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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

18th August 1914

On this day:

  • 30th Brigade RFA proceed to France   30th Brigade RFA embarked at Southampton on the SS Coleen Bawn destined for the reception camp at Rouen.

  • 30th (Howitzer) Brigade RFA proceed to France.   30th (Howitzer) Brigade RFA consisting of Battery’s 128th, 129th and 130th Batteries left Bulford Camp and embarked from Southampton as part of 11 Corps, 3rd Division, BEF.

  • Queen's Bays depart Le Havre   The Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards) left cotton store near the railway, with Headquarters minus the Machine Gun section departing just after midnight with ‘C’ Squadron and MG section following at 3:30am. They gathered at point ‘S’ entraining place, where there was an hour's wait to entrain then a further three hours before departing. They enjoyed a breakfast of hard boiled eggs, jam and tea and had a good wash in buckets beside the train before leaving at 8:15am for the concentration area. They traveled via Rouen where they stopped to water and feed the horses, and the men had hot coffee made by the French soldiers. The train moved slowly with frequent stops where the locals handed over flowers and cigarettes. They traveled via Amiens and Busigny to Mauberge on the Belgian frontier.

  • A long day for 59 Field Company RE   59th Field Company Royal Engineers arrived at Havre France 7am, the whole company had disembarked by 4.30pm.

  • Training   The 1st Royal Fusiliers began Divisional Training at Cambridge with a route march and manoevres, which were hampered by the intense heat.

  • 48th Heavy Battery proceed to France   48th Heavy Battery RGA arrive in France

  • Inspections   2nd Battalion - Royal Irish Regiment

    Tuesday, August 18th, 1914 - Taisnieres

    Battalion route march of about 7 miles in the morning. Bathing parade and inspection of feet by Companies arrangements in the afternoon. Many men have sore and defective feet. We heard today with great regret of the death of General Grierson, our Army Corps Commander.

    war diaries

  •  Move

  •  First taste of French Siege Bread

  • Exciting Scenes   Tuesday 18th August: "Entrained Albershot at 5.30am, arrived Southampton and embarked on the "Welshman" . Southampton is packed with troops embarking on different ships. Some exciting scenes getting the horses aboard. There are about 500 horses on our boat." 1914 diary of James McFarlane, No.3 Field Ambulance 1st Division

  •  On the Move

  •  Massed Drums

  •  Training

  •  In Camp

  •  On the Move

  •  On the Move

  •  Imperial Service

  •  In Billets

  •  On the Move

  •  Route March

  •  In Billets

  •  Route March

  •  Concentration

  •  On the Move

  •  On the Move

  •  On the Move

  •  Aircraft Lost

  •  On the Move

  •  Orders Received

  •  On the Move

  •  Work in Camp

  •  15th Bde Arrives

  •  On the Move

  •  Movement

  •  Move

  •  New Unit

  •  Training

  •  On the Move

  •  Into Billets

Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?

If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.

Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

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    Want to know more about 18th of August 1914?

    There are:39 items tagged 18th of August 1914 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 18th of August 1914.

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