The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
10th April 1918On this day:
- Defense 9th Btn. (North Irish Horse), Royal Irish Fusiliers travel by motor lorries to Kemmel and set up to man Kemmel defenses at Lindenhoek Corner.
War Diaries
- Company overrun In Ploegseert Wood, 2nd Lt Preston's company of the 8th Battalion Border Regiment are overrun by the enemy and taken as prisoners of war. 2nd Lt Preston had been killed by sniper fire in the morning whilst going amongst his men instructing them what to do in case of an attack.
- Confusion
- Orders to Move Orders were received by the 6th West Ridings at 12.15am to move off from Reninghelct in buses; the buses moved off about 3am. and we arrived at Le Creche at about 5am. We then proceeded to march to the vicinity of Le Veau (map reference B14a, Sheet 36) where the battalion halted and their packs were stacked. Tea was made for the men and the orders for the next moved were issued. Our transport proceeded by road from the Busseboom area to vicinity of Neuve Eglise (map reference T14b, sheet 18).
The battalion moved off a little after 9am by platoons at 100 yard intervals and took up an assembly position about L'Epinette cross roads (map reference B27b, sheet 36. 'A' and 'B' companies were to the south and 'C' and 'D' companies to the north. The 1/4th. D. of W. were on our right and the 1/7th. D. of W. were on our left. From 10.30am onwards, Erquinghem-Lys was heavily shelled. Orders were received at about 1pm. and the battalion moved across to the Nieppe defences, which consisted of a strong line well wired. Our left rested on Armentieres Road (map reference B16b, sheet Croix du Bac) after readjustement with 1/7th. Battalion. 'B' Company were on the right with the right part of the railway (map reference B28a)and 'D' Company was on the left with the left part on the Armentieres road. 'C' Company was at first in support but later was pushed in to assist 'B' Company. 'A' Company remained in reserve but sent one platoon to be in close support to 'B' and 'C' Companies. Our trenches filled up all day with stragglers from the 22nd. and 25th. Northumberland Fusiliers and the 15th. and 16th. Royal Scots. One complete company of the 23rd. N. F.'s crowded into the left of our line and came under our C. O.'s orders. A fairly quiet night passed with some shelling on Nieppe and Pont du Nieppe. Gas shells were prevalent. Casualties on this day for 6th Battalion West Riding Regt were 10964 Private H. Kilburn (Killed in Action), 19550 Private W. Marsden (Wounded), 24765 Lance Corporal H. Spink (Wounded), 267843 Private C. Sprigg (Wounded) and 267555 Private A Stocks. (Wounded accidentally)
- At Frevillers 18th DLi engaged in usual training. At 12.30pm they were warned to move to embussing point near Tinques to proceed to area of Lillers and Busnes. Busses did not stop here however but went on to Vieux Berquin.
18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
- On the Move
- Under Orders
- Enemy Attack
- Tending the Wounded
- Evacuation Continues
- In Action
- Messages
- Messages
- Under Attack
- Under Attack
- Hard Pushed
- Bombardment
- Gallant Fighting
- In Action
- Under Fire
- Under Shellfire
- In Action
- In Action
- Orders Issued
- Reinforcements
- Inspection
- In Action
- In the Line
- Under Attack
- Enemy Advance
- Withdrawal
- In Action
- In Action
- Moves
- In Action
- Attacks
- Reliefs
- On the Move
- In hospital
- Aircraft Lost
- Working Party and Training
- Inspections
- Attack Made
- Into Position
- Snipers
- Patrols
- Orders
- In Action
- Reliefs
- In Action
- Positions
- Move to Kemmel
- Enemy Attack
- Heavy Shelling
- A Withdrawal
- Defensive Flank
- Withdrawal
- Enemy Attacks
- Line Held
- Bridges
- Heavy Shelling
- On the move
- In Reserve
- Into Battle
- Orders
- Orders
- Correction
- Embarkation
- Company Training
- Training
- Relief Postponed
- An early start, marching at 0700 hours to Warluzel where the Battalion billeted.
