The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
3rd September 1914On this day:
- 10th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment raised 10th (Service) Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment is raised at York on the 3rd of September 1914 as part of Kitchener's Second New Army, they join 50th Brigade, 17th (Northern) Division.
- SM U-32 was a Type U 31 uboat built as the Shipyard Germaniawerft, Kiel (Werk 192). She was ordered 29 Mar 1912, laid down 8 Nov 1912. launched 28 Jan 1914 and was commissioned on 3rd of Sep 1914.
Her Commanders were:
3 Sep 1914 to 17 Mar 1916 Freiherr Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim,
18 Mar 1916 to 15 Feb 1918 Kurt Hartwig and
16 Feb 1918 to 8 May 1918, Kurt Albrecht.
She undertook 11 patrols sailing with IV Flotilla until 8th of Nov 1916, the with Pola Flotilla until 8th of May 1918
Her successes include 37 ships sunk with a total of 106,034 tons,
3 ships damaged with a total of 18,554 tons,
1 ship taken as prize with a total of 1,115 tons and
1 warship sunk with a total of 14,000 tons.
- 8 Apr 1915 Chateaubriand 2,247 fr
- 11 Apr 1915 Wayfarer (damaged) 9,599 br
- 22 Jun 1915 Kiew (prize) 1,115 da
- 4 Mar 1916 Teutonian 4,824 br
- 5 Mar 1916 Rothesay 2,007 br
- 6 Mar 1916 Trois Freres 106 fr
- 7 Mar 1916 Ville Du Havre 3,109 fr
- 18 Oct 1916 Athene 1,847 nw
- 30 Oct 1916 Marquis Bacquehem 4,396 br
- 30 Oct 1916 Vertunno 3,239 it
- 27 Nov 1916 City Of Birmingham 7,498 br
- 27 Nov 1916 Karnak 6,816 fr
- 30 Nov 1916 S. Antonio 611 it
- 1 Dec 1916 Cuore Di Gesu 199 it
- 1 Dec 1916 Lampo 59 it
- 2 Dec 1916 Angela Madre G. 155 it
- 3 Dec 1916 Lucellum (damaged) 5,184 br
- 6 Dec 1916 Campania 4,297 it
- 8 Dec 1916 Carmelina Dominici 94 it
- 12 Dec 1916 Saint Ursula 5,011 br
- 7 Jan 1917 Rosalia L. 7,186 it
- 9 Jan 1917 Cornwallis 14,000 br
- 10 Apr 1917 Porto Di Rodi 2,480 it
- 12 Apr 1917 Kildale 3,830 br
- 17 Apr 1917 Costante 3,479 it
- 18 Apr 1917 Rinaldo 4,321 br
- 21 Apr 1917 Giosue 140 it
- 12 May 1917 Locksley Hall 3,635 br
- 24 May 1917 Biarritz 2,758 fr
- 16 Jul 1917 Khephren 2,774 br
- 16 Jul 1917 Porto Di Adalia 4,073 it
- 17 Jul 1917 Virent (damaged) 3,771 br
- 19 Jul 1917 Varvara 1,316 gr
- 20 Sep 1917 Kurdistan 3,720 br
- 22 Sep 1917 Caroline 107 fr
- 24 Sep 1917 Iriston 3,221 br
- 29 Sep 1917 Sanwen 3,689 br
- 4 Oct 1917 Constantinos Embiricos 2,611 gr
- 4 Oct 1917 Nicolaos Roussos 2,421 gr
- 10 Oct 1917 Transporteur 1,812 fr
- 21 Apr 1918 Bellview 3,567 br
- 1 May 1918 Era 2,379 au
On the 8th of May 1918 U32 was Shelled then depth charged by HMS Wallflower NW Malta at 3607N 1328E with 41 dead (all hands lost).
There was another U 32 in World War Two.
That boat was launched from its shipyard on 25 Feb 1937 and commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 15 Apr 1937.
John Doran
- Further withdrawals Still with 3rd Brigade, E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA started at 0400 and returned through Meaux to Barcy, then fell back to Montebise Chateau where unit went into bivouac at 1900. Always in action but nothing to shoot at.
War Diaries
- Continued withdrawals
- Continued withdrawals
- Accidental Injury
- Rear Guard
- On the March
- Advance Guard
- Continued withdrawals
- On the March
- On the March
- Inspection
- Defeats
- On the March
- On the Move
- Retirement
- Across the Marne
- On the March
- Retire to Mont Pichet
- On the March
- On the March
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.
Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 3rd of September 1914? There are:22 items tagged 3rd of September 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 3rd of September 1914.As yet no names have been submitted for inclusion on this list
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