The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
1st August 1917On this day:
- No.94 Squadron RFC was formed at Harling Road aerodrome, Norfolk, on the 1st August 1917 with staff drawn from 55 Training Squadron. The Squadron undertook advanced flight training.
- Reorganisation
- Inspected by A.D.M.S.
- In Brigade Reserve.
- Field Ambulances in Action The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Wessex Field Ambulances (24th,25th,26th) were based at Remy Siding Lissenhoek, nr. Ypres serving with the 8th Division. The 8th Division of the 5th Army who were engaged in the battle of Pilkhem Ridge in the opening stages of the 3rd battle of Ypres which began on 31st July 1917.
The Wessex Field Ambulance established an Advanced Dressing Station at Birr Cross Roads on the Menin Road. The weather turned at the beginning of August and the battlefield turned into a quagmire. It was taking up to six stretcher bearers to bring in one casualty.
The War Diary of the 3rd (26th) Wessex Field Ambulance records gas attacks as well as aircraft bombing on the ADS at Birr Cross Roads and casualties in August were horrendous. Pte. Regnald James Brookes Butt was one such casualty having his thigh shattered by a German high velocity shell on the night of 4/5th August, after being called out of reserve to assist another Division's (25th possibly) RAMC unit to pick-up Front Line casualties.
- 16th Northumberland Fusiliers move back The 16th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers move back from Coxyde to Ribaillet camp.
- Battle of Langemark
- Inspections 245 Machine Gun Company
Received Operations Order No.115 but the Company is not affected by this Operations Order.
GSO1 visited the Company and informed me that the Company would not take over trench positions until the 7th inst.
(GSO General Staff Officer).
Copy of Operations Order GSO1 5oth Division.
No.115 Copy 23.
150th Infantry Brigade to relieve 149th Brigade in the Vis and Guemappe sectors on night 4/5th Aug 17.
War Diaries
- Relocation
- Parade postponed bad weather
- New Aircraft
- New Fighter Squadron formed
- Bombing
- 9th York & Lancs in Billets
- Operational Action
- In the Line From the 1st to 6th of August 18th DLI are in trenches in the Mericourt Sector. Weather rather wet with fine intervals. Very quiet time no casualties during whole period of 16 days except one accidental. On the night of 6th/7th the Battalion was relieved by 13th East Yorkshire Rregiment relief complete at 1.35am.
18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Wet Day
- Rain
- Holding the Line
- Training
- Terrible Weather
- Reliefs
- Resting
- March washed out
- Recommendations For M.M.
- Training
- Heavy Shelling
- Patrol
- New Squadron formed
- Working Parties
- In Action
- Wet Weather
- Reorganisation
- Heavy Rain
- Orders to Move
- Shell Holes
- Destruction
- Rounds Fired
- Desert Mounted Corps created
- Sections Return
- New Squadron formed
- Move
- Hostile Batteries
- In Camp
- Reliefs
- Diary
- Weather prevents all activity
- Machine Guns Active
- Night patrols.
- Battalion in Brigade Reserve.
- Reliefs
- In Camp
- Reorganisation
- Training
- Location Kenora Camp.
- In Dugouts
- Attack East of Ypres, Account of operations
- Operations with 5th Army
- Operations with 5th Army
- Broken down Tanks
- B.M. 328
- B.M. 336.
- B.M. 528 H.Q. 52nd Division.
- Relief of the 156th Inf. Brigade
- Operation Order No.12.
- Change of Command
- Holding Redoubts
- Bombing campaign in Turkey
- Working Parties
- Consolidation
- In the Steenbeek.
- Patrols
- Casualties during August 1917.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 1st of August 1917? There are:76 items tagged 1st of August 1917 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 1st of August 1917. Sgt. Edward Love Ashby. 11th Battalion South Lancashire Regiment Read their Story. Pte William Baum. 10th Btn Cheshire Regiment Read their Story. Sgt. Austin Bell. 16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles Read their Story. Pte. John Bell. 10th Btn. Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Read their Story. Pte. Arthur Bexon. 10th (Service) Btn. Cheshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. F. Broadrick. 11th Btn. Warwickshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. James Brown. 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Basil Walker Bull. 3rd Labour Btn. Read their Story. Cpl. Edward Thomas Joseph Colyer. 2nd Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment L/Cpl. Stephen Crawford. 2nd Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. L/Cpl Charles Davidson. 13th Btn Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) Pte. Cornelius Denis Ferrissey. 9th Btn. Welsh Fusiliers Bmbdr. E. W. Goodwin. 173 Brigade, AÂ Bty. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Walter Halsall. 45th Coy Machine Gun Corps Lt. Guy Stanley Gerald Hamilton. 8th Battalion The Queens, The Royal West Surreys Pte. Samuel Hope. 10th Btn. Cheshire Regiment Read their Story. Cpl. George King. 8th Btn. Norfolk Regiment Pte. Cecil Ernest Kirby. 14th Battalion Hampshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Harry Lapping. 12th Btn. Highland Light Infantry Read their Story. Cpl. Roy Lower. 11th Btn. Royal Sussex Regiment Read their Story. Cpl. John McDowell. 404th Highland Field Company Royal Engineers Read their Story. Drvr. F. Moran. 173rd Brigade, AÂ Bty Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. James Harold Parish. 11th Btn Royal West Kent Regiment Read their Story. Pte. John Pugh-Hughes. 9th Btn. Welsh Regiment Pte. Harry Simon. 1st Btn. 4 Coy. Coldstream Guards Read their Story. Pte. Albert Duncan Smith. 8th/10th Btn. Gordon Highlanders Pte. Frank Spence. 2nd Btn. Middlesex Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Henry Irvine Taylor. 10th Btn. York and Lancaster Pte. John William Welch. 2nd Btn. Royal Berkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Charles Henry Wheals. 14th Btn. Hampshire Regiment Read their Story.
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