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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

7th October 1914

On this day:

  •  On the Move

  • Fierce Bombardment at Antwerp   Advancing German Forces bombard the City of Antwerp, the Belgian troops and a small number of their British allies, including the Royal Naval Division Collingwood Battalion, struggled to hold the city against the fierce shelling. The Belgian government which had relocated to the city when Brussels fell, was forced to retreat again, this time to Ostend.

  • British attack enemy possitions at Jabassi   In West Africa, British Forces commanded by Col E.H. Georges mount an attack on the enemy entrenchments at Jabassi, they sailed up the Wuri River with four field guns, landing three miles from the German positions, they advanced through the jungle and attacked the enemy. The British were driven back by machine gun fire but regrouped and attempted to flank the German forces but were forced to retreat back along the river to Duala.

  • 7th Division land at Zeebrugge   The 1st and 2nd Battalion Gordon Highlanders and the 2nd Scots Guards land at Zeebrugge as part of the 7th Division BEF.

  • German troops arrive in Ypres   German troops entered the city of Ypres via the Menin Gate and the Lille Gate, scouting parties were seen advancing to the north and west of the city. It is estimated that by that evening ten thousand troops had arrived in the city, the street and market square were packed with soldiers, horses, artillery pieces and field kitchens. The enemy took up billets in the Cloth Hall, the railway station, the schools, the barracks and homes in the city. The Mayor of Ypres advised his people to remain calm and stay indoors. The shops did a roaring trade, but were forced to accept payment in either German currency or coupons. Local bakers were ordered to prepare eight thousand bred rolls for the troops to be ready for following morning. Forage, horses, wagons were requisitioned, some paid for in coupons which would never be redeemed. There were reports of theft from homes and damage to the railway station.

  • 1st Grenadier Guards proceed overseas   1st Battalion Grenadier Guards land at Zebrugge, crossing from Southampton.

  • No 6 Squadron RFC arrive Bruges Areodrome   No 6 Squadron Royal Flying Corps arrive at Bruges Areodrome having flown from Dover.

  • 12th Field Coy RE at Vouty   12th Field Coy Royal Engineers, 6th Division, move their HQ from Nampteuil to Vouty.

  • 2nd Wiltshires proceed overseas   2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment land at Zebrugge with 21st Brigade, 7th Division, BEF with orders to advance to assist in the defence of Antwerp.

  • Blockships sunk in Burra Sound   The Admiralty sank the Steamship Dyle as a blockship in the Burra Sound. The SS Dyle had been built in 1879 by A. Leslie & Co in Newcastle as the SS Widdrington, being renamed in 1902 when she was sold to Hemelryck & Geurts of Antwerp. In 1914 she was in a British shipbreaking yard before being used as a blockship, the wreak remains in place today in about 14 metres of water.

  • Rumours of atrocities circulate   At a meeting of the Manchester Geographical Society, a Manchester Clergiman informed them "You will hear only one-hundredth part of the actual atrocities this war has produced. The civilized world could not stand the truth. There are, up and down England to-day, scores, I am under-stating the number, of Belgian girls who have had their hands cut off. That is nothing to what we could tell you."
     More info.

  • 13th KRRC move to Halton Park   13th Battalion KRRC moved to Halton Park Camp, Wendover Bucks on the 7th & 8th Oct in two halves and lived under canvas. The battalion was clothed in emergency blue uniform and was equipped with 400 DP rifles and 600 wooden ones, this was later upgraded to one khaki service dress per man and 1000 DP rifles.

  •  On the Move

  • 13th KRRC arrive Halton Park Camp   13th Battalion Kings Royal Rifle Corps arrived at Halton Park Camp, on the 7th & 8th Oct in two halves.

  • Further moves for 3rd Brigade RHA   E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA started out at 0800 and halted until 1400 near Mezieres as a reserve to French Troops but were not wanted and marched through Amiens to billets at Longpre about 1900.

    war diaries

  •  1st East Lancs on the march

  •  Night March

  •  Chased from Village to Village

  •  In Billets

  •  On the March

  •  Enemy Fire

  •  On the March

  •  Divisional detrainment near Abbeywell

  •  Frequent Shelling

  •  On the March

  •  On the Move

  •  On the Move

  •  On the Move

  •  In Billets

  •  Training

  •  Bridge Building

  •  A Train Ride

  •  Transport

  •  Arrived at Amiens

  •  On the March

  •  On the Move

  •  Crossed River Oise

  •  Squadron rushed to Belgium

  •  Antwerp shelled

  • Second assualt on Jabassi   In West Africa, British Forces commanded by Col E.H. Georges mount a second attack on the enemy entrenchments at Jabassi, as the Wuri River was once again high enough to sail the barges loaded with field guns. The British made landings on both sides of the river and were successful in capturing the position, forcing the Germans to retreat into the mountains of Kamerun. Ten European enemy were taken prisoner. In holding Jabassi the British are able to better protect their forces at Duala and Victoria from possible counter attack.

  •  Royal Horse Guards in Belgium

Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?

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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

    This section is under construction.

    Want to know more about 7th of October 1914?

    There are:41 items tagged 7th of October 1914 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 7th of October 1914.

  • Pte. Peter Brett. 2nd Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers Read their Story.
  • Lt. George Brooke. Special Reserves Irish Guards Read their Story.
  • Lt. George Brooke. 1st Btn. Irish Guards Read their Story.
  • Pte. Jan Ludwig Francois Joubert. 17th Mounted Rifles (Western Province Mounted Rifl Read their Story.
  • Able Sea. James Chandler Kilgour. Collingwood Battalion Royal Naval Division Read their Story.

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