The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
19th March 1915On this day:
- Life in the trenches Private James B. Bowes, of Wargrave, writing home, gives some picturesque details of life at the front. The following are extract from his letter, which appeared in the Newton and Earlestown Guardian on 19th March 1915 :-
"We do four days in the trenches, then come back for four days' rest. The firing line is about eight miles away. The other day we had our pay, and we are now spending it. I and two others go down to a small farm. French woman; eight children; husband a captain in the French army. There we have what we can get - cafe-au-lait, bread and butter, and eggs. As the eggs are 3d. each, there is, of course, more bread than eggs. Everything is very dear; penny chocolate is 2d. bread 8d. a loaf, butter 2s. per lb. At night we are able to get chips. Most of the houses and "pubs" or "estaminets" are wrecked, and so are the churches and farms, but the people are coming back to the places they left. Nearly every farmer here has two or three Belgian refugees employed. Dirty farms, very, compared with English. Sanitation is not considered here, anywhere. Good job it is winter and not summer. I have moved my little bed from the loft with the battered roof down to the cow-shed, and I am sleeping with a long row of cows about three yards from me. It is better, as there was no roof over my head before. The socks will be very welcome, as my feet are always wet. Although my boots are good, they get sodden. For the trenches we have rubber jack boots, so they are alright. The other night some of our chaps in getting to the trenches had to climb over an obstacle. One of them was holding up his hand in the dark to be pulled up by his mate, when he grasped what he found by the touch was the hand of a chap who had been covered up; - one who had "gone on". They are very plentiful, and you see different parts sticking out of the soil. The Germans, if you shoot one of them, will signal a "bull" with a spade and shortly afterwards will throw the body over. It acts as a sandbag, and helps stop bullets. I am longing for the time when we will be coming back. Tell O. to fill the pantry, but she needn't get any jam in, or biscuits, at any rate not "Army No.4" 4 in. by 4 in. by 3/4in. bullet proof. I am "in the pink", and could eat ten Germans - not to mention killing. Glad to hear Ernie is all right at Pembroke Dock. I expect he will be out here soon." Private No. 2155 James B. Bowes, 3rd. Monmouthshire Regiment
- Re-routing of Units
- 1st Battalion Royal Scots Belgium & France 1914 - 1915. 1st Battalion Royal Scots in Ypres, Belgium.
- Channge of Role
- Quiet
- On the March
- 2nd Queens in billets
- No Prospect of Leave
- Platoon Training
- Notice to Deploy The Warwickshire Brigade received the order from London on the 19th of March, giving them 3 days' notice of their transfer to the front. The men were issued with webbing and had to quickly learn how to use it. There was, still no sign of Lee Enfield rifles or Vickers machine guns to replace their out of date weaponry, Lee Metford rifles and the Maxims.
- Training and Sports
- Casualties
- Change of Routine
- Boxing
- Quiet
- Reliefs
- On the March
- At Rest
- On the March
- On the Move
- Training
- On the Move
- Patrols
- German shelled newly turned earth from Communications trench
- In Divisional Reserve.
- Very Cold
- On the Move
- Snow
- On the Move
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 19th of March 1915? There are:29 items tagged 19th of March 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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