The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
4th July 1916On this day:
- In Reserve
- All Quiet 236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery report from
Aix-Noulette the enemy was active in the Angres Setor this morning with trench mortars, otherwise all quiet.
War Diaries
- SM U-50
Type U 43
Shipyard Kaiserliche Werft, Danzig (Werk 28)
Ordered 4 Aug 1914
Launched 31 Dec 1915
Commissioned 4 Jul 1916
4 Jul 1916 - 31 Aug 1917 Gerhard Berger
Career 5 patrols.
30 Aug 1916 - 31 Aug 1917 III Flotilla
Successes 27 ships sunk with a total of 92,924 tons.
- 10 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger Bogota 4,577 br
- 11 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger Løkken 1,954 nw
- 11 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger Morazan 3,486 br
- 11 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger Sarah Radcliffe 3,333 br
- 12 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger San Giovanni 1,315 it
- 12 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger Stylinai Bebis 3,603 gr
- 12 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger Ioannis 3,828 gr
- 13 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger Lela 2,987 it
- 14 Nov 1916 U 50 Gerhard Berger Hatsuse 282 br
- 18 Feb 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Jean Pierre 449 fr
- 22 Feb 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Blenheim 1,144 nw
- 24 Feb 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Falcon 2,244 br
- 25 Feb 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Aries 3,071 br
- 25 Feb 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Huntsman 7,460 br
- 25 Feb 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Laconia 18,099 br
- 11 Apr 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Sarvsfos 1,462 nw
- 19 Apr 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Avocet 1,219 br
- 20 Apr 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Emma 2,520 br
- 21 Apr 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Diadem 4,307 br
- 23 Apr 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Dykland 4,291 br
- 23 Apr 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Oswald 5,185 br
- 25 Apr 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Swanmore 6,373 br
- 7 Jun 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Yuba 1,458 nw
- 11 Jun 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Sigrun 2,538 nw
- 16 Jun 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Carrie Hervey 111 br
- 21 Jun 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Ortona 5,524 br
- 26 Jun 1917 U 50 Gerhard Berger Vonin 104 da
Fate 31 Aug 1917 - Sunk probably from a mine off Terschelling on or after 31st August 1917. Casualties: 44 dead (all hands lost).
There was another U 50 in World War Two.
That boat was launched from its shipyard on 1 Nov 1939 and commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 12 Dec 1939.
John Doran
- Reliefs
- Battlefield clearing party to Fricourt
- Escort change passing Malta
- arched from Bienvillers and proceeded to Halloy
- Bombardment Continues
- Very Hot Day
- Under Fire 18th Durhams are in the Front Line .
Taken from Appendix 1 18th DLI Battle of Serre. 0200. Ration party from Bus and ---- ordered to remain in Monk as reinforcements in view of information above. 0400. Red rockets went up & LG & MG opened by a unit on our right. 0403.Hostile artillery open with Field Guns & MG chiefly barraging our front line & then lifting quickly to Monk, chiefly shrapnel some HE. 0410. 18th Btn DLI asked for retaliation on German trench between Warley and Delaunay. Brigade report Gas on 94th Brigade area on our left. 0423. Our guns open retaliation effectively. 0430. No signs of gas, hostile fire weakening. 0435. Front line reports all correct, two casualties, hostile guns practically ceased fire. 0508. All quiet. 0530. Stand down. N.B. Enemy before opening artillery fire put up red rockets, on sending up green rockets fire ceased. 0630. Lt Tait D Co found wounded in Old Monk & brought back. 1100. Brigade Instructions. 31 Div. to go into Corps reserve & move to Bernaville area joining II Corps & coming into GHQ reserve. 93rd Brigade to be relieved by 144th Brigade on night of 4-5th of July 1916 & move to Louvencourt and thence on 6th to Bernaville area. 2200. Relief of 18th Btn DLI by Worcesters. HQ moves 10.5pm to Louvencourt. 2200. 18th DLI relieved by Worcester Regt and moved to Louvencourt. 18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Reorganisation
- In Action
- Trench Raid
- Raid Planned
- Reliefs
- Resting
- In Action
- Rain
- Reliefs
- Heavy Rain
- An Inspection
- Trench Work
- Trench Work
- Reliefs
- Working Parties & Training
- Training
- Surrender
- Suffering
- Enemy Reinforcements
- On the March
- Orders to Move
- Reliefs
- Surrender
- Suffering
- Enemy Rushes Up Reinforcements
- Shelling
- Holding the Line
- Orders
- Reliefs
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Quiet
- Training
- On the Move
- On the Move
- On the March
- Explosion
- No Reports
- Transfer
- Bombardment
- Working Parties
- Inspection of feet and tube helmets
- On the March
- On the March
- Usual sniping.
- Battery Arrives in Allery
- In Billets
- Reliefs
- In Reserve
- Quiet
- Drills
- Wounded Arrive
- Training
- Reliefs
- Inspection
- Reliefs
- Artillery Cutting Wire
- Raid
- Conference of C.O.s at Brigade H.Q.
- HQ Moves
- HQ Moves
- In Billets
- Marching
- Resting.
- On the March
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 4th of July 1916? There are:79 items tagged 4th of July 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 4th of July 1916. Pte. Albert Walter Bath. 4th Btn. Somerset Light Infantry Pte. George Bond. 15th Btn. Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. 2nd Lieut Lewis John Dalgliesh Butt. 16th (Service) Bn. The Rifle Brigade Read their Story. Pte. Fred Cummings. 6th Btn. South Lancashire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. William Easton. 8th/10th Btn. Gordon Highlanders Read their Story. Spr. Richard Finighan. 128th Field Coy. Royal Engineers Read their Story. L/Sgt James Foster. 13th Btn. Royal Scots Cpl. William Gething. 4th Btn. West Riding Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Ralph Glasgow. 10th Bn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Lt. Arthur Blackwood Gowan. 1st/3rd Durham Field Company Royal Engineers Read their Story. Pte. John Lawrenson. 11th Btn. East Lancashire Regiment Rflmn. G. Lee. 5th Btn. King's (Liverpool Regiment) Read their Story. L/Cpl. Robert McChesney. Tyneside Scottish Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. L/Cpl. Robert McChesney. 22nd (Tyneside Scottish) Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. David McDowell. 27th (Tyneside Irish) Bn., Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Patrick McManus. Royal Munster Fusiliers Sgt. William James Denton Milson. DCM. 2nd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. George Ernest Musgrove. 14th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. William George Parsons. 1st Btn. Hampshire Regiment Read their Story. Stoker Abdur Rahman. Read their Story. L/Cpl. William Smart. 11th Btn. Royal Scots Rifleman William James Summers. 17th Battalion Read their Story. Pte. Alfred Augustus Webb. 11th Battalion, D Company Cheshire Regiment
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