The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
December 1914On this day:
- 2nd Life Guards Training at Staple From the 9th to the 12th of December 1914, the 2nd Life Guards are at Staple. The Regiment continued its training for further operations, including a Route March in Brigade on the 10th instant.
War Diary
- U11 sunk SM U-11 a Type U 9 uboat built at shipyard Kaiserliche Werft, Danzig (Werk 6) was mined off the Belgian coast on 9th December 1914 at position 51.20N, 02.52E. (all 26 hands lost). The vessel had been ordered 15 Jul 1908 was launched 2 Apr 1910 and commissioned 21 Sep 1910. She was commanded by Ferdinand von Suchodoletz and sailed with I Flotilla
John Doran
- U37 sunk SM U-37 a Type U 31 uboat built by Shipyard Germaniawerft, Kiel (Werk 197) was mined while homeward bound near the Sandettie Bank in the Straits of Dover area. All 32 hands were lost. The vessel had been ordered 12 Jun 1912, laid down 2 Jan 1913, launched 25 Aug 1914 and commissioned 9 Dec 1914. She was commanded by Erich Wilcke and sailed with II Flotilla. U37 recorded two
ships sunk, the Emma on the 31st of March 1915 and the Seven Seas the following day. On the 25 Mar 1915 U 37 also damaged the Delmira.
John Doran
- Leicestershire Yeomanry in full marching order Regiment paraded in full marching order. All men, horses and vehicles without exception, all wagons packed, for inspection by General Officer Commanding, 7th Cavalry Brigade.
War diary of Leicestershire Yeomanry, Oxelaere
- Rain incessant
- Social Dangers "The social problems which have suddenly arisen in the diocese of Southwell, as in other parts of the country, owing to the establishment of military camps, was the subject of a crowded meeting of citizens held at the Albert Hall. Nottingham this afternoon
(9th December 1914). The Bishop of Southwell presided, and addresses were given by Capt. Fitzgerald, who was Provost Marshal of the camp at Belton Park, Grantham, the Rev. H. J. Hoare, senior chaplain of the 11th Division at Belton Park: Mr. R. Yapp, the general secretary of the Y M.C.A.; Canon Field, and Captain Raynor.
The Chairman said that much had to be done if the new army was to be made strong in character as well as in arms. The citizens must share in that burden. The places in this diocese where camps were bring formed or men billeted included Nottingham, Derby, Buxton (3,000), Swanwick (1,000), Chesterfield. Newark, Chatsworth, Bawtry, and Mansfield, where there was to be a divisional of 16,000 men. We could not have these large bodies of men situated in perfectly new centres without considerable difficulty, and the citizens must assist as far as possible to create a clean army.
Captain Fitzgerald, who was responsible for the conduct of the troops at Belton, said that when they first went to Grantham there was an appalling amount of drunkenness, and much difficulty was experienced in dealing with it, as the military police were new, but the drunkenness had now considerably decreased. This was largely due to the fact that the troops had become more disciplined. A large number of very "bad hats" were enlisted in the hurry and scurry, but these had been dismissed, and a lot of amusements had been got up for the men in camp, to draw them away from the temptations of the towns. The publicans at Grantham, too, began to realise that it was not worth their while to serve men with too much drink and were now running their houses much better. At Grantham there was some difficulty at first about the arrangements for closing public-houses, but now they were forbidden to serve intoxicating liquors after eight o'clock in the evening. Further, no soldier was to be served before 1 p.m., or between two and four o'clock. At lot of drunkenness was still going on, but Grantham compared favourably with divisions in other parts of England.
Mr. Yapp gave a description of the immense work which the Y.M.C.A. is doing in the new camps. He especially appealed to citizens to sign the pledge for the duration of the war as an inducement to the soldiers to do the same."
Nottingham Evening Post of the 9th December 1914.
- Good Progress
- Snipers Active
- Trench Work
- Limited action due to bad weather
- Inspection
- Reliefs
- Sniping
- Inspection
- Drill
- Repairs
- Commissions
- Active Patrols
- Relief Completed
- Reliefs
- Quiet
- Quiet day in billets.
- Rest
- Mud
- Uniforms
- Inspection
- Unloading
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about of December 1914? There are:27 items tagged of December 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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