The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
3rd August 1918On this day:
- 9th Rifle Brigade disband 9th Battalion Rifle Brigade Cadre is disbanded at Desvres on 3 August 1918.
- Daily Activity 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse) the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Training was carried out in forenoon by those Companies who were not working during night and by the whole Battalion in the afternoon from 1300 to 1500. Companies arranged their own programmes of work. At night the usual work party took place.
War Diaries
- Australian Troop Transports

HMAT A69 Warilda The HMAT A69 Warilda weighed 7,713 tons with an average cruise speed of 16 knots or 29.63 kmph. It was owned by the Adelaide SS Co Ltd, Adelaide, and manned by Australian officers and mainly by Australian crews. The Warilda was torpedoed and sunk by a submarine in the English Channel on the 3rd August 1918. she also served as a Hospital Ship during WW1.
- Hospital Ship or Ambulance Transport Service during WW1.
- Medical Staff strength.
- Officers:10
- Nurses:15
- Other:63
- Accommodation capacity.
- Officers:12
- Cots:346
- Berths:188
- Period of Service as Hospital Ship or Ambulance Transport.
- Date From:25th July 1916
- Date To:3rd August 1918
- Ships Crew details:
John Doran
- rest day and bathing
Relieved the 2 front Coy’s of the 12th NORFOLK Regiment the 2 rear Coy’s of the 23rd LANCS FUSILIERS, Disposition after completion of relief in the R2 Sub Sector, D Coy right front, C Coy left front, B Coy left support in the COBLEY COTTAGE Switch, A Coy right support in the Z line. On the left 12th NORFOLKS (to be relieved night 4/5th by 23rd R LANCS FUSILIERS) On right 13th YORK & LANCS. On right of Y&L 61st Div. Relief complete R2 Sub Sector 4.20am. During relief heavy shelling in forward area of new sector. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- On the Move
- Artillery Active
- Attachments
- Training
- Squadron disbanded
- Inspection
- Shelling
- 15 Planes Seen
- Training
- Training
- Capt. Rance rejoined
- Trench repairs continued.
- Orders Issued
- Working parties
- Quiet
- Training
- Records Cleaning
- Operational Orders No.43a
- Warning Order.
- Division relieved.
- Enemy Artillery quiet.
- A sucessful venture
- Orders to be ready to move.
- Quiet
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.
Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 3rd of August 1918? There are:29 items tagged 3rd of August 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 3rd of August 1918. Pte. Norman Abbott. 33rd Btn. Read their Story. Pte. Albert Buck. 2nd Btn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers Gnr. Frederick Jolley. 239th Siege Bty Royal Garrison Artillery Read their Story. Gnr. James Edwin Kirk. 327th Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery Pte. Kay Charles Bertrand Mather. Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry Pte. Thomas Murphy. 2nd Btn. Leinster Regiment Capt. Henry Clifford Stroud. 61 Squadron Read their Story.
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