The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
12th October 1914On this day:
- On the Move
- 3rd Cavalry Brigade attack On the 12th of October 3rd Cavalry Brigade were ordered to dislodge the enemy from Mont de Cats which they had recently occupied. The 4th Hussars and 5th Lancers undertook a dismounted attack, assisted by the 16th Lancers and reclaimed the hill. Amongst the German casualties was Prince Maximillian von Hesse, nephew of the Kaiser.
Holts Battlefield Guide
- 2nd Black Watch arrive in France 2nd Battalion Black Watch land at Marseilles having sailed from India, and entrain to join the BEF.
- 2 Life Guards on the march 2 Life Guards marched at 8am through Iseghem to take up a line of observation south of that place. We billetted at Ouchene to defend, so they say, the 3rd Cav. Div Staff at Rumbeke. We were last in the column and so had a weary day, and were ordered to take up the line Moorslede exclusive, where the Royal Dragoons VI Brigade are, Vossemblen, Lenderlede with 3 Squadrons. More orders at 2 am to march at 5 am with 2 squadrons as advance guard and one as left flank guard.
War Diary
- Route March
- Equipment
- Action at Mont des Cats E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
Started at 0700 and marched to near Eecke where after halting for some time,
advanced to high ground west of Godewaersvelde and fired about 100 rounds to support dismounted cavalry attack on Mont Des Cats which was taken just before dark. Went into billets at a farm about 1 mile east of Eecke at 2000.
Prince Max of Hesse and 12 others found dead in a wood shelled (must have been killed by either us or D). war diaries
- Forward moves
- 1st East Lancs on the march
- 1st North Staffs clear Town
- 2nd Scots Guards on the March
- Minutes of Committee Meeting
Cocken Hall
October 12th 1914
Present: - Lord Durham; Lord Southampton; Col. Darwin; W. Cresswell Gray, Esq; Colonel Bowes; Captain F.T. Tristram; Captain Roberts; Col. R. Burdon.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Colonel Burdon reported that Mr Lowe had now joined, and that Dr Taylor proposed joining immediately.
The list of officers for commissions was produced and inspected.
Subscription list now amounted to £5715, including a donation from Mr J.E. Rogerson for £50.
Parade state was now 930, rank and file; and 22 officers. Accommodation as follows:
- Newton Hall, 230. West Rainton, 212. Cocken Hall, 510.
Col. Burdon also reported that recruiting had been stopped in consequence of some very undesirable men having been recruited from Stockton and Durham.
Authority was given to proceed with the Bath House as soon as possible.
Colonel Bowes stated that clothing for about 900 was now forthcoming; and asked for a cheque for £2000 on account for clothing.
Lord Southampton had made enquires with regard to obtaining a suitable Orderly Room Clerk, and the matter was left in his hands.
It was noted that no progress, except putting up the side posts, had been made with the shed over the kitchens; and Captain Tilly was requested to accelerate the erection of this.
It was decided to indent for sufficient rifles for the purpose of
drill for the whole battalion, together with buff waist belts and frogs, until the equipment could be procured.
Colonel Burdon was instructed to write a letter to the newspapers, drawing attention to the fact that it was open to anyone to subscribe to the County Battalion, if they so wished, as a record of the Battalion and of the names of the subscribers would be preserved.
- Interned in Holland
- On the Move
- In Action
- Under Attack
- Reliefs
- Cavalry cover for further Moves
- Shelling
- Transfer
- On the Move
- Into the Line
- Shelling
- Guard Duty
- On the March
- Training
- On the March
- On the Move
- At Rest
- Orders to Advance
- Training
- Contact
- Sounds of gun & rifle fire on either side.
- On the March
- Germans attacked and took Vermelles from the French
- Enemy Encountered
- RFC Moves
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 12th of October 1914? There are:37 items tagged 12th of October 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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