The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
17th April 1915On this day:
- Football
- Hill 60 Blown up On the 17th April the news came to the resting soldiers of the 3rd Monmouths, that Hill 60 had been blown up and captured by the 13th Brigade. Parties from the 1st and 3rd Monmouthshire Battalions had helped in this by virtue of their expertise in mining operations. A detachment of 40 men under Lieutenant Lancaster had been sent to join the new unit, the 171 st Tunnelling Company in February. As expert mineworkers, from the Valleys above Abergavenny, they had distinguished themselves and the Battalion was justly proud. But amongst the rejoicing they had to leave Ypres and return to the trenches. British guns were in action on both sides of the Zonnebeke Road and it was a relief for them all to turn off the cobbled road, go across country and reach Frezenberg before the Germans retaliated. The battalion relieved the 5th King's Own and finding things much as before they carried on with their every day routine. They would remain in the trenches for the next 17 days.
- Daily Battery Activity 6th London Brigade RFA 15th Battery, 6th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery registered on forward German trench near Railway. Range 3350 yards.
16th Battery opened fire - twelve rounds - on road junction about Chapelle St Roche (A.4.c.1.4).
16th Battery, at request of OC. 3rd Coldstream Guards fired twelve rounds on German second trench (A.9.c.7.7.). Range 4175 yards.
War Diaries
- 4th Yorks depart for France 4th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment depart from Newcastle at 9am bound for Folkestone and then France.
- 1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium April 1915. 1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium.
- Regimental Cross country
- A Little Hot
- Changes in personnel Lt. H F Mullan reported his arrival from 13 general Hospital, and posted to 'A' section.
Lt. Hampton taken over the duties of Transport Officer in addition to his other duties.
War diary RAMC 19th Field Ambulance, Erquinghem-Lys
- Reliefs
- Under Shellfire
- 13th Londons Inspected
- Trench Work
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Under Attack
- Trench Mortars
- On the Move
- Advance Party
- Trench Work
- Reliefs
- Reliefs
- Demonstration
- In the Trenches
- Training
- Attack Made
- Orders
- Reliefs
- Instruction
- On the March
- Extract from London Gazette
- Mines Exploded
- On the Move
- Traffic Control
- In Reserve
- Preparations for explosion of mines.
- Tremendous Gun and Rifle fire continued all night
- Shelling and Mines
- Fire
- 5th Division Attack
- Divisional lecture
- On the Move
- Lecture
- Route March
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 17th of April 1915? There are:43 items tagged 17th of April 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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