The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day
22nd August 1914On this day:
- The Battle of Mons
- 4th Middlesex engaged at Mons As the church bells of Nimy called the locals to Mass, a patrol mounted Uhlan's emerged from the wood in full view of L/Cpl Alfred Vivian and his six men of the 4th Middlesex, who were in a forward outpost in an abandoned cottage. The rapid fire of the British rifles cut down eight of the enemy and their horses at a range of eighty yards.
In the church, the priest continued to say Mass with barely a pause, but skipped his sermon and sent the congregation home.
- 30th Brigade RFA march to Front 30th Brigade RFA arrive at Marley in the early hours of the 22nd where it detrained and marched towards the Belgium Frontier via Bavay.
- 35th Heavy Battery with the BEF 35th Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery moved to Wassingny via Oisy, Laundreieces and Leval.
- 2nd West Surreys board ship for England Battalion arrived at Cape Town, and embarked with 2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regt: on board H.M.T "Kenilworth Castle".
2nd Bn Queens West Surrey Regt War Diary
- 31st Heavy Battery proceed to France 31st Heavy Battery RGA arrive in France
- intelligence reports
- 1st East Lancs Cross to France At 1205 1st Battalion East Lancashire Regiment, under the command of Lt Col Le Marchant DSO, sailed on the Braemar Castle and arrived at Le Havre, France about 1600, but did not disembark until 2300 and went into camp just outside Le Havre.
1st East Lancs war diary WO95/1498/1
- Royal Horse Artillery in Action
- On the March
- On the Move
- On the March
- On the March
- At Strength
- On the March
- Taking up stations in assigned areas.
- On the March
- In Action
- On the March
- In Billets
- On the March
- Reservists
- In Support
- Move Complete
- On the March
- Gun Fire
- On the Move
- On the March
- Move
- Bivouac
- Offer
- Move
- Advance through Belgium.
- On the March
- On the March
- Offence
- Advance
- Reconnaissance casualties
- Into Position
- Australian Troop Transports

HMAT A61 Kanowna Pictured embarking from Townsville Harbour in August 1914
From: The Queenslander, 22 August 1914, p. 30 The HMAT A61 Kanowna weighed 6,942 tons with an average cruise speed of 14 knots or 25.92 kmph. It was owned by the AUSN Co Ltd, London, and manned by Australia officers and crew. The Kanowna was leased by the Commonwealth until 18 March 1919.
John Doran
Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?
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Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.
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Want to know more about 22nd of August 1914? There are:40 items tagged 22nd of August 1914 available in our Library  These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.
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