The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
15th March 1915On this day:
- Training
- Bombing
- 6th London Brigade RFA Depart for France 6th County of London Brigade RFA left Hemel Hempstead by sections, starting with the 16th Battery at 2045, (15th March 1915). They departed at intervals of about 2 hours and entrained on arrival at Berkhamstead. Each section, on reaching Southampton, embarked forthwith.
War Diaries
- Alert
- 19th Field Ambulance Move Received secret orders re move of 19th Field Ambulance to Erquinghem-Lys to take over the billets of 18th Field Ambulance and work line of 19th Infantry Brigade.
Lt. Gurney-Dixon reported his arrival for duty. Lt. Davidson, GS wounds, left hand and hip, transferred to Base this morning. War Diary 19th Field Ambulance RAMC, Armentières
- Reorganisation
- Tyneside Irish in training By March 1915 24th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers had 1737 men, they were now training in Alnwick, Northumberland. They marched proudly from Alnwick railway station through the town to the camp. Recruiting continued across the North East. By the end of spring there were enough volunteers to make four Battalions and a reserve Battalion. Nearly 70% of those were from mining communities in County Durham. Not all men were of Irish ancestry, Some men volunteered for the Tyneside Irish Battalions because their mates did or because it was the nearest recruitment office.
- Quiet day for 2nd Queens
- All quiet
- Platoon Training
- Defence Work
- Credit Due
- War Diary
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Training
- Standing by
- Inspection
- Move
- Hardships
- Musketry
- Reinforcements
- Move
- On the Move
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Preparations
- Heavy Shellfire
- Active Artillery
- Shelling
- Orders cancelled.
- In trenches.
- Poor Conditions
- Brigade Route March.
- On the March
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.
Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
This section is under construction.
Want to know more about 15th of March 1915? There are:37 items tagged 15th of March 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 15th of March 1915. Pte. John Best. 1st Btn. Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment Read their Story. Capt. Robert MacGregor Bowen-Colthurst. 1st Btn. Leinster Regiment Read their Story. Sgt. Thomas Kirk. 1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment Pte. Philip Messenger Marshall. 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) Read their Story. Pte. Anthony Sanderson. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Charles J. Smith. 2nd Btn. Royal Scots Fusiliers Read their Story. Sgt. Joseph Smith. 1st Battalion Leinster Regiment Read their Story. L/Cpl Timothy Terry. 1st Bn Royal Irish Regiment
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