The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
1st November 1915On this day:
- 4th Northumberlands in Blyth By November 1914, the territorials of the 4th Battalion, Northumbland Fusiliers had been divided into two, the 1/4th and the 2/4th (Reserve) Battalions, both were billeted in Blyth. The 1/4th training for deployment overseas, the 2/4th engaged in home defence and the training of new recruits who would transfer to the 1/4th for deployment.
- HMEF Langwith opens. H.M. Explosive Factory Langwith, nr Mansfield, Nottinghamshire started production of Ammonium perchlorate in November 1915. First output was June 1917. Under Direct Control of Ministry of Munitions.
- Quiet
- NGF Gloucester Road, Croyden opens. National Gauge Factory Gloucester Road, Croyden, Surrey started in November 1915 for production of gauges. It was under the direct control of Vidal Engineering Co.
- NSF Stanley Street, Workington opens. National Shell Factory Stanley Street, Workington, started up in November 1915, produing 18-pdr. Shell, base plates. First output was in August 1916. It was under the direct control of the Board of Management.
- NPF Aisne Factory, Renfrew opens. Aisne Factory, Renfrew, Renfrewshire was a National Projectile Factory which started up in November 1915 for the production of 60-pdr. Shell. First output was May 1916. It was under the direct control of the Board of Management.
- NSF Clyde Street, Bootle opens. Clyde Street, Bottle, Liverpool, Lanchashire was a National Shell Factory which started up in November 1915. It was under the direct control of the Board of Management.
- Daily Battery Activity 6th County of London Brigade RFA report that from 0230 to 0515 all Batteries fired 8 rounds per gun, beginning with a salvo on hostile trenches.
At 1800 and 1855 all Batteries concentrated fire on trenches Hotel.25.d.1.0, Hotel.31.b.2.4
There was very heavy shelling of our Front Line and communication trenches throughout the day, especially the Chalk Pit. On two occasions, when British and French artillery retaliated, German fire stopped, but on another occasion they continued.
Gallantry Award:
"Under authority granted by His Majesty the King, the Field Marshall Commanding in Chief, appointed the under mentioned Officer to be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Major Adrian Charles Gordon, 16th County of London Battery, RFA, 6th London Brigade RFA, in recognition of services rendered at Loos on the 25th and 26th September 1915."
War Diaries
- Pioneering work 16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles
A Royal Engineers Field Company was placed under the command of No 2 Company, possibly to operate a saw-mill and speed up the supply of timber components for the defence lines. Other work taken on by the Battalion made it necessary to attach a Royal Engineer Signalling Company to No 1 Company under Captain Shepperd to assist with overall communications.
An inspection of work on the 22nd November resulted in further work responsibilities over another 8 miles of trenches in the direction of Toutencourt to Authie and reconstruction of rain damaged trenches near Arqueues.
It was a bitterly cold winter but the work had to continue and the men were issued with sheepskin and goatskin coats (jerkins) which helped in the biting winds. They also built new stables for the transport animals which had to stand out at night.
Snow fell on the 15th November followed by a thaw with melting snow and heavy rain making working conditions much more difficult.
Unlike their comrades in the forward trenches the men could return to warm and dry billets at night.
There was an inspection by the ADMS on the 18th November as concern mounted regarding the health of the men working in such difficult conditions.
(Assistant Director of Medical Services).
On Sunday 28th November the Battalion had a whole day off. It was a fine day and the roads were frost bound and easy for walking so visits to local villages took place in pleasant surroundings.
The Terrors by SN White
- provide Working Party
- Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
1st to 15th November - with 5th Cavalry Brigade in reserve at Huquelliers. The time was spent in training young NCOs in map reading and signalling. Giving instruction to a squad of young gunners in gun drill laying. The horses besides their ordinary exercises did draught parade and a good many fatigues in drawing material for horse standings.
12th Nov. - Lt MN Dewing RFA joined the Battery (attached) from the Royal Military Academy Woolwich.
war diaries
- On the Move No 17 Squadron proceeded to Egypt in November.
- Ships Collide
- Recomendation
- Please send Cake
- Lectures & Bathing
- Miners at Work
- The Name of the Guards
- In the Trenches
- All Saints Day
- Changes in Command
- Relief
- Reliefs
- Routine work
- The Bluff
- Shelling
- Ammunition
- Warnings
- Working Parties
- Courses
- In the Trenches
- Shelling
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- Marching Orders
- Poor Weather
- Poor Weather
- Relief Completed
- Defences
- Reliefs
- At Rest
- Reorganisation
- Move
- Move
- Very Wet Dugouts
- Training
- In Reserve
- Company Training
- East Surreys Shoot German
- In Billets
- Field Artillery in Action
- Football Match
- Quiet
- Move
- In Front Line trenches A2 Sub-Section.
- At Rest
- Trench Work
- Digging
- Bad Weather
- Orders
- Wounded German prisoner.
- Heavily shelled.
- Reliefs Complete.
- On the Move
- Heavy Rain and Mud
- Weather Bad
- Courses
- Disposal of Company Commanders.
- Attached to 150th Brigade.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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