The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
10th February 1917On this day:
- A Coy, 16th Northumberland Fusilers advance A Coy, 16th Btn Northumberland Fusilers arrive at start position and the advance commences.
- 2nd Yorkshire Light Infantry at Ten Tree Alley The 2nd Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry are at Ten Tree Alley.
- Battery Activity 236th London Brigade, Royal Field Artillery report
"The Field Marshall, Commander in Chief awarded the French decoration "Medale Militaire" to Corporal W. P Noel HQ Staff.
At 1400 D236 4.5 Howitzer Battery took part in one hours bombardment by all 47th and 41st Division Field Howitzers of the area opposite trenches of left Battalion of Right Brigade 47th Division.
A registration by aeroplane by D236 Battery was also attempted at 1530.
2/Lt T Ballantyne C236 Battery was evacuated to 2nd Casualty Clearing Station."
War Diaries
- SM U-93
Type U 93
Shipyard Germaniawerft, Kiel (Werk 257)
Ordered 15 Sep 1915
Laid down 12 Jan 1916
Launched 15 Dec 1916
Commissioned 10 Feb 1917
10 Feb 1917 - 30 Apr 1917 Freiherr Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim
30 Apr 1917 - 22 May 1917 Oblt. Wilhelm Ziegner
23 May 1917 - 15 Jan 1918 Helmut Gerlach
Career 5 patrols.
5 Apr 1917 - 15 Jan 1918 IV Flotilla
Successes 34 ships sunk with a total of 87,872 tons.
3 ships damaged with a total of 12,628 tons.
- 15 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Fram 105 da
- 18 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Troldfos 1,459 nw
- 18 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim West Lothian 1,887 nw
- 22 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Vestelv 1,729 nw
- 28 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Diana (damaged) 207 da
- 29 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Comedian 4,889 br
- 29 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Ikbal 5,434 br
- 30 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Ascaro 3,245 it
- 30 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Horsa 2,949 br
- 30 Apr 1917 U 93 Edgar von Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim Parthenon 2,934 gr
- 30 Apr 1917 U 93 Prize (damaged) 199 br
- 19 Jun 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Louise 645 nw
- 27 Jun 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Baron Ogilvy 4,570 br
- 4 Jul 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Kodan 308 da
- 12 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Bestum 3,520 nw
- 14 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Asti 5,300 it
- 20 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Elswick Lodge 3,558 br
- 21 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Volodia 5,689 br
- 23 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Carl F. Cressy 898 am
- 25 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Heatherside 2,767 br
- 25 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Ovar 1,650 pt
- 26 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Marmion 4,066 br
- 26 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Minas Queen 492 ca
- 29 Aug 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Treloske 3,071 br
- 18 Oct 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Macao 3,557 bz
- 27 Oct 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach D. N. Luckenbach 2,929 am
- 28 Oct 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Finland (damaged) 12,222 am
- 29 Oct 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach La Epoca 2,432 ur
- 30 Oct 1917 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Liff 2,521 nw
- 2 Jan 1918 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Veda 25 br
- 4 Jan 1918 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Goeland I 235 fr
- 6 Jan 1918 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Kanaris 3,793 gr
- 6 Jan 1918 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Harry Luckenbach 2,798 am
- 6 Jan 1918 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Henri Lecour 2,488 fr
- 6 Jan 1918 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Dagny 1,220 da
- 14 Jan 1918 U 93 Helmut Gerlach Babin Chevaye 2,174 fr
- 15 Jan 1918 U 93 Helmut Gerlach War Song 2,535 br
Fate 15 Jan 1918 - Missing after January 15, 1918. 43 dead (all hands lost). U 93 was assigned to operate along the French coast between the Channel Islands and Penmarch. The last contact with her was on January 5th, 1918 though sinkings show she active through at least the 15th.
Previously recorded fate.
Rammed by SS Braeneil off the Lizard in position 49.59N, 05.12W. U 93 could not have been at spot at the time of the ramming. Lost by unknown cause off Hardelot, France. The wreck in question is U 95.
There was another U 93 in World War Two.
That boat was launched from its shipyard on 8 Jun 1940 and commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 30 Jul 1940. John Doran
- Inspections
- Ongoing training
- Change of Group
- Under Shellfire
- Reliefs
- Training
- Daily Wire Cutting
- Snow Problem
- Patients
- On the March
- Working Parties
- Training
- Working Parties
- Snow
- Shelling
- In Action
- Training
- On the Move
- Work and Drill
- Successful Attack
- Marched to Petit Sains
- Periscope Smashed
- Battalion drill.
- Return
- Hard Ground
- Zeebrugge bombed
- Route March
- Training in Assault Formations
- Fatigues
- G.O.C. & B.G.C. inspected Defences at Seaview and Bushy Knoll.
- Rest Day
- On the Move
- Relieved 11th S.W.B's.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 10th of February 1917? There are:39 items tagged 10th of February 1917 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 10th of February 1917. Pte. Ellis Briggs. 2nd Btn. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Read their Story. Pte. Michael Byrne. 8th Btn. B Coy. Royal Dublin Fusiliers Read their Story. Dvr. Wilfred Gilbert Earnshaw. 29th Brigade, 30th Battery Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. Ralph William Fenwick. 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers ERA3. Charles William Donaldson Kaye. HMS Juno Read their Story. Sgt. Horatio Nelson Lomax. 11th Btn. Royal Fusiliers OS3 Patrick Maloney. HMS Vivid Read their Story. Pte. H. Perry. 10th Btn. Devonshire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. William Thomas Read. 1st Btn. Queen's Own Royal West Kent Rgt. Read their Story.
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