The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
1st February 1918On this day:
- 16th Northumberland Fusiliers in the line The war diary of the 16th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers states: "Battalion holding the line on right sector, from approximately v 7 b 15 40 across the Staden railway to u 6 d 90 60. In the evening, an inter-company relief was carried out, A coy relieving B on the right, and C relieving D on the left. During the night a battle patrol under 2/Lt Brownrigg made a determined attack on an enemy post near Turenne Crossing and succeeded in entering the post. But the germans had withdrawn to two pill-boxes close at hand from which a heavy fire was opened on the patrol. A further attack on the pill-boxes was attempted but the fire was too close and accurate, and the patrol withdrew with the loss of two killed and one wounded. All the casualties were successfully brought back."
- Grand Seracourt - defensive work 16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles - Pioneers.
From the 1st to 22nd February work was allocated as follows:
1 Company Contescourt Alley Communication trench, deepening and widening to 8 feet deep, 6feet wide at top and 3feet wide at bottom with trench boards laid and dugouts constructed.
2 and 4 Companies, the construction of a strong point at L’Epine de Dallon.
3 Company Station Alley Communication trench to be deepened and widened to same dimensions as Contescourt and trench boards laid.
There were some moves during this period for similar work at Jeanne d’Arc strong point.
On the 23rd February work commenced on a series of strong points in the forward zone at Jeanne d’Arc, Grugies and Boadicea.
On the 24th February Battalions were reduced from 4 to 3 companies and Brigades from 4 Battalions to 3. This change of establishment worked well for the Pioneers as 4 company personnel were distributed between the other 3 companies, but the Infantry Brigades were less fortunate as the surplus battalions were removed from their brigades and formed into Entrenchment Units and thus separated from those they had fought alongside.
Battalion Strength February 1918
1st Feb. Officers 43 Other ranks 890
28th Feb. Officers 43 Other ranks 898
Casualties No casualties reported.
The Terrors by SN White
- Daily Activity 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Sheet 66cNW 1/20,000 App.101. Line.
At 2230 Patrol left our line at B.17.a.3.2. No enemy encountered. Another one left at B.8.c.91.25 and found old front line filled in in many places.
War Diaries
- 17th Royal Fusiliers at Metz 17th Royal Fusiliers are at Metz.
- Completion of move to Rest Area 59th Heavy Artillery Brigade
The remaining sections of the 37th, 335th & 350th SB pulled out to rest. Stripped guns only were left in position for the relieving batteries.
War Diaries
- Actions during 1918
- On the Move
Coy training & training of all specialists. Platoon & Coy tactical training. Working parties for Town Major. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Working Party & Training
- Working Parties
- Defence Preparation
- In the Front Line
- Bomber role
- Working Parties
- Artillery Active
- Trenches Improved
- In Camp
- On the Move
- Gas Shells
- Quiet
- Shelling
- Thick Mist
- Harassing Fire
- Trench Work
- An Inspection
- In Billets
- On the Ranges
- Working Parties
- Quiet
- Cleaning up
- Battalions to be Disbanded
- Defence Line Work
- Patrol
- New Squadron formed
- New Squadron formed
- New Squadron formed
- New bomber Squadron formed
- Foggy
- Cleaning Up
- Intelligence
- Shelling
- Training
- Submitted claim for 1914 Bronze Star
- In the Line
- Training
- Reorganisation
- Reorganisation
- In Camp
- Reconnaisance of Monchy Trench Sector
- General Idea.
- General training.
- Visit
- Improvements to trenches
- Employed on "B" Line, strengthening existing defences
- Training
- Inter Company Platoon Drill Competition.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 1st of February 1918? There are:57 items tagged 1st of February 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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