The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
December 1915On this day:
- 16th Northumberland Fusilers take over front line 18th division withdraw, leaving 16th Northumberlands in position in front line. During this period CSM Saville and L/Cpl R.W. Ellis of C Coy joined rescue sappers working in the tunnels.
records of the 16th (service) battalion northumberland fusiliers captain ch cooke mc, newcastle upon tyne 1923
- Lectures and Training Representatives from 6th County of London Brigade RFA attend a lecture given at 47th Divisional Ammunition Column Officer's Mess by Captain Carthew, Royal Flying Corps, on 'Cooperation between Artillery and Aircraft'.
A Course for Artificers was instituted at Rammert.
The lectures by RSM Hood on 'Military Correspondence, Indents etc.' were continued.
War Diaries
- 1st Battalion Royal Scots Belgium & France 1914 - 1915. Disembarked at Salonika.
(data taken from Soldiers who died in the Great War, CWGC, 1st Battalion Royal Scots war diaries and other Battalions diaries)
- under Instruction
- Military football match at St James' Park At St James' Park, Newcastle a football match is played between 133rd Heavy RGA XI and Northumberland Clearance Station RAMC XI.
- Reorganisation
- Return to Egypt 42nd Siege Battery RGA
The Battery returned to Alexandria on board the SS Varsova. extracts from memoirs
- Christmas Post "The Postmaster-General has issued a notice regarding the posting of Christmas mails for the British Expeditionary Forces in France and Flanders. To secure delivery on or before Christmas Day, it is stated letters must be posted not later than 17th December, and parcels not later than 13th December. Military exignencies render it necessary to limit the amount of parcel traffic for troops during the Christmas season, and the public are enjoined to limit the use of the parcel post to articles of real utility. Fruit, perishable articles of all descriptions, bottles, pudding basins, and the like are prohibited, and will not be accepted for transmission. The maximum weight for a single parcel will be reduced to 7 lb. as from 1st December. All parcels must be completely and fully addressed with the name and address of the sender on the outside and securely and strongly packed in covers of canvas, linen, or other strong material. Parcels not meeting these requirements are unlikely to reach their destination safely, and if observed in the course of the post will be returned to the sender."
Aberdeen Journal 8 December 1915
- Rush under Lord Derby Scheme The Nottingham Evening Post reported on the 8th of December 1915:
"It was well the local recruiting authorities made ample preparation for the rush of men who delayed coming forward for attestation under Lord Derby’s scheme until practically the last moment, and augmented their accommodation and staffs. Yesterday they came up in hundreds, and from early morn until late at night Captain McGuire and the members of his staff were working at high pressure to get the candidates through as expeditiously as possible.
The Stanford-street office was the scene of the greatest activity, but fair numbers also assembled at the various schools which have been opened for attestation only. It would greatly facilitate matters if the latter proceed as soon as possible to Stanford-street for their first day’s pay and armlet.
Those who are coming forward represent all classes of the community, and there is a big percentage of married men. In accordance with a suggestion from the Education Committee, a strong contingent of those engaged in the scholastic profession are enlisting under the group system, and the Corporation employees of military age are responding splendidly.
It is hardly necessary to remind "eligibles" who have not yet paid a visit to the recruiting office that only four days remain in which they can avail themselves of the opportunity to volunteer their services under Lord Derby’s scheme. After Saturday (11th December 1915) it will be too late.
"Large numbers of armlets are waiting for those men resident in the city who were attested before the distribution commenced, and these can be had at the Mechanics’ Institution on production of the white card issued on attestation."
Nottingham Evening Post 8th December 1915.
- Inspection and Leave
- 16th Manchesters under Training
- Temporary appointment
- Fatigues
- Frosty Nights
- Route March & Football
- Training
- In the Trenches
- On the March
- Reliefs
- Football
- Snipers
- Quiet
- Reliefs
- Attack
- Sailly-au-Bois
- Working Parties
- At Rest
- Training
- In Reserve
- Aircraft damaged
- Aircraft damaged
- Practice Attack
- Trench Work
- Drill
- Training
- Fatigues
- Germans Take POW
- Instruction
- On the March
- Lecture on aerial photography
- Horses Cast
- Reorganisation
- Instruction
- Enemy Snipers Active
- Slight shelling by the Enemy
- Artillery in Action
- Guns Damaged
- Drill
- Occasonal Sniping
- 2nd party arrived
- Mine Exploded
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about of December 1915? There are:52 items tagged of December 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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