The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
6th June 1916On this day:
- Concert
The recreation room of Southmead Hospital was packed on Wednesday, when a splendid concert, arranged by the Inquiry Bureau was given by the following: - Miss Elsie White (soprano), Miss Alice Muir (contralto), Mrs Ooslers (costume songs), Mr Fred Biven (humorous songs) and Mr Lionel Saunders (banjo solos). So well did these ladies and gentlemen acquit themselves that shouts of "encore" followed each item, and everyone had to pay the penalty and "carry on". This, of course, meant hard work for the accompanist, Miss Dorothy Peake, to whom the great success of the evening was largely due. Mr Lionel Saunders was chairman. The party were conveyed in cars kindly lent by Mr Williamson and Mr Essery. Newspaper Clipping
- 50th AIF leave Egypt
- Inspections 236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery at
GOC. 47th Division inspected the Wagon Lines of B236 and C236 Batteries.
2nd Lt Burgis HQ Staff proceeded to England on seven days leave of absence.
Extract from London Gazette dated June 5th,
Birthday Honours.
- Lt Lucas 6th London Brigade RFA - Military Cross.
- RSM. Hood - Distingushed Conduct Medal.
- Cpl. Noel - Military Medal.
- Cpl. Williams A236 London Battery - Military Cross.
War Diaries
- Enemy Shaft
- 22nd Northumberlands in defence On 6th Jun 1916 22nd Northumberland Fusiliers were involved in the defence of Becourtwood HQ, St Becourt Chateau.
- Divisional scheme cancelled
- Working Parties Meanwhile those men of the 24th Northumberlands not involved in the raids were employed on Working Parties with as many as 600 men a day from each battalion employed in Albert, Dernacourt and Franvillers areas. Every sort of stores required for the coming offensive had to be manhandled to dumps in the forward areas rations, ammunition, barbed wire, grenades, sandbags etc., etc.
One Private recalled that, the best job of all was being attached to the tunnellers working on Y Sap and Lochnagar mines.
For the Durham miners it was regarded as a home from home since they had already spent most of their working lives down the mines and compared to working in the coalmines the work here was not too heavy.
- En Route to the Front
- Enemy Mines Explode
- Courts Martial
- Sandstorm
- Training
- Trench Raid
- Working Party
- Route March
- Training
- Practising an Attack
- Enemy quiet
- Quiet
- Aircraft
- Football
- Trench Motars
- Visit
- Enemy Active
- On the March
- A Very Quiet Day
- Training
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- On the March
- Transfer
- Baths
- Camouflet Blown
- Training
- Disembarked
- Gun Stuck
- Orders were received that the Battalion was to be ready to move at 3 hours notice.
- Heavy Shelling
- Account of the hostile demonstration on the night of the 4/5th June
- In Billets
- Little sniping at night.
- Trench Attack Practised
- Inter-Company relief
- Reconnaisance by B.G.C. & B.M.
- Artillery Active
- Reliefs
- In Trenches
- Casualties
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 6th of June 1916? There are:49 items tagged 6th of June 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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