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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

6th December 1916

On this day:

  • Hostile Trench Mortars   236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery report Visibility was good and the morning was quiet. Hostile Trench Mortars opened moderate fire on Crab Crawl and Winnipeg Street at 1300. Scheme two fire successfully silenced them.

    War Diaries

  • 33rd Bn AIF in billets   In billets. Working parties supplied to AE raiding party (Capt. Douglas) billeted at Rue Barnard.

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary, La Chapelle-d'Armentières

  • 33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No. 127    33rd Battalion A.I.F.
    Routine order No.127
    Lt-Col LJ Morshead
    Armentières 6-12-16

    One NCO and six men of the Company Lewis Gun Section and Battalion Headquarters Lewis Gunners are report to Lt Chapman at B Cos. billets at 10 am 6-12-16.

    In future every Officer, N.C.O. or man told off to report at Battalion Headquarters for a school, or any duty, must be given orders in writing saying:-
    1. To whom he is to report.
    2. Where he has to report.
    3. When he has to report.
    4. The duty for which he has to report.
    All N.C.O's and men must be inspected by a Company Officer, or C.S.M., who must satisfy himself that the men has his instructions, that he is properly equipped, clean and shaven, and has his rations for the day with him. Men detailed as above must be punctual.

    BADGES 1241
    Men who lose their badges must at once be made to pay for them. The certainty that a man will have to pay for a lost badge is the only effective deterrent against carelessness in keeping badges. C.Q.M. Sergeants to be so instructed.

    The following is the result of Cadet School of Instruction, Kandaher Barracks, Tidworth from 23rd October to 16th November, 1916
    Cpl. ECP Thomas 90.1%
    Sgt. IG Dight 87.1%
    Sgt. HM Buntine 84.6%
    Lance Cpl. W Mclean 83.4%
    CQMS HS Mclean 83.1%

    The undermentioned man has been detailed to attend 48th Course at Second Army School of Sniping at Mont des Cats from 9th to 15th December, 1916.
    No. 973 Pte. WEA Phifer C Co.

    Mail will now be received for dispatch to Field Post Office. All letters are to be read and censored by an officer before being forwarded to Battalion Headquarters to be stamped. The officer censoring letters will sign his name at the bottom left hand corner of the envelope but will not state his rank.
    Lt. WJC Duncan has been appointed Battalion sensor.
    Battalion mail matter must be made up and handed into Battalion Headquarters by noon daily.

    The following extract from G.S. Circular 5A is to be read to all troops on parade.
    "Company Commanders will ensure that special and repeated instructions are given to those under your command with reference to the discussion of projected operations.
    It has recently come to notice that the operations with reference to offensive action against the enemy have been freely discussed by the troops in estaminets and elsewhere.
    It must be clearly pointed out that this action, whether inadvertent or wilful, troops jeopardise our chances of success and are likely to cause us heavy casualties.
    Recent instances have come to light where soldiers in estaminets in Steenwerck have discussed the emission of gas and a driver of the Royal Field Artillery stated in an estaminet at Nieppe that gas was to be released on a certain night now past. Exemplary punishments will be inflicted on any who wilfully or carelessly neglect to obey the provisions of this circular."

    The undermentioned NCOs have been detailed to attend a Lewis Gun class at Le Touquet assembling on 11th inst. Companies must arrange for men to hold themselves in readiness to report to Battalion Headquarters on Sunday 10th inst. and afterwards to Brigade Headquarters whence they will be transported by motorbus.

    No. 30. L/Cpl N Clifton
    No. 508. Cpl R White

    Care must be taken that parties detailed for work with 9th Field Company Engineers, are given their breakfast before leaving billets and that they carry their midday ration with them. Particular care must be taken that parties are punctual. Enquiries should be made beforehand to ensure that they can find their way to meeting place.

    Subaltern of the day: Lt. LCB Smith
    Next for duty: S/Lt. WT McKenzie
    Regimental Orderly Sgt: Sgt. SR Nelson
    Next for duty: Sgt. RN Genge
    Regimental Orderly Corporal: Cpl. LH Young
    Next for duty: Cpl. CSL Byrne

    When the Battalion is for duty - an inlying picquet of one company will be furnished, mounting at 5 pm and remaining on duty till 7 am the following morning. They must sleep with arms and equipment at their sides and be ready to turn out at any moment. This duty will be found by companies in rotation.

    (Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
    Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F.

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary

  •  Specialist training

  •  GOC Inspection

  •  New Group

  •    Fine & frosty. A Coy. 18th Durhams relieved B Coy. & D Coy. relieved C Coy. in the trenches, relief completed at 5.0pm.

    18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1

  •  At Rest Station

  •  Resignation

  •  Reliefs

  •  Training

  •  Effective Punishment

  •  Road Bombarded

  •  Trench Work

  •  Shelling

  •  Training

  •  Quiet

  •  Training


  •  A Quiet Time

  •  Musketry

  •  Training

  •  Route March

  •  In dug-outs at Thiepval

  •  Working Parties Dispersed

  •  Aircraft damaged

  •  Aircraft damaged

  •  Company drill

  •  0900 hours started Company training.

  •  Billets

  •  Baths

  •  Cleaning Up

  •  Posting

  •  Operation Orders

  •  March Table

  •  Bath's

  •  Parades & training for 7th Royal Scots.

  •  1). Conference of B.G.C's amd B.M's

  •   Drill Practice

  •  NCOs special instruction

Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?

If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.

Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

    This section is under construction.

    Want to know more about 6th of December 1916?

    There are:40 items tagged 6th of December 1916 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 6th of December 1916.

  • Sgt John Bench. 4th Btn Royal Fusiliers
  • Pte. Edgar Shearman. 1st Btn. Norfolk Regiment Read their Story.

    Add a name to this list.

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