The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
19th April 1915On this day:
- New Positions
- HMS Acacia launched HMS Acacia was a fleet sweeping sloop of the Flower-class. She was built by Swan Hunter and launched on the 15th of April 1915.
- Daily Battery Activity 6th London Brigade RFA Today's entry by 6th County of London Brigade RFA in the
War Diary is very faint copy - almost unreadable:-
16th Bty ---- to --- (Range 3575 yards), and fired 2 rounds on the enemy at ---- ---- and to the left in the trenches of the enemy at the end of the communication trench in Cantileux. Range 4175 yards.
War Diaries
- Training
- Trenches handed over
- Transport and battleships at anchor The SS Marquette arrived at Mudros bay at 5.30pm. She joined SS Melville and SS Caledonia and other Transports and Battleships at anchor in Mudros Bay, Lemnos. The SS Manitou was attacked on approach to the harbour by the Turkish torpedo boat Demir Hissar. The attacker was driven off by British Destroyers and ran aground. 61 lives were lost on the Manitou when a rope broke as a boat was being lowered.
- Enemy Active
- Alarm Signal
- Encounter with the Enemy
- Minutes of Committee Meeting Cocken Hall
April 19th 1915
Present- Lord Durham, W.C. Gray, Colonel H. Bowes, Colonel R. Burdon, Major Tristram, and Capt. Lowe.
The parade state was handed in, showing 1393 of all ranks. Of these it was expected that 8 artificers would have to be returned to their employment.
It was agreed that a payment of £14 should be made to the electricians. Their services as members of the Battalion having been the means of effecting a large saving in the cost of installing electric light.
Recruiting expenses incurred by Captain Longden were ordered to be paid, amounting to £74-1-2.
The question of the cookhouse was considered. The medical officer having reported that in hot weather, at all events; it was unfit for its purpose, from a sanitary point of view; and it was determined to erect a cook house according to Government plans; and that application should be made to the War Office for permission to carry out this work.
Colonel Bowes reported that 8 new officers had been appointed to the Battalion by the war office, but had not yet arrived; also that the Battalion was now probably going to Blagdon, under canvas, early in May. There was considerable discussion as to the probable ultimate destination of the Battalion; and as to the Brigade to which it
might eventually be attached; but it was felt that no action could be taken at the moment until it was ascertained what the ideas of the General Officer Commanding, York, might be on the subject.
- On the Move
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Orders
- On the March
- On the Move
- Establishing HQs
- On the March
- Reliefs Complete
- Orders
- Shelling
- Holding the Line
- Move
- Consolidation
- On the Move
- Arrival
- Reliefs
- Into Billets
- Relief
- 19th to 20th of April
- Holding Hill 60
- Instruction
- Shelling near Ypres continued and was chiefly German
- Reorganisation
- Heavy Shelling
- Departure
- Advance party
- On the Move
- Training
- Instruction
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 19th of April 1915? There are:41 items tagged 19th of April 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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