The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
15th September 1915On this day:
- Personnel changes 6th County of London Brigade RFA's war diary records
Capt. Cooper reported at 47th Divisional Artillery at 0700 for the purpose of bringing up 2 guns from 16th London Battery. The order was cancelled and Capt. Cooper returned to Place a Bruay.
2/Lt J.C. Woollett returned from the Firing Line and became OC. 15th London Battery.
Capt. Cooper returned to 17th London Battery.
War Diaries
- 1st Battalion Royal Scots Belgium & France 1914 - 1915. 1st Battalion at Armentieres, France
1st Battalion Royal Scots marched to Fort Rompu and occupied hut shelters as on last occasion.
- 23rd Heavy Battery proceed to France 23rd Heavy Battery RGA arrive in France
- training
- SM U-6
Type U 5
Shipyard Germaniawerft, Kiel (Werk 148)
Ordered 8 Apr 1908
Laid down 24 Aug 1908
Launched 18 May 1910
Commissioned 12 Aug 1910
5 Aug 1914 - 28 Sep 1914 Oblt. Wilhelm-Friedrich Starke.
29 Sep 1914 - 4 Nov 1914 Oblt. Otto Steinbrinck.
5 Nov 1914 - 5 Jan 1915 Oblt. Reinhold Lepsius.
6 Jan 1915 - 21 Jan 1915 Oblt. Otto Steinbrinck.
22 Jan 1915 - 15 Sep 1915 Oblt. Reinhold Lepsius.
Career 4 patrols
1 Aug 1914 - 15 Sep 1915 I Flotilla
Successes 16 ships sunk with a total of 9,614 tons.
3 ships taken as prize with a total of 2,337 tons.
- 14 Apr 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Folke 1,352 Swedish
- 14 Apr 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Glencarse (Prize) 188 British
- 14 Apr 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Vestland 3,392 Danish
- 19 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Capella 422 Swedish
- 21 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Anvers (Prize) 862 Norway
- 21 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Madonna 455 Swedish
- 22 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Fortuna 203 Norway
- 25 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius G.P. Harbitz 673 Norway
- 25 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Harboe 388 Norway
- 25 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Sognedalen 644 Norway
- 26 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Elna 78 Danish
- 26 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Emma 687 Swedish
- 26 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Marie 173 Danish
- 26 Jul 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Neptunus 143 Danish
- 10 Sep 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Presto 206 Norway
- 11 Sep 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Wansbeck 462 Norway
- 11 Sep 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Randulf Hansen (Prize) 1,287 Norway
- 12 Sep 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Bien 120 Norway
- 13 Sep 1915 U 6 Reinhold Lepsius Norte 216 Norway
- 19 ships sunk (11,951 tons).
Fate 15 Sep 1915 - Torpedoed by HM Sub E16 off Stavanger 5910N 0509E. 24 dead and 5 survivors.
There was another U 6 in World War Two.
That boat was launched from its shipyard on 21 Aug 1935 and commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 7 Sep 1935.
John Doran
- Registering and in Action E Battery RHA have 4 guns in action near Le Quesnoy.
Registered to front from Canteleux to the canal. Fired 60 rounds in all. remaining section came into action at 1930. Remaining two guns of 71st Battery RFA withdrawn at 2030hrs. Battery was withdrawn and went into bivouac at Le Quesnoy at the Wagon Line.
war diaries
- Snipers & Artillery less Active
- Dugouts Destroyed
- Recomendations
- Officers Attached
- Training
- Infection Measures
- Training
- Orders
- Reliefs
- Reconnoitres and Plans
- Accidents
- Lectures
- Quiet
- Working Parties and Training
- Training
- Inspection
- In Billets
- Routine
- Instruction
- Trench Work
- New Positions
- In Reserve
- Reliefs
- In Support
- Drill and Working Parties
- Training
- Washing and Bathing
- Exercise
- 36th Division Instructed
- New Propellant
- Reinforcements
- G.O.C. 3rd Division Visits
- Reliefs
- Rejoining 6th Cavalry Brigade
- On the Move
- Quiet
- Defence Scheme
- Puits 14
- Trench Work
- New Orders Received
- Inspection
- Casualties
- In the Trenches
- Inadequate guides
- Orders
- In Action
- On the March
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.
Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
This section is under construction.
Want to know more about 15th of September 1915? There are:54 items tagged 15th of September 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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