The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
1st March 1918On this day:
- Wearside Pals return to France 20th Battalion Durham Light Infantry leave Italy with 41 Division and return to France in March 1918.
- Grand Seracourt - defensive work 16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles - Pioneers.
(Guidance note next page is on 21st March 1918.)
March 1st to 20th. Work continued on defensive dugouts and strong points as follows:
1 Company - dugouts at Gaugies and Boadicea.
2 Company - wiring and construction of elephant shelters at Boadicea.
3 Company - wiring and construction of elephant shelters at Jeanne d’Arc and wiring at Giffecourt.
The Allied High Command had knowledge of an imminent German offensive but no idea of when and where it might take place hence the concentrated efforts to improve defences to counter any such action.
The Terrors by SN White
- Daily Activity 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Grand Seraucourt.
1730. Battalion moved to support at Essigny Station in relief of 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers.
War Diaries
- In Camp 17th Royal Fusiliers are in the tent camp at Metz
General cleaning up. CO’s inspections. Lt Col CHEYNE to England, relinquishes command of Battalion. Lt Col CARTER MC from the 18th W YORKSHIRE REGIMENT assumes command of Battalion. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
General cleaning up. CO’s inspections. Lt Col CHEYNE to England, relinquishes command of Battalion. Lt Col CARTER MC from the 18th W YORKSHIRE REGIMENT assumes command of Battalion. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Artillery
- Heavy Gunfire
- Special Barrages
- Orders
- Raids
- Training
- On the Move
- Training
- Enemy Artillery
- Recce
- Reliefs
- Working Parties
- Raid
- Bomber training squadrons formed
- Change of Command
- Sectors Defined
- Training
- Reliefs
- Tactical Scheme
- Working Parties
- In Support
- Training
- Man Missing
- Holding the Line
- New bomber squadron formed
- On the March
- Indirect Fire
- Training
- On the Move
- Quiet
- Move for training
- Training Squadron relocated
- New Squadron formed
- New Squadron formed
- New bomber Squadron formed
- Brigade Attack Scheme
- Dispositions
- Operational
- On the Move
- Holding the Line
- Moved and re-equipped
- Arrivals
- Orders
- In the Line
- Battalion training in the attack.
- Operational Order.
- Reliefs
- Proceeded to France.
- On the Move
- Working Parties
- In Port
- Marching and Firing
- Heavy Bombardment
- Snow falling.
- Training Squadron relocated
- Training with 1st Canadian Division
- Defence Scheme
- Defence Scheme.
- Garrisons and Distribution.
- Vulnerable Points
- Action in case of Attack
- System of Patrolling
- Artillery arrangements
- Machine Guns in the Defence.
- Signal Communications.
- Alarm Orders.
- Administrative arrangements.
- Posts & Headquarters.
- Appendix 1. Co-ordinates of Posts & Headquarters.
- New Communications Trench
- Reliefs
- Company and Specialist training
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.col1ison Pt1.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.col1ison, D.S.O. Pt.2.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.col1ison, D.S.O. Pt.3.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.4.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.col1ison, D.S.O. Pt.5.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.6.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.7.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.8.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.9.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.10.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.11.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.12.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.13.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.14.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.15.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.16.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.17.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.18.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.19.
- Extracts from the Diary of Brevet-Colonel G.S.collison, D.S.O. Pt.20.
- Relieved 2nd R.W.F.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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