The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
20th November 1914On this day:
- Construction work begins at Clipstone Camp W. Hodson & Sons of Nottingham begin construction work for the army camp at Clipstone near Mansfield, on land belonging to the Duke of Portland, with over 400 men being engaged.
- 2nd Life Guards at Brielen 2 Life Guards spent a quiet day in Dug outs at Brielen. At 5 pm the Regiment moved to billets at Brielen.
War Diary
- 2nd Sportsmans Battalion raised 24th (Service) Battalion (2nd Sportsman's), Royal Fusiliers better known as the Sportsmen's Battalions, were among the Pals battalions formed in the Great War. Rather than be taken from a small geographical area, these particular battalions were largely made up of men who had made their name in sports such as cricket, boxing and football or the media.
24th (Service) Battalion (2nd Sportsman's)
Formed in London on 20 November 1914 by Mrs E.Cunliffe-Owen.
March 1915: moved to Hornchurch.
June 1915 : came under command of 99th Brigade, 33rd Division.
Landed at Boulogne in November 1915.
13 December 1915 : transferred to 5th Brigade in 2nd Division.
- 3rd West Lancs Engineers leave St Helens The St Helens Reporter published: "On Friday morning the local detachment of the 3rd West Lancashire Divisional Engineers and Field Ambulance left headquarters at Cropper's Hill for their winter training quarters at Blackpool. The weather was very inclement at the time of departure and beyond a few people who assembled at headquarters, the few who lined the streets gave the men a hearty send-off. The members of the 3rd W.L.F.A. left at 9.45, being under the command of Captain Dick. They are 220 strong. The officers will be billeted at the Imperial Hydro and the men in boarding houses in Clifford-road. The Engineers left at 10.30. There are about 350 rank and file under the command of Major Taberner. The officers will be billeted at the Imperial Hydro and the men in Adelaide-street."
The St Helens Reporter (Nov 20, 1914 p.5)
- Continued Action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
In action all day at Lindenhoek - very hard frost - fired about 120 rounds.
back to billets in Dranoutre at 1800. Changed two disabled guns for new ones.
Sent a section back for overhaul and only four guns in action.
war diaries
- 1st East Lancs in trenches
- Quiet Tonight
- Snipers Pose Threat
Minutes of Committee Meeting Cocken Hall November 20th 1914
Present: - Lord Southampton, Colonel Hugh Bowes, Col Rowland Burdon.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
The parade state was presented as under.
Colonel Burdon reported that - as was seen by parade state, none of the men had yet been sent back from West Hartlepool.
The frame of the drying shed was erected and the Recreation Room and Rifle Range were both approaching completion.
Arrangements had been made whereby Mr C. Fortune (Messrs Accountant, 36
Church St, West Hartlepool) has taken Mr Roberts place for financial purposes; and the signature of cheques, both with regard to the
regimental account and the Committee's account. It is hoped that the payment of bills will now proceed somewhat more regularly.
Payment on a/c to the Darlington Construction Company to the amount of £4000 had already been made by the Paymaster, York.
The question of appeals for clothing for the regiment was mentioned; and it was felt rather strongly that there was no occasion for this at the time; as much of the underclothing provided by the Committee had not been applied for by men for whom it was intended. It was decided that the Colonel should write a letter conveying this to the writers of any appeals to the newspapers.
Colonel Bowes mentioned that instruments for a band had been presented to the regiment by Col. McKenzie of Seaham Harbour; and he hoped to
be able to get together from the battalion itself a band of 16 performers.
Samples for the furnishing of huts were inspected; but were not found to be satisfactory; and the Clerk of the Works was instructed to proceed to Newcastle, and obtain further samples from Messrs Emley & Messrs Walker.
- Freezing Hard
- Downhearted
- 4th Hussar stables destroyed by enemy artillery
- Training
- Shelling
- Intermittent Shelling
- Intermittent Shelling
- Relief
- Inspection
- On the March
- At Rest
- Repairs
- Battalion Inspection
- Artillery in Action
- Route March
- in Billets
- Brigade Reserve
- Guard Duty
- Shelling
- Orders
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 20th of November 1914? There are:29 items tagged 20th of November 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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