The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
6th November 1914On this day:
- Pioneering work - screening

Pioneering - Screening Work 16th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles (Pioneers) - Screening Work.
As the title suggests the object of this work was to disrupt the enemy's line of vision if they occupied higher ground. This was very much the case in Flanders near Mount Kemmel and in preparation for the Battle of Messines Ridge.
From the Ridge the Germans had a commanding view of both Front and Rear Allied positions and it was essential to hide the meticulous build up for the Allied attack.
So all roads and important locations had to have screens installed on the enemy side to conceal troop and equipment movements.
Screens were made from light equipment, wooden poles and mainly hessian materials to a height sufficient to obscure the enemy's view of traffic on roads, movement in and out of buildings and movement of men and equipment in the assembly, communication and assault trenches. Doran Family
- 2/4th Berkshire Regiment raised. The 2/4th Berkshire Regiment is formed at Reading.
- 2nd Life Guards placed in Reserve. The 2nd Life Guards are placed in Reserve in the woods near the 4th Guards Brigade HQ. At about 3.30 pm the Brigade was urgently sent for and hurried towards Zillebeke to support the French on the right of the Guards Brigade who had been driven out of their trenches by a most determined attack.
The Regiment was dismounted under fire close to the above mentioned village and was ordered to establish itself on the Klein Zillebeke ridge keeping touch with the 1st Life Guards on the right who were to hold the line on the right of the Guards Brigade. Maj. the Hon. H. Dawnay ordered the ‘B’ squadron to advance across the open and take the high ground in front. [Illegible] the ‘D’ squadron was sent across the Zillebeke to Zwarteten road to [illegible] the right flank by moving parallel to the railway. C troop and machine guns were kept in reserve ready to support B squadron. This latter squadron succeeded in reaching the edge of the wood on the ridge after [illegible] fighting owing to the [illegible] bring in [illegible] of [illegible] horses. Almost at once the right flank of the Squadron B became exposed to an enfilade fire which caused Maj. Dawnay to order the squadron to fall back slowly by troops. This order was shortly afterwards countermanded owing to French reinforcements appearing. The squadron was then ordered to fix bayonets and charge the wood which the C troop was taken by the CO to fill the gap which had occurred in between the two squadrons. This troop attacked the village of Zwarteten using the bayonet with great effect and taking a certain number of prisoners. B Squadron meanwhile drove back the enemy several hundred yards and occupied a ditch 200 yards from their position. Owing to the trench infantry again falling back B Sqdn and the Blues were ordered by the Brigadier to move across the Zwarteten to Verbranden-Molen road and support the C troop which was occupying a single ridge South East of the hamlet. The fighting in this vicinity became very involved owing to the somewhat precipitate retreat of the French and in consequence severe casualties were incurred. Part of the ground gained including a portion of Zwarteten was lost. The situation which was becoming somewhat critical was restored by the action of 22nd Infantry Brigade which took over the trenches held by the Bde. During these operations D Squadron did not fall back but retained their ground till relieved by the 60th Rifles. The confusion that occurred at one period apart from the aforementioned reason may be attributed to the very severe casualties amongst the officers, 17 in the Bde, Lord Cavan commanding 4th Guards Brigade reported that the Brigade had behaved in a most gallant manner, and that its prompt and vigorous action had saved what threatened to be a most critical situation.
War Diary
- 2nd Rifles proceed to France 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigade land at Le Havre as part of 25th Brigade, 8th Division.
- Rest day E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
St. Jans Cappel.
In billets all day - a much needed rest. Captain the Honourable HR Scarleti joined instead of Captain Craven wounded and sent home. war diaries
- 3rd Dragoons under fire At dawn on the 6th November there were several outbursts of rifle fire and the position was shelled at 9:10am. There was no protecting wire, the country was open with some woods and a few farms dotted about here and there. The Germans were entrenched about 150 yards from their front. Between 9 and 10:00am and again from noon to 2:00pm, there were heavy bombardments with renewed rifle fire. Enemy attacks were expected, so the right of the line was strengthened by two troops of the 1st Royal Dragoons with two machine guns at about 4:00pm. When one gun crew was wiped out by a shell Private Sharkey carried on till another shell hit him, refusing to have his wounds attended as every man was wanted at his post.
History of the 3rd (Prince of Wales?s) Dragoon Guards 1914-1918? by Captain H P Holt
- Relieved for a Short Spell
- 13th Londons on the Move
- Entanglements
- Action
- Attacks on new line positions east of Ypres
- Reliefs Completed
- Concert
- Good Progress
- Snipers
- Artillery Active
- Patrol
- On the Move
- On the March
- Training
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Wire
- On the Move
- Around Ypres
- Training
- Preparations
- Quiet day
- Attack at dawn.
- Officer wounded.
- On the Move
- Delays
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 6th of November 1914? There are:32 items tagged 6th of November 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 6th of November 1914. Pte. William Brennock. 1st Btn. Irish Guards Read their Story. Act/Cpl. Herbert George "Snowy" Clevett. 2nd.Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment Stkr.1st Cl. B. Green. HMS Dwarf Read their Story. Sgt. Thomas Guiver. 3rd Dragoon Guards Capt. Edward Stafford-King Harman. 1st Btn. Irish Guards Read their Story. Cpl. Gilbert Edward Jones. 2nd Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment Cpl. Gilbert Edward Jones. 2nd Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment Pte. James Joseph Keegan. 3rd Dragoon Guards Read their Story. Pte. J. Lavery. 3rd Dragoon Guards(Prince of Wales Own) Pte. John Lavery. 3rd Dragoon Guards Read their Story. Pte. William Ernest "Sonny" Mills. 2nd Battalian Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. L/Cpl. Joseph Revely. 2nd Btn. Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Rfmn. Robert Robinson. 2nd Battalion Kings Royal Rifle Corps Read their Story. Rflmn. Thomas Smith. 2nd Battalion Kings Royal Rifle Corps Read their Story. Arthur Wainwright. 3rd Dragoon Guards(Prince of Wales Own)
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