Reference map. Sheet 36 N.W. 1/20,000.
Battalion headquarters, 16th December, 1916.
1. The 33rd Battalion will be relieved by 35th Battalion commencing at 8 am on 17th December, the 33rd Battalion will move into billets and become D Battalion.
Advance parties.
2. In accordance with Third Australian Divisional Trench Standing Orders, para 4, specialists will move into front line on 16th inst.
Billeting parties.
3. Billeting parties of one officer and one NCO per platoon will proceed to D Battalion billets on 16th inst. to arrange billets for their companies.
4. Four guides per Company (billeting party) will report to Lieut. WJC Duncan at Square Farm at 9 am to guide companies from trenches to billets.
Handing over.
5. Officers commanding Companies will hand over and obtain duplicate receipts for all trench stores, defence schemes, logbooks, aeroplane photos, maps, plans and other useful information, and forward these to Battalion headquarters immediately they have handed over. Code books are now a regimental issue and will not be handed over. RSM will obtain duplicate receipt for Battalion stores and hand it to Adjutant.
Tables of times and routes.
6. (1) In coming Battalion (35th Battalion AIF).
C (left flank) 7.37 am Fire Trench Port Egale Avenue
A (right flank) 7.51 am Fire Trench Lothian Avenue
C 8.5 am Support Trench Port Egale Avenue
A 8.10 am Support Trench Lothian Avenue
B (Left centre) 8.33 am Fire Trench Port Egale Avenue
D (Right centre) 8.47 am Fire Trench Lothian Avenue
B 9.1 am Support Trench Port Egale Avenue
D 9.45 am Support Trench Lothian Avenue
C 12.30 pm Subsidiary Trench Port Egale Avenue
A 12.44 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
C 12.52 pm Subsidiary Trench Port Egale Avenue
A 1.12pm Subsidary Trench Lothian Avenue
B 1.26 pm Subsidiary Trench Port Egale Avenue
D 1.40 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
B 1.54 pm Subsidiary Trench Port Egale Avenue
D 2.6 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
Bn Bombers 5.30 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
Bn Scouts 5.44 pm Subsidiary Trench Lothian Avenue
(2) 33rd Battalion, A.I.F. The platoons it firing line and support trenches will be ready to move outat 10:15 am and clear Railway Crossing at 1.2.c.4.7. near gum boots store by 12 noon. Platoons in subsidiary line will be moved out as soon as relieved.
(3) Company specialists. Company specialists, including Lewis gunners, bombers, stretcher bearers, sappers, salvage men, sanitary men and cooks will be relieved their respective companies.
(4) Headquarters Specialist. The relief of headquarters and attached specialists, i.e. Lewis gunners, bombers, scouts and snipers will commence on 16th inst. and be completed on 17th inst. They will remain in subsidiary line until they are completely relieved when they will move to billets, on 17th inst.
Method of relief
7 (1) All ranks will be at their alarm stations during the relief.
(2) One platoon of each relieving Company will be posted to the firing line, one to support line and 2 to Subsidiary line.
(3) No platoon will move out until the whole of the relieving platoon is actually in position. The men in the firing line being relieved will stand on the fire step and as soon as relieving units are in position they will change places, i.e. 35th Battalion will mount fire steps and 33rd Battalion the trench walks.
(4) Platoon commanders will report to their Company commanders when this is done, and orders will then be given to file out.
8. Every precaution must be taken against hostile observation both aerial and from ground level. Troops will move in parties not larger than sections at two minute intervals south-east of the Armentières-Nouvel Houplines railway line.
March to billets
9 (1) Platoons on relief will proceed as in sub-section 2, para 6, moving in parties not larger than sections at 2 minutes intervals, C. Co. Leading. D and B Co.s will proceed to billets on relief.
(2) Guides detailed in para 4 will meet outgoing parties at Chapelle Armentières Railway Crossing (I.1.d.45.90) and conduct them to billets in Armentières.
Distribution of details
10 Specialists and headquarters details will be attached as follows:
A Co. Bombing platoon and HQ Lewis gunners
B Co. Signallers,
C Co. Pioneers and sniping platoon, Scouts.
D Co. AMC (Australian Medical Corps) and band.
(11) Company commanders will remain in command of their sub-sections until their units are completely relieved on 17th inst.
Lewis guns
(12). Lewis guns and equipment will be placed in Square Farm by 3 pm. The transport officer will arrange to collect these at 5 pm on 17th inst.
