The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
19th October 1914On this day:
- 2nd Life Guards on parol The War Diary Records: One squadron of 2 Life Guards went out early at 5 am to cover concentration of the Brigade. We did the Advance Guard and I used Ashton’s squadron. We marched towards Hooglede. Advance Guard Squadron took a wrong turn, so I sent out Belper’s and re-called Ashton’s. On arrival at the Hooglede, Staden, Roulers X-roads I was ordered to continue the advance. Lt Farquhar soon met a French Patrol with an officer who told him all was clear in front, but within 250 yards a hot fire was opened from the railway and railway level crossing. The Advanced Troop reinforced by the rest of the squadron returned the fire from a cottage enclosure to the left of the road, but it soon became evident that the enemy were a strong force of infantry and the squadron had to retire. In this retirement Captain F. Pemberton was killed. Lieutenant Anstruther tried to get him along but finally had to leave him in a ditch. In the meantime I held the village facing E with my other 2 squadrons and at 9am endeavoured to cover this retirement by rifle and maxim fire. The latter was most effective and the hostile infantry could be seen scattering. Very the soon the enemy brought up some guns and placed at first shot 2 shells on the precise spot which my 2 maxims had just left. Their fire set some houses burning and under cover of the smoke my Regiment withdrew to a line W of the village and south of the road we had come by, the 1st Life Guards continuing our line on the N side of the road. The Germans took time to find out our departure, but finally came into the village, at 12 pm where they were shelled by our K Battery. I was ordered to tell Ashton and his squadron to advance from farm dismounted cutting all wire, while I with my other two squadrons was to make a mounted attack on the village covered by our gun fire as long as possible. I was just starting to do this when a tremendous fire was opened from the village, and my advanced squadron which had got near enough to hear the former words of command, had to retire. My advance became impossible, and instead I took Belper’s squadron up to cover Ashton’s retirement. Belper was seriously injured by his horse falling and rolling on him. The squadron was lucky to get behind a small wood on the right of our line without casualty, but Ashton’s squadron suffered considerably. He and Lt Palmer were missing and we heard a week later were prisoners. Capt Lyon was wounded and several men, notably Corporal Black, who, though shot through the stomach, rode to the Ambulance as though unhurt. We remained under heavy shell fire near this wood until 3.30 pm, when by bringing up 2 or 3 horses at a time we were able to gallop out of fire towards Moorslede. We had held up a strong force, probably the flank guard of an Army Corps from 9 am till 3.30 pm, and I was glad to give the men General Byng’s message that they had done exceedingly well. The Brigade withdrew through Moorslede unmolested and billeted for the night in Zonnebeke. My Adjutant today was twice knocked over by shells, but mercifully unhurt.
War Diary
- 1st Dragoons suffer casualties in first advance 'A' Squadron 1st Royal Dragoons reported in their first advance the following casualties: Cpl. Harrison killed. Sgt. Lock wounded, Sgt. Measures, L.Cpl. Murkan, Ptes. Protts, Luck, Petherick, Wide and McCullum missing. Have received orders to move on Rolleghem-Cappelle.
War Diary -After-Action report, 19th Oct 1915. 3rd Cavalry Division; 1st Royal Dragoons
- Further Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
Started at 0545 and halted near Houthem until 0800. Advanced to near America and fired 300 rounds at concealed guns and trenhes north of Wervicq. Went into billets at Chateau about 1 mile east of Hollebecke at 1900. war diaries
- 1st East Lancs on the move
- Courts Martial
- First Fatality
- Village Held
- Patrols under Fire
- To Camp
- Police Duties
- Minutes of Committee Meeting Cocken Hall Oct 19th 1914
Present: - Lord Southampton; W. Cresswell Gray; Colonel Darwin; Colonel Bowes; Captain Roberts; Colonel R. Burdon.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
The adjutant reported that the parade state was now 991, of all ranks, being 9 [ ] men, and [ ] officers.
Colonel Burdon reported that the list of officers had to be revised, so far as the dates of joining were concerned, in order to effect the necessary seniority in rank. The question of the return of 23 men to Stockton was considered; and it was decided that Captain Tristram should proceed to effect, if possible, the transfer of these men to other units, as they were not of the classes originally selected for representation in the County Battalion.
Colonel Burdon was instructed to proceed to York if this could not be effected, to obtain the sanction of the G.O.C in C to any suitable arrangement.
Lord Southampton said that as the man whom he had in view as a suitable Orderly Room Clerk would have had to be trained for 10 days at Borden it was simpler to have a man trained for the purpose at Cocken Hall, and the matter was left there.
The question of the separation of the Finance which had to be dealt with by the Committee, and the Finance which had to be dealt with by the C.O. was gone into; and Mr Gray suggested that Mr Fortune, of West Hartlepool, would probably be good enough to undertake the work, and would be most suitable for it. Colonel Burdon was instructed to meet him, and go into the matter with him.
It was noted that the shed over the kitchens had made some progress, but it was not yet finished.
It was decided to indent for miniature rifles; and a full supply of service rifles for the use of the battalion. A further supply of rifles for instruction purposes had been received.
Colonel Burdon mentioned that it might be necessary to pump water from the river for the purpose of water supply.
Fourteen huts, in various stages of completion, were now standing.
The Quarter Master was instructed to lay a cement floor (for which he was to borrow men from the Darlington Construction Company) for the purpose of a bin for refuse.
The men's rooms were inspected; and were not found to be altogether in a good condition; this being partly due to the fact that the company from West Rainton had been moved, and had not had time to clean their rooms.
- Wounded Admitted
- Entrenching
- Reliefs
- Billets
- In Action
- In Action
- Attack meets further setbacks.
- On the Move
- Shelling
- In Action
- Quiet
- Advance
- In Action
- Training
- Trenches
- Slow Progress
- Section Training
- Wounded Soldiers
- Scottish Motor Drivers Leave for Rouen.
- Billeted
- Orders
- Recruiting
- New Barracks Opened
- In Action
- Halted
- Hard Fighting
- Postings
- Digging In
- Helmets Waved
- Resigration for Tyneside Scottish progressing The Evening Chronicle, Newcastle upon Tyne reports on Monday, 19th October 1914: "The registration of men for the Tyneside Scottish Battalion is proceeding with a rapidity entirely gratifying to those responsible for raising the unit. The pipe and drum parade on Saturday followed by the recruiting meeting at the town hall, was very successful and resulted in some 170 names being secured."
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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