The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
1st September 1916On this day:
- Transfer
- Working in Shifts
- HMEF Avonmouth opens. H.M. Explosive Factory Avonmouth, Gloucestershire started in September 1916 for the production of mustard gas. First output was in July 1918. It was under the direct control of the Ministry of Munitions.
- Continuous Barrage 236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery at
Bottom Wood.
Continuous barrage kept up by Brigade all day except by B236 and A236 Batteries who dropped out about midday after being violently shelled by 8 inch guns. They had to abandon position. The barrage was taken on by C236 Battery until relieved by the 238th Brigade. One man was wounded and one or two others were rather badly shaken.
Enemy artillery very active. It was decided to change position of one section of A236 Battery.
War Diaries
- Messines Sector - Flanders 16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles - Pioneers.
Towards the end of August the 36th Division moved a little further north to take over from the 50th Division with its left boundary south of the Kemmel, Wytschaete Road and its right flank being the River Douve. As a result the 16th moved its HQ and numbers 2 and 4 Companies to Dranoutres.
The heat of August turned to the arrival of September and torrential rain. The new trench positions also needed extensive repairs, which were too much for a single Pioneer Battalion, so each Brigade was tasked to form labour squads and carry out repairs to their own sections. To assist in management of the work some experienced members from the 16th were attached to each work group. The Battalion’s own workload still included the full range of Wiring, Trenches, Saps, Dugouts and Screening.
When it rained (as it often did for days and weeks on end) water would still gather within the defensive lines so it was necessary to use inverted timber A-frames in upright positions at regular intervals and insert timber planks(duck-boarding)to provide reasonably dry underfoot movement throughout the trenches. Beneath the decking was a void one or two feet in depth through which the excess water could flow to outlet drains.
A small stream running through the area caused deep flooding in rainy periods all of which added to the Pioneer’s tasks which were carried out, often in full view of the German Artillery observers.
The Divisions positions were also on low lying ground with little or no cover and the enemy had a commanding view from his positions on the Messines Ridge.
Another necessary defensive measure was the need for extensive screening along roads and communication routes to protect personnel and traffic from being in full view of enemy artillery and snipers. This also helped to protect work parties after the screens were in place.
Improvements to Billets and Quarters together with the construction of Horse standings continued until the end of September.
Major Gardiner, Second in Command, was posted to 20th Bn Royal Irish Rifles in Newtownards and his place taken by Captain Allen, promoted to Major with Lt Maxwell appointed as Adjutant.
September Casualties - Other Ranks several wounded, numbers not given.
The Terrors by SN White
- Leaky Gas Cylinders
- Brigade Day
- Listening Posts
- Hotchkiss training 9th Queens Royal Lancers
are in Billets at Incheville - Regimental Parade at 1300. Hotchkiss field firing was carried out on the Belgian Field Firing Range at Hautebut from 1600 to 1730.
war diaries
- Difficult to Convey
- In Action
- Reliefs 18th DLI hold trenches in the Festubert Sector "Fair. 92nd Brigade on our left bombarded hostile trenches. Very weak reply. Exceptionally quiet day.
20.30. 18th Battalion DLI, less D Coy. which remained in Left O.B.L relieved by 15th West Yorks without casualties & proceeded into billets at Le Touret." 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Transfer
- Trench Work
- Reliefs Completed
- Reliefs
- Reinforcements
- Gas Attack
- In the Trenches
- Reliefs Complete
- Training
- Working Parties
- Gas Shells
- Locations
- At Rest
- Howitzers
9.2 inch howitzers of the 148th Siege Battery, RGA at Maricourt, September 1916.
© IWM (Q 7819) IWM
- A Gas Own Goal
- A Gas Own Goal
- Gas Shells
- Artillery in Action
- Reliefs
- Training
- Orders Received
- Trench Raid
- On the Move
- Training
- Trench Work
- HQ Established
- Diary
- Diary Instructions for the Offensive. App. 1.
- Diary Table March and Billetting
- Orders Received
- Transport
- Messages & Signals.
- Enemy SOS
- Transfer
- Reliefs
- Wiring required in front of our line.
- Aircraft damaged
- Training 8.50am 7th Buffs marched out to wood in U 10 a to witness a Flame projector demonstration by
Capt. Hartley 3rd Army Expert. The whole brigade was present.
After the demonstration the Battalion marched to the Bois de la Carnoye where they had dinners. After dinners there was a scheme for an attack on the wood. A and D Coys 7th Royal West Kent Regiment. defended the section edge and B and C Coys 7th Royal West Kent Regiment. and 7th Buffs attacked. The Commanding Officers of both regiments umpired and Maj. Monier-Williams was in command of the attack.
After the attack the Battalion marched back reaching billets about 6.15 p.m. 8.45pm The Commanding Officer had a conference of all officers to discuss the afternoon’s attack and the scheme for the next day.
7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- In Reserve
- Remained in Silesia Trench.
- Training
- Orders
- In Billets
- In the Line
- Attack and night schemes.
- Garrison Duty
- Address
- On the Move
- A Relief
- Flies
- On the Move
- Preparations
- Posting
- Ground Regained
- Orders received
- In the trenches
- On the Move
- Attacks Made
- Training
- Training
- Hostile Aircraft bombed Port Said
- In Front Line
- Reliefs
- Training
- G.O.C. Brigade inspected.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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