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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

7th December 1914

On this day:

  • 2nd Life Guards move into billets at Staple   The 2nd Life Guards moved in the afternoon into billets in and about Staple, 3 miles west of Hondeghem.

    War Diary

  • Leicestershire Yeomanry moved billets to Oxelaere   Regiment ordered to parade for inspection by General Officer Commanding 7th Cavalry Brigade but Parade cancelled owing to wet weather.

    Regiment moved billets to Oxelaere. Regiment came on duty at 6pm as part of the general reserve with orders to 'stand to' until December 9th.

    War diary of Leicestershire Yeomanry, St Sylvestre and Oxelaere

  •  Snipers Active

  •    Minutes of Committee Meeting Cocken Hall December 7th 1914

    Present: - Colonel Bowes, and Col Burdon.

    The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as read. Colonel Bowes asked how the question of the equipment for the officers should be dealt with; and it was decided that as a sum of £10 had been very generously offered to pay for the equipment of each officer of the battalion who required it, the matter should be left there.

    Colonel Bowes asked whether it would be acceptable to the Committee that a commission should be offered to Sergt. Robinson, for which permission was given.

    A good many motor bicycles, etc. having been used for regimental purposes belonging to private individuals of the Battalion it was agreed that the cost of the petrol should be reimbursed to those to whom bicycles belonged.

    Colonel Bowes was instructed to purchase a Sam Browne belt for the Sergt. Major; it being very desirable that he should be dressed in conformity to the dress of the Commissioned Officers.

    Colonel Bowes was instructed to tell the Clerk of the Works to go into the question of the officers latrines, in order to do away as far as possible with the hiring at present going on.

    It was notified that the County Battalion would be entered in the Army List as the 18th Service Battalion.

    The band instruments had been ordered, second quality; which would leave a small sum for music etc. It was decided that practice for the band was to be in the spare time of the musicians; and there was no pay to be attached to the appointment.

    Satisfactory samples of upholstering, etc, for the huts have been received and selected, and the furnishing was being proceeded with.

    It was notified that the first 200 sets of equipment had been received. With regard to the huts, some slight alteration will have to be made at the miniature Rifle Range; and the lighting at the Target end will be provided for by 2 Acetylene Generators kindly lent by Messrs R.E. Hall & Co.

    The lighting of the bath house will have to be attended to; and it will be necessary to put glass in the upper part of the outside wall, as the opening at present is too much. The bath house was very nearly ready for occupation.

    Colonel Bowes was instructed to place the stoves in the Regimental Institute in the most convenient place. Instructions with regard to the painting of the wood work of the Regimental Institute had been given, and were satisfactory.

    The new latrines and ablution sheds had been taken into use, and appeared to be working satisfactorily; but the pipes will require protection from the frost.

    The Clerk of the Works had made arrangements for laying down cinder paths under contract with Mr Gradon.

    Colonel Burdon notified the result of his interviews at the war office on Friday last (the 4th inst) which included the appointment of the Medical Officer; and the permission to ask for another Company as soon as ever the first Depot Company had been formed; the War Office, of course, paying for everything outside the 1100 men of the present Battalion.

  •  Trenches Flooded

  •  Limited action due to bad weather

  •  Well Cared For

  •  Training

  •  In Billets

  •  In Billets

  •  Very Wet Day

  •  Drill

  •  Repairs

  •  Command Change

  •   Patrols Fired On

  •  Trenches

  •  In Billets

  •  Relief

  •  In Billets

  •  At Rest

  •  Working Parties

  •  Outposts

Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?

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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

    This section is under construction.

    Want to know more about 7th of December 1914?

    There are:22 items tagged 7th of December 1914 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 7th of December 1914.

  • Burgher J. C. van_Jaarsveld. Opperman's Commando Mounted Commandos Read their Story.
  • Pte. Ignatius Van_Rooyen. Christiana Commando Mounted Commandos Read their Story.

    Add a name to this list.

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