The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
20th December 1915On this day:
- Signaller's Bravery
- 16th Northumberland Fusilers second stint in front line 16th Northumberlands return to the trenches in sector e2 to left of their first position.
records of the 16th (service) battalion northumberland fusiliers captain ch cooke mc, newcastle upon tyne 1923
- Enemy Active 6th County of London Brigade RFA report at 1315, 1352 and 1440 15th London Battery fired on trench A,28,c,2.3.
This silenced a trench mortar shelling our front line at A.28.c.2.3.
17th London Battery reported that from 0700 to 0730 digging went on in several places in the Little Willie and Germans were seen passing various points where the parapet had been breached on the previous day.
A steel loophole was visible at G.4.b.2.10 through which men could be seen passing.
The 17th London Battery fired thirty rounds at a machine gun reported at G.5.6.7.
19th London Battery fired twelve rounds on G.4.b.97 in reply to enemy shelling G.4.a. and the enemy ceased firing.
War Diaries
- in Billets
- A & B Coys 12th York & Lancs leave Hurcott Camp A & B Coys, Sheffield City Battalion marched out of Hurcott Camp and entrained for Devonport at Salisbury Station, the train left at 5am. C & D Coys marched out of the camp at 2.30am with their train leaving at 6.25am. The Battalion transport left the camp at 5pm.
The trains were shunted onto the dockside at Keyham Docks and the majority of the Battalion boarded the SS Nestor. A small party from the Battalion transport boarded HMT Malakoota to travel with the Divisional Artillery. Sheffield City Battalion - Ralph Gibson & Paul Oldfield
- SM U-71
Type UE 1
Shipyard Vulcan, Hamburg (Werk 55)
Ordered 6 Jan 1915
Launched 31 Oct 1915
Commissioned 20 Dec 1915
20 Dec 1915 - 19 Apr 1917 Hugo Schmidt.
20 Apr 1917 - 27 Nov 1917 Walter Gude.
28 Nov 1917 - 27 Jan 1918 Otto Dröscher.
28 Jan 1918 - 29 Jul 1918 Oblt. Richard Scheurlen.
30 Jul 1918 - 14 Oct 1918 Oblt. Kurt Slevogt
Career 12 patrols.
7 Apr 1916 - 11 Nov 1918 I Flotilla
Successes 18 ships sunk with a total of 15,273 tons.
1 ship damaged with a total of 3,230 tons.
1 ship taken as prize with a total of 82 tons.
3 warships sunk with a total of 3,481 tons.
1 warship damaged with a total of 820 tons.
- 18 Oct 1916 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Greta 1,370 sw
- 19 Oct 1916 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Mercur 711 sw
- 19 Oct 1916 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Normandie 1,342 sw
- 21 Oct 1916 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Rönnaug 1,331 nw
- 13 Dec 1916 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Solon 137 da
- 17 Dec 1916 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Sjofna 528 nw
- 18 Dec 1916 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Herø 1,106 nw
- 18 Dec 1916 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Sieka 119 nl
- 19 Feb 1917 U 71 Hugo Schmidt Halcyon 190 br
- 4 Jun 1917 U 71 Walter Gude Orion 1,870 da
- 5 Jun 1917 U 71 Walter Gude C. Thorén 269 sw
- 5 Jun 1917 U 71 Walter Gude Götha 232 sw
- 20 Jul 1917 U 71 Walter Gude Sirra 223 nl
- 26 Jul 1917 U 71 Walter Gude Flore 3,553 fr
- 26 Jul 1917 U 71 Walter Gude Ethelwynne (damaged) 3,230 br
- 14 Aug 1917 U 71 Walter Gude Majorka 1,684 nw
- 31 Aug 1917 U 71 Walter Gude Taurus 128 br
- 20 Oct 1917 U 71 Walter Gude Thomas Stratten 309 br
- 12 Dec 1917 U 71 Otto Dröscher Amadavat 171 br
- 31 Dec 1917 U 71 Otto Dröscher De Hoop (prize) 82 nl
- 1 May 1918 U 71 Richard Scheurlen Blackmorevale 750 br
- 15 Aug 1918 U 71 Richard Scheurlen Scott 1,801 br
- 15 Aug 1918 U 71 Richard Scheurlen Ulleswater 930 br
- 20 Aug 1918 U 71 Richard Scheurlen Shirley (damaged) 820 br
Fate 23 Feb 1919 - Surrendered to France. Broken up at Cherburg in 1921.
There was another U 71 in World War Two.
That boat was launched from its shipyard on 31 Oct 1940 and commissioned into the Kriegsmarine on 14 Dec 1940.
John Doran
- Ammunition problems E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
20th Dec - Tested the shooting of the guns up to date the fuses seem to have been very bad.
21st Dec - No shooting today.
war diaries
- 7th Northumberlands into Reseve
- Under Bombardment
- Jam and Football
- Company Training
- Interesting Ground
- 2nd East Surreys on the Move
- Convoy of Gas Cases
- Under Shellfire
- Working Parties
- In Camp
- On the move
- Live grenade training
- Live grenade training
- Cleaning up
- Positions
- Reliefs
- On the Move
- Baths
- Training
- Award
- In the Trenches
- Artillery Bombardment
- In Billets
- Orders
- Reserves
- Inspection
- In Camp
- Aircraft damaged
- Misty
- Instruction
- On the March
- Deserter Taken
- On the Move
- On the March
- Bombing attack planned
- Divisional manoeuvres
- Cleaning of trenches - Chapel Alley & O.B.5.
- Instruction
- Work Abandoned
- Battalion remained in Noyelles Les Vermelles.
- "A" & "B" Coys. on range.
- Training
- Reorganisation
- Officers Visit Right Sector
- Training
- Exercise
- 11th Warwicks relieved 13th Royal Fusiliers
- New billets at Robecq.
- Relieved 13th Kings ( Liverpool ) Regt.
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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