The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
5th May 1915On this day:
- Hard Fighting May 5th opened with a still more severe bombardment and the front line troops were reported as being in a very exhausted condition. Early in the morning C Company was called upon to reinforce the 2nd East Yorks on the south of the road. Captain Steel led half of C Company up to reinforce the front line. As they topped the ridge they were caught by German machine gun fire and suffered terrible casualties. Captain Steel was a doctor in civilian life and he set about attending the wounded as well as leading the advance. For this action he was awarded the Military Cross. One of the men in his company, Private AM Mitchell, wrote home:
"Words utterly fail me to say what a hero Captain O.W.D. Steel was during that fearful struggle. From every person I meet they tell me the same tale. Under heavy shell and maxim fire he went out and fetched in wounded, bandaging them and if he doesn't deserve the VC no man on earth ought to get it."
An hour later A company (under Captain R.A. Lewis) also tried to reinforce the front line and again suffered terrible casualties. Private I. Skidmore was awarded the DCM for attending to the casualties until he was so badly wounded himself that he could not carry on.
- 5th Connaughts march into Hackworth Park At noon the 5th Battalion Connaught Rangers marched into Hackworth Park to continue their training.
- Daily Battery Activity 6th London Brigade RFA 6th County of London Brigade RFA state that during the misty weather firing in the early morning was impossible. 15th London Battery did not fire therefore, but 16th London Battery fired twelve rounds at 0900 to register wire in front of J1. Range 3375 yards. Observation very difficult.
17th London Battery did not fire.
War Diaries
- The "Second Battle of Ypres". 1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium 1915. 1st Battalion at Vlammertinghe, Belgium
Battalion enjoyed a much needed rest.
Draft of 90 men arrived and 15 men rejoined from hospital.
- in billets
- Straton sunk by U9 British Merchant vessel Straton is sunk by submarine U-9.
- Further Action
- Gas on Hill 60
- Trench Work
- 13th Londons on the Move
- Digging Trenches
- Snipers Active
- Congratulations
- On the Move
- Wounded Arrive
- Wounded in Hospital
- HQ Report
- Northumbrians re-join Division
- 5th Corps Artillery
- Artillery Support
- In Billets
- Reorganisation
- Orders
- Training
- Training
16th (2nd Birkenhead) Battalion, Cheshire Regiment digging trenches during training at Neols in Cheshire, May 1915. © IWM (Q 53723)
- Heavy Shelling
- Reliefs
- Rifle Fire
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- Shelling
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Inspection
- In the Trenches
- On the Move
- Reliefs
- Relief Completed
- A Counter Attack
- In Reserve
- Further reports received.
- Reliefs
- Gas
- On the March
- Shelling
- Sick
- Digging in
- Into the Line
- Village Searched
- Orders
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 5th of May 1915? There are:50 items tagged 5th of May 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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