The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
4th November 1914On this day:
- Beds
- Pioneering work - trenches
16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles - Pioneering Work in the Trenches.
Trench Revetment or Revetting is basically the fitting out of the basic trench. The construction depends largely on the geology of the region and the type of ground encountered. Much depends on the surrounding water table levels.
Where water is encountered close to the surface trenches can only be dug to a shallow depth and protection is enabled by building up earthworks, sandbags or even concrete parapets above ground level. This was the problem in Flanders (The Low Country Regions).
In other areas trenches were mainly below ground level up to about 8 feet deep to allow men to walk about out of view from enemy snipers and artillery observers.
Communication trenches mainly required lining with sandbags, timber or concrete to protect against the back-blast from exploding shells.
Fire trenches were more complicated with fire steps needed to get men into firing positions in the event of an enemy attack or help get them out of the trench if they are attacking.
The back of the trench was lined to minimise damage from explosives.
In areas where water ingress was a problem upright timber inverted A-frames were used at intervals to lay duck-boarding leaving a void below the walkway to maintain relatively dry underfoot conditions for movement through the trenches.
(see diagram for cross-sections of revetment work.)
Doran Family
- 2nd Life Guards encounter sprint bullets The 2nd Life Guards War Diary for the 4th & 5th of November 1914 records:
The same procedure occurred on the 4th and 5th, the only point to be noticed were the casualties from ‘sprint’ bullets in the wood by day from the direction of Klein-Zillebeke and in the farm above by night from the direction of a point S W of Verbranden-Molen. 1 man wounded 3 horses killed 2 wounded
War Diary
- Further standby E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
With 3rd Cavalry Brigade at Lindenhoek.
In action all day near Lindenhoek but didn't fire. Guns of 5th Divisional Artillery in action and firing all day near battery so were not required.
Guns in action again at night. war diaries
- 3rd Dragoons march to Wittepoort Farm After bivouacking near the station at Cassell, the 3rd Dragoons marched at 10am on the 4th by way of Poperinghe and Ypres to Wittepoort Farm, which was reached about 8:00pm.
History of the 3rd (Prince of Wales) Dragoon Guards 1914-1918 by Captain H P Holt
- 1st East Lancs relieved
- Tyneside Irish at full strength Recruiting Offices for the Tyneside Irish were being opened all across districts of the North East.
When volunteers arrived at the office they were given a blue card signed by the recruiting officer to prove they had joined.
Headquarters of the Tyneside Irish Battalion was at 10 Osborne Villas, Jesmond.
Accomodation for the men of the 24th was Dunn's Buildings in Lower Friar Street, Newcastle and in The Town Hall, Newcastle. Later those in the Town Hall were moved to Raby Street School.
By 2nd of November over 900 men had been recruited and by the 4th the Battalion was at full strength. The average age of these men were in their thirties. The first Regimental Sergeant Major was RSM P O'Toole.
Drill practice was carried out on the Town Moore. They practiced for hours. At this time the men were still in civvies, looking like a ragamuffin bunch as most of recruits were from mining communities and the mines were virtualy at a standstill, miner's were only working a two to three day fortnight their boots and clothing were well worn and patched.
- Ready
- To Rest Camp
- Desperate Fighting
- Wire Entanglements
- Wire Entanglements
- Rifle Fire
- Little change in situation
- Shelling
- Canon Fire
- Reliefs
- In Reserve
- Orders
- Reliefs
- In Support
- Training
- Entrenching
- Equipment
- Inspection
- French Attack
- Training
- Counter attack probable.
- Intermittent shelling
- Trouble from German bombs and mines.
- On the Move
- On the Move
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 4th of November 1914? There are:32 items tagged 4th of November 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 4th of November 1914. Pte. William Bonner. 2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers L/Cpl. Thomas Brennan. 2nd Btn. Grenadier Guards Read their Story. Lt. Henry Richard Brookes. 101st Indian Grenadiers Read their Story. Pte. Frederick Charles Lockey. Berkshire Regiment Pte. Charles William Lucas. 1st Btn. Norfolk Regiment Eng Storekeeper. George Stutchbury. SS City of Marseilles Read their Story.
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