The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
21st April 1915On this day:
- Gloucestershire Hussars arrive in Egypt The Gloucestershire Hussars reached Alexandria, Egypt, on April 21st. Guard duties followed, until August 11th.
- Daily Battery Activity 6th London Brigade RFA 16th London Bty fired 12 rounds at "S" bend (A9.06.8) at request of infantry.
17th London Bty engaged Cantileux communication trench. Range 3525/3625.
War Diaries
- The "Second Battle of Ypres". 1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium April 1915. The "Second Battle of Ypres"
1st Battalion fighting at Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Belgium
1st Battalion Royal Scots were subjected to almost constant shell-fire.
Sanctuary Wood Cemetery (near Hill 62) Zillebeke, Belgium has 1,989 burials of which there are only 636 of them identifiable (1,353 are unidentifiable)
Many graves, in all five plots, are identified in groups but not individually.
- on dismounted work
- 4th Northumberlands entrain for Front 4th Northumberland Fusiliers began their first day in France with inspection and parade. At 11 am they left St Martin's Camp and marched with the Northumbrian Division to the station at Pont de Briques, departing at 2pm for Bavinchove, arriving at 6pm. They marched to billets at nearby farms, the officers being accommodated in farm houses, the NCO's and men in barns and outbuildings. Some men of A Coy spent the night in bivouacs as the allocated barns were not large enough to accommodate them all.
- Manchester City Battalions Brigade Sports day A crowd of 20,000 people gathered at Heaton Park to watch Manchester City Battalion's Brigade sport's day. 4th City Battalion won the Brigade steeplechase earning them the nickname Scarlet Runners.
- Boulogne Rest Camp
- Family day and a scare On the 21st of April a family day was held at Cocken Hall, the band entertained the visitors on the lawn and the men demonstrated their new skills. A dance was planned for the evening but there was a coastaldefence scare and orders were received by dispatch rider to send 'A' 'B' 'C' Companies and HQ Coy, 18th Durham Light Infantry to Middlesbrough to strengthen the defence of the town. They entrained at Leemside and travelled to Middlesbrough to establish an outpost line around the east and south of the town, bivouacking in open fields. 'A' Company were based at Cargo Fleet Iron Works, 'B' Company at and around Marton Hall and 'C' Company at Marton Bungalow.
- Dull and cols
- 1st Londons relieve 13th Londons
- Farms Searched
- Gas Attack
- Inspections
- On the March
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Conference
- Inspections
- HQ Established
- On the Move
- Training
- Working Parties
- Working Parties
- Holding the Line
- On the Move At 11.40 a.m. H.Q. 149th Brigade left Bologne by train and arrived at Winnezeele at 4.15 p.m and went into billets.
149th Brigade war diary
- Working Parties
- Bombardment
- Arrival
- Holding the Line
- Inspection
- Mines Exploded
- Intense Bombardment
- Instruction
- Accident
- Reliefs
- Letter
- Visual signalling arranged from "J"10 to H.Q. by electric lamp
- Situation practically normal
- In Billets
- "D" Coys. guard which was mounted in the evening
- In Billets
- Training
- Instruction
- On the Move
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.
Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
This section is under construction.
Want to know more about 21st of April 1915? There are:44 items tagged 21st of April 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 21st of April 1915. Pte. Sidney Abraham. 1st Btn. Bedfordshire Regiment Pte. Cecil Chapman. 1st Battalion Royal Scots Read their Story. Pte. Thomas Henry Gorman. 4th Btn South Wales Borderers Pte. Joseph James Hughes. 2nd Btn. Northumberland Fusiliers Read their Story. Pte. Edward Heber Jones. 35th Bde Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. Edward "Ned" McGuirk. 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers Read their Story. Cpl. John McMillan. 1st Battalion Royal Scots Read their Story.
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