- In Camp
- Training
- Posting
- Working Party of 400 men supplied.
- Practiced manning lifeboats
- On the March
- Parade under Company arrangements.
- 4th South Staffords withdraw to The Catacombes Taken form the 4th Battlion South Staffords diary: at Ploegstreet wood.
Enemy Attack opened at about 3.30am by heavy shelling of the back area with Gas shells. At 5:30am opened his barrage on the front and support lines, lasted about an hour, then lengthened to the reserve on about the line of grey farm. C. company in the front Line wiped out. Withdrew to Watchful Post owing to severity of shelling. Ordered to reoccupy position but was unable to do so. Battalion withdrew to the catacombs at 2pm. Ordered to reoccupy old positions and re-occupied at 5pm. Bosche attached at 7pm. Grey Farm garrision held, remainder of the battalion withdrew to hill 63 - position isolated - battalion withdrew to Neuve Eglise.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 10th of April 1918? There are:83 items tagged 10th of April 1918 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 10th of April 1918. Pte. Albert Ainsworth. 12th Btn. (Teesside Pioneers) Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards) Wireman 2nd Class Albert Frank Andrews. H.M.S. Magic. Read their Story. Petty Officer Stoker Edwin Walter Austin. Read their Story. Sgt. Maurice William Harry Baker. 1st Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery Read their Story. Pte. Rupert Beacham. 8th Btn. Gloucestershire Regiment Pte James Bowman. 1st Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers Pte. Edgar Ernest Brown. 5th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Able Sea. Robert Bernard Chessman. HMS Magic Read their Story. Qtr.Mstr.Sgt. Harry Vernon Cockbill. 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. William Cooper. MM 10th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment Rflmn. Samuel Cronin. 2nd Btn. Royal Irish Rifles Read their Story. Charles Frederick Dodd. 12th Btn Suffolk Regiment 2nd Lt. Trevor Edgar Ellis. MID 40th Btn. Machine Gun Corps Read their Story. Capt. Thomas Samuel Gayes. 11th Btn. Border Regiment Pte. John Gregory. 10th Btn. Worcestershire Regiment Read their Story. Pte Albert Edward Griffin. 22nd (3rd Tyneside Scottish) Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. William Henry Hall. 1/5th Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. William Hatton. 2nd Btn. South Lancashire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Owen Howden. 9th Btn. Norfolk Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Henry Hughes. 1/5th Btn. York and Lancaster Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Arthur Stephen Franklin Lovegrove. 8th Btn Seaforth Highlanders Read their Story. Pte. William Marchant. 29th Btn. Machine Gun Corps Read their Story. Pte. Johnson Newton. 1st/5th Btn. B Coy. King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) Read their Story. Pte. Job Peace. 8th Btn. North Staffordshire Regiment Read their Story. Sgt. Taylor Peirson. 12th Btn. Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story. Spr. Henry Peters. 130th Field Company Royal Engineers Read their Story. Pte. George Petticrew. 13th Btn. King's Liverpool Regiment Read their Story. 2nd Lt. William Carter "WC" Preston. 8th Battalion 8th Border Regiment Read their Story. 2nd Lt. William Carter "WC" Preston. 8th Btn. Border Regiment Read their Story. Pte. William Ridell. 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. John Ridley. 24th (Tyneside Irish) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Sjt. Robert Rymer. MM. 150th Coy Machine Gun Corps Read their Story. Pte. John Herbert Shaw. 15th Battalion att.105th T.M. Bty Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) Read their Story. Pte. Sidney William Skull. 1st/4th Btn. B Coy. Wiltshire Regt. Read their Story. Pte. Harry Stanley. 10th Btn. Royal Warwickshire Regiment Read their Story. Lt. Reginald Theobald. MC 11th Btn., C Coy. Suffolk Regiment Read their Story. Cpl. Walter Tomlinson. 11th Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Robert Tulip. 8th Battalion Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. Joe Walker. 11th Btn. Royal Scots (Lothian) Regiment OSig. Thomas Walsh. HMS Magic Read their Story.
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