The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
2nd May 1916On this day:
- Hospital set Alight
- 10th Loyals return to action The 10th Battalion, Loyal North Lancashires, took up position in reserve at Bienvillers, with two companies of men moving forward in support of the the 6th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment who were man strong-points on the Hannescamps-Mochy road and in the support line behind the Monchy salient.
- Report of a Mine 6th County of London Brigade RFA at
Carency report
Lt Col Lowe DSO Commanding the 6th London Field Artillery Brigade, Capt Edwards Veterinary Officer and Lt Woollett 6th London Brigade Ammunition Column proceeded on 7 days leave of absence to England, the former on ten days leave.
At 1945 all artillery opened fire after the Centre Battalion reported a mine going up. This report proved to be false and the Batteries stopped firing.
Major Gordon DSO 16th London Battery assumed command of the Right Group.
War Diaries
- Airfield at York Racecourse bombed On 2 May 1916 Zeppelin airships raided York, bombing the airfield at York racecourse. As a result the Aerodrome was closed and A Flight, 33 Squadron moved thier BE 2c and BE 2d aircraft to RFC Bramham Moor to join B & C Flights, flying from there in the air defence of Leeds, Sheffield and York.
- Canaries
- Recreation and drill
- Arests Made
- On Stand by
- Training and Route March
- In Billets
- Training
- Order received
- Working Parties
- Shelling
- Sport
- Thunder
- 36th Div Artillery Retaliate
- Working Parties
- Reliefs
- Working Parties
- Camp Struck
- Aircraft damaged
- Reliefs
- Reorganisation
- Retaliation
- Evening working party
- HQ Moves
- Reliefs
- Mine Exploded
- False Gas Alarm
- Route March
- Bread ration is very short
- Rejoined from Field Troop, R.E. 6 O.R.
- Reliefs
- On the Move
- Brigadier inspected billets.
- Orders
- Inspection
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
This section is under construction.
Want to know more about 2nd of May 1916? There are:38 items tagged 2nd of May 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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