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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

20th November 1916

On this day:

  •  Relief

  • 16th Northumberland Fusiliers relieve 15th HLI and 1st Dorsets   16th Btn Northumberland Fusilers relieve 15th Btn Highland Light Infantry. B Coy under Capt W Lunn take over on the right and C coy under Capt W. Smith on the left. Communication with the 1st Dorsets on right and 2nd KOYLI on the left, is very difficult beacuse of the deplorable state of the trenches. A and D coys take over from 1st Dorsets.

  • New Works   236th London Brigade Royal Field Artillery report B236 and D236 Batteries carried out a registration on new works. D236 reported new work at two points. Enemy shelled I.27.a.9.8 for first time for about three weeks but except for slight Trench Mortar activity at 1500, the enemy was quiet. D236 Battery report 3/29 blind.

    War Diaries

  •  Reorganisation

  • 33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force Routine Order No.116   33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force Routine Order No.116 Lt-Col LJ Morshead Commanding No. 21 Camp, Larkhill, 20th November 1916.

    Part I Administration.

    SCOUTS 163 The following have been accepted for the scout platoon:

    No. 183 L/Sgt C Sinclair No. 2037 Pte LJ Byrne No. 2153 Pte. RE Harrison

    STRENGTH 164 The undermentioned having been discharged from VD hospital is taken on strength and posted to A company. Pay commenced from 20/11/1916.

    No.45, Pte JH Coleman

    The following have been struck off the strength from this date


    No. 483 Pte FE Morrissey B Co Hospital

    No. 377 Pte G Butler B Co Absentee

    No. 1462 Pte HMS Long D Co Absentee

    No. 1637 Pte O Stowart A Co Absentee

    No. 5686A Pte E Ryan D Co Absentee

    No. 4271A Pte DC Anderson A Co Absentee

    No.10125 Pte CT Gillan C Co Hospital

    No. 5091A Pte JA Pearce B Co Hospital

    No. 518 Pte AH Potts B Co Hospital

    No. 72 Pte G Goodwin A Co Hospital

    The following have been selected to remain behind as a rear party, and are struck off the strength of the Battalion:

    No.1450 Sgt J Lawman Pioneers

    No. 587 Pte OD Clarke

    No. 586 Dvr FW Smith

    No. 1614 Pte G Watson

    No. 1519 Pte PE Anshaw B Co

    No. 5108A Pte L Sherman B Co

    No. 852 Pte EAC Paul. C Co

    No. 5051B Pte WSC Hudson A Co

    The undermentioned who are attached to the battalion awaiting transfer, will report to Lt. layton at 6:30 AM on 21 November 1916. The COs who are rationing these men will see that they report.

    No. 124 Cpl PM McKillop attached to A Co

    No. 5006A Pte J Curtis attached to A Co

    No. 1930 Pte W Bagshaw attached to A Co

    No. 256 Pte TO Jones attached to A Co

    No. 5100A Pte JH Roberts attached to B Co

    No. 2114 Pte GC McLeod attached to C Co

    No. 2103 Pte HA Moodie attached to C Co

    No. 2119. Pte WC Nagel attached to C Co

    No. 2146 Pte Lance Ward attached to C Co

    No. 5061A Pte HJ Mathieson attached to D Co

    Pte Calloway attached to C Co

    TRANSFER 165 The following transfer has been approved:- No. 1092, Cpl A Burkett from D Co. To Pioneers

    GREATCOATS 166 Reference Battalion Order No.14 - that portion re greatcoats is cancelled. greatcoats will not be worn, but will be placed in packs so that it may readily be withdrawn.

    PROMOTIONS 166 The following promotions have been approved:- A Company

    No. 77 L/Cpl EG Gess to be Cpl. vice no. 124

    Cpl DM McKillop struck off strength

    No. 126 L/Cpl A Young to be Cpl. vice no. 127

    Cpl AF Mayne reverted to ranks

    No. 2148 Pte WP Whithill to be L/Cpl to complete establishment

    No.2 Pte EP Austin to be L/Cpl to complete establishment

    D Company

    No. 1266 L/Sgt GD Thomas to be Sgt to complete establishment

    No. 1245 Cpl WH Simpson to be L/Sgt vice no. 1266L/Sgt GD Thomas promoted

    No. 2034 Pte LR Boulton to be Cpl vice no. 1245 Cpl WH Simpson promoted

    No. 1197 L/Cpl TF McMahon to be Cpl to complete establishment

    No. 1142 Pte WL Harding to be L/Cpl to complete establishment

    ROUTE 167 Lt. Cohen will proceed to Amesbury and arrive there 6:20 am 21.11.1916 for the purpose of making all preliminary arrangements with RTO for entraining the first draft from this battalion. He will get a copy of states and full particulars of officers, other ranks, animals and vehicles and after entrainment await arrival of second draft with whom he will entrain after handing state to Lt. King. The latter officer will reach Amesbury station at 7:45 am 21.11.1916 and act similarly for second draft and in turn hand both sets of states to the Adjutant who will travel on third train.

    PIONEER 168 The Pioneer section will move off Battalion Parade Ground at 5 am 21.11.1916 and proceed to Amesbury station, where they arrive at 6:20 am and receive orders as to digging latrines etc. Provision must be made for in erecting temporary canvas screens which will be dismantled after troops have been entrained.

    STATES169 OC B Co and OC Headquarters Sections will hand parade states for their parties or sections to OC Trains on which they are travelling. This must be done before moving off the Battalion Parade Ground at Camp 21.

    (signed) RG Jones Second Lieutenant Adjutant,33rd Battalion AIF


    The regimental canteen will be closed at 6 pm today and no further purchases can be made after that hour.

    Cheque for £30.6.6. being amount subscribed by officers, NCOs and men of 33rd battalion towards Lord Kitchener's National Memorial fund, has been forwarded to the Hon. Sec.

    33rd Btn Australian Imperial Force War Diary Appendix

  •  Inspections

  •  CO's Inspection

  •  More Prisoners

  •  Working Party

  •  Reliefs Completed

  •  Cleaning up

  •  In the Trenches

  •  Training

  •  Fog and Orders

  •  Inspection

  •  Working Parties

  •  Inspection

  •  Sport

  •  In Billets


  •  A Torpedo Ignored

  •  Working Parties and Training

  •  Postings

  •  Working Parties

  •  Working Party Dispersed

  •  Outpost positions

  •  Reliefs

  •  Aircraft damaged

  •  Aircraft Lost

  •  Aircraft Lost

  •  Heavy Minenwerfer bombardment

  •  Orders to Evacuate

  •  Working parties

  •  Quiet Day

  •  Platoon Drill and Lectures

  •  Douglas Haig visits

  •  Outpost duties

  •  Grenade School

  •  52nd Division Operation Order No.20

  •  March to Ypres

  •  Relieved 13th Kings Royal Rifle Company.

  •  In Reserve.

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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

    This section is under construction.

    Want to know more about 20th of November 1916?

    There are:42 items tagged 20th of November 1916 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 20th of November 1916.

  • Private Henry Andison. 2nd Btn. Royal Marine Light Infantry Read their Story.
  • Pte. Patrick Joseph "PJ" Maguire. 10th Btn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers
  • Pte. George Meikle Murdoch. 2nd Battalion Cameron Highlanders Read their Story.

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