(13) Trench kits, mess gear and all stores other than trench stores will be dumped at Square Farm by 3:30 pm. The transport officer will arrange to collect these at 5 pm on 17th inst. This officer will also see that officers kits are left at their billets and that Companies are informed of sites of water carts.
Gum Boots
(14) These must not be taken beyond the Gum Boot store at I.2.a. If handed over to incoming Battalion, receipt must be taken and this should also be obtained for boots returned to store. A Co. will detail a reliable NCO to check boots handed into store. He will report to Battalion HQ for instructions at 9 am on 17th inst.
(15) The Battalion police under Cpl Hewitt will guard all stores and Lewis guns in Square Farm and will assist in loading these on to transport after which they will report to Battalion HQ in Armentières.
17 (1) On completion of relief and before they leave front line Company commanders will wire "complied with" to Battalion headquarters.
(2) When their commands are settled in billets, Company commanders will so inform Battalion HQ in Armentières by runner.
(Signed) RC Jones S/Lieut.
Adjutant, 33rd Battalion A.I.F.
Copy No. 1 to 9th Inf.Brigade
2 - CO
3 - Second in command
4 - Adjutant
5 - A Co.
6 - B. Co.
7 - C. Co.
8 - D. Co.
9 - Lewis gun officer
10 - Signalling officer
11 - Scout Officer
12 - Sniping officer
13 - Bombing officer
14 - Billeting officer
15 - Regimental Medical Officer
16 - Transport officer
17 - Quarter Master
18 - 35th Battalion AIF
19 - Office in charge Light trench mortar battery
20 - Officer in charge night Machine Gun Co.
21 - File
22 - War Diary
33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary
33rd Battalion AIF Routine Order No.137 NOT TO BE TAKEN IN FRONT LINE TRENCHES
Lieutenant-Colonel LJ Morshead,
Chappelle d'Armentières, 16th December, 1916
Lieut-General Birdwood will visit Armentieres on Sunday 17th inst. and may visit Subsidiary Line. Platoons when relieved must be moved to billets as expeditiously as possible and all ranks are warned to be smart and orderly during the whole of relief operations. Special stress must be laid on saluting.
Company Commanders will prepare and submit to Battalion Headquarters by 10 am on 17th inst. a report on the amount of work done on the wire on their front during the present tour of duty, giving as much detail as possible.
Diet sheets must be kept in all cook houses and it is important that close attention should be given to these by Company Commanders and the Senior Major.
A salvage dump has been established at Square Farm near Fockaber's Dump. All salved articles should be placed there.
DUTY CO 1331
17-12-16 A. Co.
18-12-16 B. Co.
Captain of the week: Capt. CH Linklater
Subaltern of the day: 2/Lt. CF Kirby
Next for duty: Lt AG Farleigh
Regimental Orderly Sergeant: Sgt AE Walker
Next for duty: Sgt TW Rourke
Regimental Orderly Corporal: Cpl. GA Cawkwell
Next for duty: Cpl. G Richardson
On return to billets each Company will mount a guard consisting of 1 NCO and 3 men over Company Headquarters and duty Co. will mount similar guard over Battalion Headquarters. These guards will be changed daily at 5 pm.
A and B Co. will return one Primus stove to Battalion Headquarters by 8 am on 17th inst.
The following promotions have been approved:
No.715, L/Sgt. BWA Budden to be Sgt vice Carter (killed in action)
No. 769, Cpl.F Flick to be L/Sgt. vice Budden promoted
No. 2043, L/Cpl. W Casey to be Cpl. vice Flick promoted
No. 240, Pte.J Reid to be L/Cpl. vice Casey promoted
(Signed) RC Jones 2/Lt.
Adjutant. 33rd Battalion A.I.F
33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary
Ongoing training
Wet & dull. Enemy fairly quiet. Shell hit left front of 18th DLI Coy HQ, Capt. Phorson & 2Lt Busby killed, 2Lt Lean wounded. 2Lt Waggott took temporary command of Coy.18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1
On Leave
On the March
Cold and Raining
A Green Light
Misty and Quiet
Change of Billets
On the March
Firing Before Light
Working Parties
Motor Bus Transport to the trenches
Enemy Very Quiet
Aircraft damaged
Aircraft damaged
Aircraft damaged
Aircraft damaged
Aircraft damaged
Aircraft damaged
A March to Renty
Trenches East of the Bluff were bombarded
Enemy TMs Active
Comforts Fund
Parties working on improvements to camp.
Dump formed as ordered
Q.667 from 52nd Division
Clearing Trenches
Marched to Boyoval
New draft under R.S.M.
Ship Lost
A False Alarm At Hartlepool