The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
2nd December 1914On this day:
- Wounded Soldiers. Heroes of Ypres Accommodated at Castleton House. - Rochdale Times, 2nd December 1914.
Castleton House, which has recently been equipped to accommodate soldiers returning wounded or sick from the war, is now the temporary home of ten British soldiers who arrived there on Sunday.
All the men were wounded, and went through the recent fierce fighting at Ypres, which Field Marshall Sir John French described in his despatch published on Monday. When a representative of the "Rochdale Times" visited the hospital yesterday the men were comfortably settled in a spacious front room, and as one of them remarked, "It’s a lot nicer than where we have come from."
The wounds of the men, though painful, are not dangerous, and several of them yesterday enjoyed an outing in a motorcar. The soldiers are drawn from different regiments, and in spite of their bandages look a body of stalwart men.
Another soldier was removed to the Crippled Children’s Home at Norden during the week-end and there are now at this institution about a dozen Army invalids.
The Belgian soldiers who are at the Ambulance Drill Hall continue to improve. On Saturday afternoon many of them attended the matinee at the Theatre Royal and, and on Sunday some of the members of the nursing staff gave a sacred concert which was much appreciated. Colonel Trimble, C.M.G., inspected the premises on Sunday.
- Review of troops by HM the King A review of troops was held by H M the King in which the 2nd Life Guards took part at Eecke. His Majesty presented the DSO to Lieut. and Adjt Stewart Menzies and the DCM to Corporal Watt of the 2nd Life Guards.
War Diary
- Royal Inspection Parade E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
Near Bailleul with 5th Cavalry Brigade.
The 5th Cavalry Brigade was visited by HM the King. The brigade was drawn up near the road. Battery guns detachments only. Half a mile south of our billets at 12 noon. At 1030 Major Forman was presented his DSO by HM the King at Chateau La Motte (Cavalry Corps HQ.)
war diaries
- Running Messages
- Very Wet Day
- They are Beaten
- Royal Inspection
- Operations restricted by bad weather
- Awards
- Awards
- Quiet
- Reinforcements
- Horses
- Reliefs
- Training
- Repairs
- Enemy Airship
- A Moonlit Night
- Working Parties
- Heavy shelling of trenches
- Recce
- Reinforcements
- At Rest
- Remounts Arrive
- New Hospital
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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