The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
7th September 1916On this day:
- Special Shoots 236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery report a quiet day. The Batteries carried out a programme of special shoots.
C236 Battery began to dig new position near Bazentin Le Petit Wood.
The French attacked south of the Somme and took large part of Berny and the western half of Verman Dovillers.
War Diaries
- 20th DLI at Becorel
- SM U-59
Type U 57
Shipyard A.G. Weser, Bremen (Werk 214)
Ordered 6 Oct 1914
Laid down 13 Jul 1915
Launched 20 Jun 1916
Commissioned 7 Sep 1916
7 Sep 1916 - 14 May 1917 Freiherr Wilhelm von Fircks
Career 4 patrols.
20 Nov 1916 - 14 May 1917 II Flotilla
Successes 14 ships sunk with a total of 28,050 tons.
1 ship damaged with a total of 6,526 tons.
- 7 Dec 1916 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks August 341 sw
- 8 Dec 1916 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Harry 81 sw
- 13 Jan 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Solvang 2,970 nw
- 16 Jan 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Brenn 2,189 fr
- 19 Jan 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Gaea 1,002 nw
- 23 Jan 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Sardinia 1,500 nw
- 19 Mar 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Charlois 2,786 nl
- 20 Mar 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Gurre 2,866 da
- 21 Mar 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Najade 1,752 nw
- 31 Mar 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Valacia (damaged) 6,526 br
- 2 Apr 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Snespurven 1,409 nw
- 5 Apr 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Canadian 9,309 br
- 6 Apr 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Amiral L’hermite 156 fr
- 6 Apr 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Roland 135 fr
- 9 Apr 1917 U 59 Wilhelm von Fircks Fremad I 1,554 nw
Fate 14 May 1917 - Struck a German mine off Horns Reef at 55.33N 07.15E. 33 dead and 4 survivors. The wreck of U 59 was located in 2002.
There was another U 59 in World War Two.
That boat was launched from its shipyard on 12 Oct 1938 and commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 4 Mar 1939.
John Doran
- Reliefs
- Move to bivouac
- Casualties
- Reliefs Completed
- Baths
- Relief
- Route March
- In Billets
- On the March
- A Rearrangement
- Instruction
- Sports
- Reliefs Complete
- Attack
- At Rest
- Exercise
- Busy Artillery
- At Rest
- Artillery Active
- Working Parties
- Firing Practice
- Defence Work
- Enemy Aircraft
- Orders Received
- Diary
- Diary
- Diary
- Diary B.O.O.16
- Diary
- Diary B.O.O.16 App. 7.
- Reliefs
- Reorganisation
- Gas alert
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Line Consolidated
- Move of Camp
- Recconaissance
- March to New Billets
- Conference
- Inspections.
- Orders
- On the Move
- Training
- Training in Redoubts
- Weekly Distribution return to 52nd Division.
- An Inspection
- Bomber raids ordered
- Training.
- Training
- In Trenches
- Wind favourable for Enemy Gas Attack.
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.
Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 7th of September 1916? There are:62 items tagged 7th of September 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 7th of September 1916. Rfm. Dickson Adams. 11th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles Rfmn. Dickson Adams. 11th Btn. Royal Irish Rifles Read their Story. Spr. George Ambler. 1st/3rd (Durham) Field Coy. Royal Engineers Read their Story. Ordinary Telegraphist Edgar Audsley. Wireless Telegraph Station Scarborough Read their Story. Pte. John Brien. 9th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Niven Campbell. 6th Btn. Royal Highlanders Pte. Thomas Cockcroft. 2nd Btn. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Pte. Michael Craddock. 7th Btn. Royal Irish Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. George William Jackson. 2nd Btn. Royal Sussex Regiment Read their Story. L/Cpl. George Charles Johnson. 16th Btn. Rifle Brigade Read their Story. Capt. William Herbert Monson. MC. 8th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusilliers Read their Story. Pte. Patrick Mulvaney. 8th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers Read their Story. Gnr. Albert James O'Reilly. 52nd Battery, 15th Brigade Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. Samuel Southwick. 1/4th Battallion York and Lancaster Pte. Samuel Southwick. 1/4th Btn. York and Lancaster Rgt.
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