The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
16th February 1916On this day:
- Another Quiet Day A quiet day and the 8th London Battery destroyed the tower of 11a German Observation Point. No more Germans were seen walking towards the new crater. During the night the 16th London Battery fired 25 rounds of shrapnel at saps in M.6.b and d with the 9th London Battery firing at saps in M.15.c and d.
One section of each Battery came to its own Wagon Line as its positions are being taken over by the 1st Division.
War Diaries
- Military football match at St James' Park At St James' Park, Newcastle a football match is played between 133rd Heavy RGA XI and 2nd Battery RFA XI.
133rd RGA team were: Archer, Clews, Wright, Horton, Greenhaugh, Hardman, Bradford, Sharp, Medden, Peake & Price.
2nd Battery were represented by Surtees, Horne, Hall, Proudfoot, Quinn, Hussey, Porter, Hickinbottom, Rhodes, Gardiner, Jones, McEwan, Barkley, Hopkinson & Johnson.
- Water Pumped out
- 7th Northumberlands into Reseve
- RNAS Raid
- Fifth Battle of the Isonzo The Fifth Battle of the Isonzo begins between Italy and Austro-Hungaria
- On the March
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- Move
- Lectures
- In Billets
- In Support
- Mine Crater
- Shelling
- In Support
- Reliefs
- Working Parties
- Collapsing Trenches
- Training
- Bad Weather
- Poor Conditions
- Course
- Poor Weather
- Orders Received
- Training
- Reliefs
- Football competition
- Reliefs 7th Buffs relieved 8th E Surrey Regiment in E 1. quiet day. M.Gs very active during night. Signed F Phillips Capt. Adj. 7th Buffs
7th Buffs war diary WO95/2049
- High Winds
- In billets. Cleaning clothes and equipment.
- A Gale
- Correspondence
- Construction Work
- Interior relief of Companies
- Reliefs
- Men entrained for Ballah.
- Quiet Day
- Move to Port Said.
- 11th Warwicks marched to Berles Au Bois
- elieved by 7th East Lancashire Regt.
- 7th Inniskillings entrain for Southampton On the 16th February 1916, shortly after 1pm the 7th Inniskillings got the train from Bordon station reaching Southampton Docks at 4.30pm and boarded the paddle steamer Mona Queen at 5.30pm.
- Transfer
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 16th of February 1916? There are:43 items tagged 16th of February 1916 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 16th of February 1916. Gnr. Thomas Forsyth. 1st/4th Durham Howitzer Battery Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. R Hopkinson. 1/5th Btn. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Pte. James Stephen. 1st/4th Btn. Gordon Highlanders Read their Story.
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