The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
21st May 1915On this day:
- 4th Scots Fusiliers embark The 4th Scots Fusiliers sailed from Liverpool for Gallipoli, via Mudros with 155th Brigade, 52nd (Lowland) Division.
- Battle of Festubert 6th County of London Brigade RFA report:
15th London Battery fired nineteen rounds on gaps in K.5, six rounds on J.3 and two rounds on Dogwheel House.
16th London Battery did not fire.
Lieut G Lyon-Smith was wounded in the arm whilst observing from the British Front Line trenches and proceeded to England.
War Diaries
- 53rd RFA arrives Lt. Macleod taken around trenches of 1/Cameronians by Lt. Robertson for instruction, also to 5/Scottish Rifles by Lt. Clark.
53 Btn Royal Field Artillery (9 Div) arrived in 19 1B area.
War diary RAMC 19th Field Ambulance, Erquinghem-Lys
- 3rd Monmouths rest at Winnezeele On the 21st May during the 3rd Monmouth battalions rest period at Winnezeele the GOC in C Sir John French, inspected the brigade and made the following speech, with which this chapter on the 3rd Monmouth's time in Ypres may fittingly close.
"I came over to say a few words to you and to tell you how much I, as Commander-in-Chief of this Army, appreciate the splendid work that you have all done during the recent fighting. You have fought the Second Battle of Ypres, which will rank amongst the most desperate and hardest fights of the war. You may have thought because you were not attacking the enemy, that you were not helping to shorten the War. On the contrary, by your splendid endurance and bravery you have done a great deal to shorten it. In this the Second Battle of Ypres, the Germans tried by every means in their power to get possession of that unfortunate town. They concentrated large forces of troops and artillery, and further than this, they had recourse to the mean and dastardly practice, and hitherto unheard of in civilised warfare, namely the use of asphyxiating gases. You have performed the most difficult, arduous, and terrific task of withstanding a stupendous bombardment by heavy artillery, probably the fiercest artillery fire ever directed against troops, and warded off the enemy's attacks with magnificent bravery. By your steadiness and devotion both the German plans were frustrated. He was unable to get possession of Ypres-if he had done this, he would probably have succeeded in preventing neutral powers from intervening-and he was also unable to distract us from delivering our attack in conjunction with the French in the Arras-Armentieres district. Had you failed to repulse his attacks and made it necessary for more troops to be sent to your assistance, our operations in the south might not have been able to take place and would certainly not have been as successful as they have been. Your colours have many famous names emblazoned on them, but none will be more famous or more well deserved than that of the Second Battle of Ypres . I want you one and all to understand how thoroughly I realise and appreciate what you have done. I with to thank you, each officer, non-commissioned officer, and man for the services you have rendered by doing your duty so magnificently, and I am sure that your Country will thank you too".
To act as a counterweight to the grandeur of French's speech the content of the following letter should be Ypres on the troops concerned. Captain O.W.D. Steel, then commanding C Company, 3rd Monmouths, who had suffered so badly during the fighting on Frezenberg Ridge, wrote the letter, published on 21st May 1915. It runs:
"I would be obliged if you would insert this short note in the next edition of your newspaper.
It is almost impossible to write to the relative of every man of my company who have suffered, partly because the losses have been so severe, and partly because it is difficult to trace all cases, but if anyone would care to write to me, I will endeavour to supply all available information.
May I express my deepest sympathy with all those who have suffered" .
This was the human effect of the war and of the Second Battle of Ypres and it was something that was to be felt well into the summer of 1915 as casualty lists continued to be published. Second Ypres had been a costly and grim battle for all those involved.
- 9th DLI go upto the Front
- On the Move
- Difficult Work
- Night Patrols
- Into the Trenches
- Moving Up
- On the Move
- Trench Work
- Relief Complete
- Cavalry Corp take command
- Awards
- In the Trenches
- Working Parties
- In the Trenches
- Baths
- Inspection
- Quiet Day
- Reliefs
- In Camp
- Working Parties At 1.25pm. Instructions received by 149 Brigade Hq at Hospital Ferme for working parties to be found as under:
- Party A: 200 men to parade at 8pm in their bivouacs for work on French switch line under Lt Green RE.
- Party B: 100 men to parade at 8pm in their bivouacs for work on Divisional second line under Lt Martel RE
- Party C: 200 men to parade at 7pm in their bivouacs for work on Divisional second line under Lt Brotherton RE.
2.30pm. Orders issued to 4th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers to furnish Parties A & B and to 7th Bn to furnish Party C.
Instruction received from 50th Division for the formation of a Brigade Grenadier School. 4th Division asked whether it would be possible to send 1 officer and 2 NCO's to Division support line. 149th Brigade war diary
- Working Parties
- Route March
- Working Parties
- In Billets
- Move
- Trench Work
- Instruction
- The Excitement of the Fight
- Football
- On the Move
- Instruction
- Isolation
- Mining
- Instruction
- In billets.
- In Town
- Back to Bethune.
- On the Move
- On the Move
- Baths
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
This section is under construction.
Want to know more about 21st of May 1915? There are:44 items tagged 21st of May 1915 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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