Timetable re O.O No.3
33rd Battalion A.I.F.
Lt.-Col. LJ Morshead
Armentières 9th December 1916
RELIEF 1. 33rd Battalion, A.I.F. will relieve 35th Battalion, AIF in RIGHT (1) Sub-Sector on 11th inst., starting at 7 am from Railway Crossing I.?.c.4.7. in accordance with relief
table attached.
(a) Battalion H.Q. and Co. Lewis Gun sections and Battalion Snipers will proceed to the trenches on 10th inst. starting at 12 noon from Railway Crossing and will take over from their opposite numbers during daylight.
(b) Transport Officer will arrange to take Lewis Gun magazines to Square Farm as early as possible on 10th. instant. Lewis Gun Officer will arrange to to take the magazines into the front line as early as possible after their arrival. Magazines belonging to 35th Battalion will not be removed until the 33rd Battalion have arrived at the gun position.
Lewis Gun section will carry gun and spare parts to the trenches.
(c) NCO in charge of snipers will arrange to take over from Sniping Officer 35th Battalion.
(d) Signalling Officer will arrange to take over from 35th Battalion signallers on 11th inst. at 8 am and Co. Signallers will march in with leading platoons and take over at once.
BLANKETS 3. 1 blanket per man will be taken into tho line. The remainder will be rolled in bundles of 10 and stacked ready for removal by Transport. Transport Officer will arrange to
collect these rolls from billets at 10 a.m. and return them to the QM store.
GUM BOOTS 4. Gum boots will be drawn from the Asylum as fotllows:-
Each Co: 170 pairs
Scout Officer: 24 pairs
Snipers Officer: 12 pairs
Bombing Platoon: 24 pairs
Lewis Gun Sector: 20 pairs
Total: 600 pairs
O.C. Cos. and sections will arrange to.draw these boots at such a time as to enable them to be at the starting point at the time ordered.
Snipers for this will be attached to the HQ Lewis Gun Section.
FORMATION 5. Cos. will move along communication trench by half platoons at 5 minutes intervals according to table attached.
MARCHING OUT 6. Firing and Support line units will not commence to march out until all reliefs are in the line ready to take over.
BILLETS 7. O.C. Cos. marching out of billets will forward the following to Battalion H.Q. on marching out:
(1) Certificate as to cleanliness, etc. of billets.
(2) Statement of breakages or damages, if any, occurring since occupation. Nil return if there are none.
(3) State showing the number of men who have occupied the billet stating unit to which they belong.
TAKING OVER 8. O.C. Cos. will detail an officer to report to their opposite numbers in 35th Battalion at 8 a.m. in order to take over trench stores as per 3rd. Div Trench orders, receipts therein mentioned to be handed over.
RATIONS 9. QM will arrange with Transport Officer to deliver Tuesdays rations at Square Farm on Monday night.
MESS GEAR 10. All officers mess gear will be at Battalion HQ ??? p.m. 11th inst. to be placed on the Officers Mess Cart. Any not at Battalion HQ at this time will not be taken in the cart.
33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary
33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.130 33rd BATTALION, A.I.F.
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead
Armentières, 9th December 1916
The following points must be carefully watched on return to trenches and steps should be taken to see that they are complied with:-
1. Loose ammunition must not be left lying about.
2. Saluting must be insisted on.
3. Men must be kept fully informed as to where their officers are to be found at all times.
4. Men must wear equipment and carry rifle when on detailed work.
5. Steps must be taken to prevent smoke from fires in front area as much as possible.
Arrangements have been made for rations to arrive at Fockaber Dump at 5 pm daily when the Battalion goes to trenches.
Companies and Headquarters units will make arrangements to have ration parties at the dump punctually at that hour.
The Divisional Commander has noticed that there are a large number of cases of accidental wounds, and the following orders have been drafted to prevent these in the future. The Officer Commanding the company, or similar unit in which a case of accidental wounding takes place, will be held personally responsible, and his name will be submitted to Divisional Headquarters for such action as the Divisional Commander may deem necessary.
There appears to be a lack of precaution and neglect of Divisional Standing Orders for War, Page 9.
All cases of accidental wounding will, in future, be remanded for trial by Courrt-Martial and the onus will rest with the individual concerned to prove that the wound was accidental, and not wilfully self-inflicted; for the latter, heavy sentences are invariably imposed.
Owing to the thorough training that the Division has had, it should be impossible for any rifle bullet wounds to be caused by accident, hence a conviction for an self-maiming will almost always follow.
All ranks will be specially warned not to meddle with rifle grenades, bombs, etc. These are to be handled by the personnel specially trained.
Men going to baths must be properly dressed and wear gas helmets.
Subaltern of the day: 2/Lt. CF Kirby
Next for duty: Lt. OR Cormack
Regimental Orderly Sgt: Sgt. TGE Rush
Next for duty: Sgt. FJ Burke
Regimental Orderly Cpl: Cpl. ETA Turnbull
Next for duty: Cpl. SJ Barrow
DUTY CO 1268
10-12-16 C Co.
11-12-16 D Co.
The following VOLUNTARY Church Parade will be held on 10th inst.
CHURCH OF ENGLAND 8 am Holy Communion, Soldier's Club, 44 Rue Nationale.
9 am Parade at the Ecole Professionale cinema.
9:30 am Holy Communion
6 pm Evening Service in École Professionale
ROMAN CATHOLIC: R.C. service will be held at 9 am at Convent at rear of Bombarded Church in Place de la Republique.
Men evacuated to Dressing Stations must be in possession of their respirators.
The undermentioned Officer, N.C.O. and men have been detailed to attend Signalling School at Zuytpeene commencing on 12th inst.
Course A. Linesmen - Cpl. CR Eaton
Course B. Visual - Pte. R O'Hara
Course C. Officers- Lt. CAK Cohen
Signalling Officer and O.C. C. Co. will release note and warn candidates to hold themselves in readiness.
The undermentioned have been selected to attend Lewis Gun classes at Le Touquet Assembling on 11th inst.
Cpl. R White
L/Cpl. M Clifton
C.Cs. A and B Cos to note and warn candidates.
All available bags will be returned to Quartermaster on 16th inst. and regularly thereafter, as they are required for the issue of chaff.
The following promotions and appointments have been approved and to date from 2?-12-16.
No. 559 Cpl. EA Turnbull to be Sgt vice Sgt. ES Earle
No. 532 L/Cpl. RC Roach to be Cpl to complete establishment
No. 1299 L/Cpl. WJ Tufrey to be Cpl to complete establishment
No. 547 Pte. HT Spencer to be L/Cpl to complete establishment
No. 426 Pte. G Goudern to be L/Cpl to complete establishment
No. 2112 Pte. J " H" McIlveen to be L/Cpl to complete establishment
Companies should prepare acquittance rolls for fortnightly pay up to and inclusive of Wednesday, 15th inst. Requisitions must reach Battalion Headquarters not later than 6 pm on Sunday 10th inst. or they will not be dealt with. Separate acquittance rolls must be used for men temporarily attached but belonging to Headquarters or other Companies (See paragraph 3 page 5 notes re Pay Duties). The amount of local currency and the English equivalent must be shown on Acquittance Roll and English equivalent only is to appear in Men's Pay Books. Conversion tables have already been issued to simplify this matter.
Pay for men detached for duty will be arranged for by Battalion Headquarters.
(Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F
33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary