The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
5th March 1916On this day:
- 3rd Monmouths in forward area On the 5th of March the 49th Division was relieved but the 3rd Monmouths remained to carry on their pioneer work in the forward area. They were split up to work on various engineering schemes throughout April and May. D Company began construction of new road from Forceville to Englebeimer, which become known as Monmouth Road which was completed on the 20th of June. By this time, tension was running high, as the opening for the Battle of the Somme had been set for the 1st of July.
- Church Parade and Sport A church parade was held by Batteries of 6th London Brigade RFA in the Girls School during the morning. A football match took place in afternoon between 16th London Battery RFA and Headquarters Staff 6th London Field Ammunition Battery. The 16th London Battery won 10-2.
War Diaries
- Zeppelin Raid
- Zeppelin Raids on Britain 5/6th March 1916.
Further raids were delayed by an extended period of poor weather and also by the withdrawal of the majority of Naval Zeppelins in an attempt to identify and resolve the recurrent mechanical failures. Three Zeppelins set off to bomb Rosyth, the Tyne and Tees shipyards on 5,6 March but were forced by high winds to divert to Hull, killing 18, injuring 52 and causing £25,005 damage.
L14 makes landfall north of Flamborough Head at 22:30 and after dropping six bombs near Beverley bombs Hull shortly after midnight. L11 crosses the coast near Withernsea at 21:45 and gets lost in heavy snowstorms until it finds clear weather over Hull which is bombed at 01:00. L13 crosses the Humber at 21:15 and finds flying blind through the snowstorms and strong causing navigational issues. It drops bombs southeasterly until 01:10. Most of the night’s casualties are in Hull where the continued absence of anti-aircraft guns causes bitter indignation.
Those who died in Hull were.
- Edward Cook, general labourer (shock)
- John Longstaff, 71, of Williams Place, Upper Union Street, retired locomotive driver (shock).
- Lottie Ingamells, 28, Martha Rebecca Ingamells, 35, and Ethel Mary Ingamells, 33, of The Avenue, Linnaeus Street.
- Edward Slip, 45, refreshment house keeper at Queen Street.
- Edward Ledner, 89, retired merchant seaman of Almshouse, Carr Lane.
- Frank Cattle, eight, and Robert Cattle, fish fryer of Little Humber Street.
- James William Collinson, 63, dock labourer, lace checker at John's, Regent Street.
- George Henry Youell, 40, Post Office Entry, High Street, dry dock labourer.
- Charlotte Naylor, 36, Ruby Naylor, eight, Annie Naylor, six, Edward Naylor, four, and Jeffrey Naylor, two, Collier Street.
- John Smith, 30, dock labourer, of Queen's Alley, Blackfriargate.
- James Pattison, 68, chimney sweep of Regent Street.
- Edward Cook, general labourer (shock)
John Doran
- 13th East Yorks enroute to France The 13th East Yorks sailing to France, passed Island of Pantellaria, an Italian convict settlement, at 2pm on March 5th.
grandfather's diary
- In Dock
- At the Docks At 11am, 18th Battalion DLI embarked on the H.T. Ivernia at Port Said.
18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- Into Support
- Zeppelins
- Relief
- Reliefs
- Training
- 173rd Bde take over
- Further Parties Return
- An Accident
- Open air church service
- RFC Dominant
- Shellfire
- Reliefs
- Training
- Very Wet
- Relief Completed
- Recce
- Rations
- Training
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Work in Camp
- Postings
- Musketry
- Moving Around
- "B" Coy. trenches were shelled in the morning.
- Working Parties 7th Buffs are engaged on making DaoursContay Railway. 600 men per day, leaving billets at 7.30 am and returning to St Gratienabout 5.30.pm
7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- Recce
- British Cavalry Corps Ceased to Exist
- Church Parade
- Divine Service
- In the Line
- Sleet
- Reliefs
- Bad weather with snow.
- Orders
- 13 O.R. of Divisional transport rejoined
- Church Parade
- Reported for duty
- 3rd Monmouths rejoin 49th Division The companies of the 3rd Monmouths were re-united as a battalion and ordered to rejoin the 49th Division. They marched back to Bouzincourt and reached their destination at 2 o'clock on the morning.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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