The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
7th September 1915On this day:
- Personnel changes
- Ports Bombarded
- Drill
- Zeppelin raids on London Two Army Zeppelins successfully bombed London on the night of the 7th of September. SL 2 dropped bombs on the Isle of Dogs, Deptford, Greenwich and Woolwich, and LZ 74 was forced to drop weight on its approach and scattered 39 bombs over Cheshunt, before heading on to London and dropped devices on Bermondsey, Rotherhithe and New Cross,one lone incendiary bomb dropped onto a shop on Fenchurch Street in London. Eighteen people were killed and 28 injured, property damage totalled £9,616. Fog and mist prevented any aircraft taking off, but anti-aircraft guns fired at LZ 74 with no effect.
Although these raids had no significant military impact, the psychological effect was considerable.
The Zeppelins attacked between ten and eleven o’clock, when the streets were full of people. An American writer wrote "Traffic is at a standstill. A million quiet cries make a subdued roar. Seven million people of the biggest city in the world stand gazing into the sky from the darkened streets. Among the autumn stars floats a long, gaunt Zeppelin. It is dull yellow—the colour of the harvest moon. The long fingers of searchlights, reaching up from the roofs of the city, are touching all sides of the death messenger with their white tips. Great booming sounds shake the city. They are Zeppelin bombs—falling, killing, burning. Lesser noises—of shooting—are nearer at hand, the noise of aerial guns sending shrapnel into the sky. If the men up there think they are terrifying London, they are wrong. They are only making England white-hot mad."
The writer D.H. Lawrence described the raid in a letter to Lady Ottoline Morrell, "Then we saw the Zeppelin above us, just ahead, amid a gleaming of clouds: high up, like a bright golden finger, quite small (...) Then there was flashes near the ground — and the shaking noise. It was like Milton — then there was war in heaven. (...) I cannot get over it, that the moon is not Queen of the sky by night, and the stars the lesser lights. It seems the Zeppelin is in the zenith of the night, golden like a moon, having taken control of the sky; and the bursting shells are the lesser lights."
Eighteen people were killed in the raid, and 28 were wounded. Property damage totalled £9,616. The SL-2 suffered engine failure on the return trip home and had to crash land in Germany. Shortly after this raid Admiral Sir Percy Scott was placed in charge of the air defenses around London.
John Doran
- 65th Bde in Billets
- Improvised Rations
- Newspaper Exchange
- Aeroplane duels
- Under Fire
- Trench Work
- Reinforcements
- Reinforcements
- Inspection
- Communication
- Field Day
- Wet Weather
- Inspection
- More Units Join
- A Taxing March
- Working Parties
- Allotment
- Inspection
- Shelling
- Move
- Working Parties & Training
- Training
- Working Parties
- On the March
- In Billets
- Trench Work
- On the Move
- Holding the Line
- Aircraft damaged
- At Rest
- Reliefs
- On the March
- Gas Specialists
- Divisional Field Day
- Exercise
- No Incidents
- Quiet
- In Billets
- Training & Working Parties
- One man killed
- Digging at Vermelles
- Training
- Quiet
- Roads
- Observation Precautions
- On the March
- Training
- On the March
- Working Parties
- Relieved from Trench Duty
- Enemy Aircraft
- Relief Completed
- In Action
- New Area
- Coastal bombardment fails
- Circular Route March.
- Notes on Trench Warfare.
- Wet Day
- Inspection
- Orders
- 1st Royal Scots on the march 1st Battalion Royal Scots marched to billets near Vieux-Berquin.
23 men arrived from hospital.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
This section is under construction.
Want to know more about 7th of September 1915? There are:65 items tagged 7th of September 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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