for maintenance of the track and for all infantry working parties in the section.
Captain Shepperd (1 Company) which now moved out of Acheux, was responsible for the section from Rosel to Punchvillers and for infantry work parties.
Captain Platt (2 Company) which moved to Acheux was responsible for all buildings, signal boxes and platforms on the line.
No.3 Company (Captain Chase) which had been on detachment moved back to Battalion Headquarters.
Lt Dolling was in charge of all petrol pumps along the line and 2/Lt Slater after completion of a survey, was responsible for all steel tanks along the line.
With the Somme decision now official, as work continued on the railway, up to two companies at a time were sent off for battle indoctrination in the trenches to prepare them for their support role in the coming offensive.
The Terrors by SN White
- Inspection
- 4th West Yorks man Tees Garrison 4th Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment leave Redcar, moving a few miles north to West Hartlepool as part of the Tees Garrison in April 1916.
- Sunderland Attack
- Reserve positions
- Inspection and recreation 9th Lancers
1st April 1916 - Billets Enquin - The CO inspected the Regimental Scouts at 0930 in work in the field. The 1st Cavalry Division Divisional Marathon Race was run. 2 Other ranks to temp hospital, 1 other rank from base hospital. Strength: Officers 29 ORs 603 Horses 510.
war diaries
- Actions during 1916
- 7th Northumberlands on the March
- On the Move
- Billets Shelled
- Rescue Attempt
- Football Match
- Hostile Shelling
- Instruction
- All Fools
- In the Trenches
- Relief begins
- Observation Points
- Working Parties
- Training
- In Billets
- Reliefs
- Moves
- On the March
- Locations
- Orders
- Training
- Reliefs
- Reinforcements
- To France
- Quiet
- A Letter Arrives
- Inspection
- In Reserve
- Reliefs
- Baths
- Maintenance
- In Camp
- Aircraft Lost
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- On the March
- Orders Received
- Change of Commander
- The Battalion marched to camp near Dicksbusch.
- In Reserve 7th Buffs are in Brigade Reserve at Suzanne
7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- Recce
- In Support
- Shelling
- On the Move
- Mining Shifts
- Defences
- Platoon training.
- Football Tournament
- Fatigues and Training
- Steady Shelling
- 156th Brigade on Duty this month.
- Working Parties of 200 men
- Disruption to Turkish supplies
- Left billets for trenches.
- In Camp
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 1st of April 1916? There are:72 items tagged 1st of April 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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