The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
21st October 1914On this day:
- British withdraw from Zonnebeke After heavy shelling by the enemy, the British were forced to withdraw from Zonnebeke on the night of the 21st of October 1914.
- 2 Life Guards march to Ehrsternst 2nd Life Guards march at 5.30 am to Ehrsternst then remaining idle till midday as rear regiment. We were ordered to support the Infantry at Zonnebeke, the Blues and 1st Life Guards being already there. There was considerable sniping from houses in the village and from outside. Brigadier Lawford pointed out our place and we were very thankful to find a roadside ditch and bank ready-made, as the shell fire was severe for 2 hours. The Staffords were in front of us, so we could not fire in spite of being constantly sniped from intervening ground. Our horses were left in the street and a shell fell among them killing four, a horrible sight, I was told. Captain V Montgomerie got a shrapnel bullet in the back and one man was killed. I sat in a puddle in the ditch and felt grateful. The arrival of some of our Infantry, Cavan’s Brigade I believe, enabled us to be withdrawn about 4 pm. The following order was issued the next day "The Brigadier has much pleasure in telling the Regiments of the Brigade that before he left Zonnebeke today General Lawford command of the 22nd Infantry Brigade asked him to express to the Regiments of the Brigade his thanks for the assistance they gave him and his admiration for the way they behaved in saving what might have been a critical situation."
At 4 pm we marched the weary miles to Voormezeele and after a long wait got into billets in the town, they say in orders to link up Haig's force with Gough's Cavalry Division.
War Diary
- In Position
- 1st Leicesters releive 1st West Yorks The 1st Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment relieved the 1st Battalion, West Yorks close to Rue du Bois, near Bois Grenier to the south west of Armentieres. HQ was established at La Houssoie railway station.
Fighting Tigers - Matthew Richardson
- All day action E Battery 3rd Brigade RHA
Started at 0500 and in action all day near Oosttaverne, four guns on west of village and Lt Walwynn section on east of village. Fired over 500 rounds in checking strong infantry attacks supported by strong artillery fire on line held by 2nd Cavalry Division which with 1st Cavalry Division was holding a gap between our Corps. Back to billets at Wytschaete at 1830. war diaries
- Post mortem investigation
- Ongoing Action
- Farms Shelled
- Terrible Shelling
- Village Taken
- Defensive Positions
- On the March
- Digging In
- Break Through
- Continued German attack
- On the March
- A Change
- On the March
- Attack Made
- Quiet
- Heavy Shelling
- In Action
- Training
- In Action
- Trenches
- Some Retirements
- Training
- Positioned in rear
- Determined attack
- Enemy Attacks
- Heavy fighting
- Wounded Arrive
- Hard Fighting
- At Anchor
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 21st of October 1914? There are:34 items tagged 21st of October 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
Remembering those who died this day, 21st of October 1914. L/Cpl. Edward Baldwin. Essex Regiment Cpl. Samuel Ballentine. 2nd Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Cpl. Oliver Bennett. 12th Battery Read their Story. Pte. Thomas Blake. 1st Btn. Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry Sgt. Alfred Arthur Clarke. 4th Battalion Middlesex Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Charles Delplanque. 1st Btn. Irish Guards Read their Story. Cpl. William Laird Dick. 2nd Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Read their Story. Pte. James Frederick Fairburn. 2nd Btn. Durham Light Infantry Read their Story. L/Cpl. James Gilmore. 2nd Btn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers Read their Story. Sgt. William Taverner Golding. 88th Battery Royal Field Artillery Read their Story. Pte. George Hawkins. "D" Coy. 1st Bn. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Read their Story. Cpl. Alfred John Hunt. 4th Battalionn Middlesex Regiment Read their Story. Pte. Peter Kennedy. 2nd Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. Read their Story. Pte. Frank Matthews. 2nd Battalion Oxfordshire and Bucks Light Infantry Read their Story. Cpl. Donald Mclean. 2nd Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlander Regiment Read their Story. Cpl. Donald McLean. 2nd Btn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Read their Story. Capt. Charles Henry Stanley Monck. 3rd Btn., 3rd Coy. Coldstream Guards Read their Story.
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