The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
11th November 1914On this day:
- Sappers help check enemy advance Sappers of the 5th Field Company, Royal Engineers were working on defences in Polygon Wood when a German advance threatened to break through, along with men of the Oxford Light Infantry, Highland Light Infantry and Blackwatch held back the advance during the Battle of Nonne Boschen. 7 DCMs were awarded to men of the 5th Field Coy, RE.
Holts Battlefield Guide
- 9th, 16th & 17th Batteries RFA in action 17th Battery, XL1 Brigade, RFA, 1st Corps, 2nd Div. are in action in the Battle of Nonnes Boschen (Nun's Wood) near Westhoek. When the final charge of the Prussian Guards regiments broke through the British trenches, only the guns of the 9th, 16th and 17th Batteries stood between the German advance and the City of Ypres. The line held, with the gunners aided by cooks, batmen, HQ office staff with rifles, succeeding in stopping the enemy's advance to the sea and the Channel Ports.
- Relief action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
With 1st Cavalry Division at La Hutte
Marched at 1430 to relieve 1st Cavalry Division and went into action about 1900 near P 63 - La Hutte - very wet night but no attack. war diaries
- Prussian Guards attempt a break through. Wednesday 11th November will be remembered as the day when, after terrific artillery fire, the 1st and 4th brigades of the Prussian Guard made an attempt to break through to Ypres. Fifteen battalions, specially brought from Arras, managed to penetrate our line at three points, getting into some woods behind it. In spite of their numbers and fine tradition, the attack failed, however, with great slaughter to the enemy. On that date the 3rd Dragoon Guards "stood to" at 5:30am and moved up to support Lord Cavan at Zillebeke, returning at 9 o’clock in the evening.
The following Army Order issued the next day to the 1st Division, 2nd Division, 3rd Division and 1st and 3rd cavalary Divisions is worthy of reproduction:
"G 983 12th November 1914. The Commander-in Chief has asked me to convey to the troops under my command his congratulations and thanks for the splendid resistance to the German attack yesterday. This attack was delivered by some fifteen fresh battalions of the German Guard Corps which had been specially brought up in which to carry out the task of which so many other corps had failed-viz, to crush the British and force a way through to Ypres. Since it’s arrival in this neighbourhood the 1st Corps, assisted by the 3rd Cavalry Division, 7th Division, and troops from the 2nd Corps, had met and defeated the 23rd, 26th and 27th German Reserve Corps, the 13th Active Corps, and finally, a strong force of the Guard Corps. It is doubtful whether the annals of the British Army contain any finer record than this.
Douglas Haig
(Lieut-General commanding the 1st Army Corps) History of the 3rd (Prince of Wales) Dragoon Guards 1914-1918 by Captain H P Holt
- 1st East Lancs under fire
- No1 Battery on the march
- In the Field
- A Desperate Stand
- Training
- Guns All Around
- Black Watch Corner
- In the Wood
- In Action
- In Action
- In Action
- Heavy Fighting
- Enemy Attack
- In Acton
- Attack
- Shelling
- Enemy Active
- Orders Recieved
- Reliefs
- Joining Up
- Attack
- Musketry
- On the March
- Move
- Under Fire
- Poor Weather
- In the Line
- Company Training
- Considerable shelling
- Searchlights, star shells and fireballs
- Blew up old trenches with success.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 11th of November 1914? There are:36 items tagged 11th of November 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 11th of November 1914. Lieut-Commander Atlay. H.M.S. Revenge Read their Story. Pte. Noah Barker. 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards Read their Story. Pte. Percy Chadwick. 2nd Btn. Duke of Wellingtons West Riding Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Herbert Cordwell. 2nd Btn. A Coy. Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regt.) Read their Story. Sgt George Frederick Culpin. 1st Btn Black Watch Pte. Charles Fuller. 1st Btn. Scots Guards Read their Story. Pte. Michael Joyce. 1st Battalion East Lancashire Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Jozua Johannes Jacobus Loots. Britstown Commando Mounted Commandos Read their Story. Pte. Murdoch Matheson. 1st Btn. Cameron Highlanders (Queen's Own) Pte. Frank Searle. 2nd Battalion Duke of Wellingtons West Riding Regiment Pte. James Whigham. 1st Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Read their Story. Pte. James Wilson. 4th Battalion The Royal Fusiliers Read their Story.
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