The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
5th February 1915On this day:
- 2nd Life Guards stand to 2nd Life Guards stood to at 6 am and off to end of trenches at 10 am getting back at 12 midday. Up to trenches at 3pm to see suggested alternative positions for machine guns, and these were made. Much more sniping and shelling and many aeroplanes, but no damage. 10 officers of the Brigade which will relieve 8th arrived, which is rather a tax, as we have no room and no food to spare. Message at 1am saying all communication with the Blues on our left is cut off. Can I [illegible] but Adjutant to find out and he got back at 4.30 am to say nothing had occurred. Alarm apparently caused by neglect on the part of signaller.
War Diary
- 1st Middlesex Regt medical posting at Armentières Lt Soltau posted to medical charge of 1/Middx Regt in relief of Lt Cohen who joined the Field Ambulance for duty.
War Diary 19th Field Ambulance RAMC
- In Support
- Reserve position E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
5th to 26th February - with 5th Cavalry Brigade in Reserve positions near Merville.
On the 5th February Lt. WHB Mirrleas joined from 5th Division.
On the 18th February Captain Walwyn left for duty with 5th Cavalry Brigade which had gone to the trenches at Ypres with the remainder of 2nd Cavalry Division supported by French Guns.
On the 25th February Captain Walwyn returned to battery, 2nd Division having finished their time in the trenches. war diaries
- Permission
- February 5th 1915 To The Committee of the County Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
There seems to be comparatively little new at Cocken at the moment; and therefore I do not propose to have a Committee meeting on Monday, as I cannot be there myself without inconvenience.
Colonel Bowes proposes to promote three men from the ranks to be officers in the Battalion; and to bring in one from the Durham O.T.C. I see no reason to interfere in the granting of these commissions, as at this stage the appointment of Officers concerns primarily the Officer Commanding, and the second in Command. In any case, these appear to be suitable appointments.
The new huts have again been delayed; but must be ready for occupation in a day or two.
The question of stoves for the cook house to be run by the battalion is
having attention. These can be obtained at short notice, as I ascertained when at the War Office on Wednesday the 3rd inst.
The supply of ashes is now coming in well, and considerable progress is being made with the roads.
Colonel Bowes reports to me that the Brigadier has visited the battalion since the last meeting, and has expressed his approval of the progress made; and he is prepared to relax, to some extent, his restrictions with regard to leave.
I presented a request at the War Office on Wednesday to be allowed to continue the formation of the second Depot Company uninterruptedly. General Sir Herbert Belfield told me that he could not give permission on account of the precedent which would be followed by other battalions. He suggested that there were some things that are better
done first and asked for afterwards, and therefore, the formation of the second Depot Company is being proceeded with; and I have applied in writing.
There is a certain amount of sickness, but none of a really serious nature.
- A Dead Man's Pay
- Working Party
- Reliefs
- Reorganisation
- Quiet
- Company Training
- Communication Issues
- Court of Inquiry
- Firing for Effect
- Baths
- Instruction
- Reorganisation
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 5th of February 1915? There are:19 items tagged 5th of February 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 5th of February 1915. Pte. Peter Frances Bartle. 3rd Battlion Coldstream Guards Read their Story. Pte. James Brown. 2nd Btn. A Coy. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. William John Brown. 2nd Btn. Kings Own Scottish Borderers William John Brown. 2nd Battalion Kings Own Scottish Borderers Pte James Burgess. 2nd Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. John Burns. 1st Btn. Royal Scots Read their Story. Pte. Charles Hindley. 2nd Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story.
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