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The Wartime Memories Project - The Great War - Day by Day

22nd July 1917

On this day:

  • Daylight Raids   

    Sound bombs to alert to public in a raid, showing the rockets (1), inserting the time fuse (2), loading the rocket into the mortar (3), firing the rocket (4) and cleaning out the mortar (5).

    Felixstowe and Harwich were bombed on 22 July 1917. Just after 8am a bomb fell into the sea near Bawdsey Manor and about 16 enemy Gothas crossed the British coast at Hollesley Bay, Suffolk, crossing the River Debden as they turned towards Felixstowe. Two further bombs fell in the fields north-east of St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church, the next hit a smithy near Highrow Farm, demolishing the building and injuring a blacksmith at work. Extensive damage was inflicted by two bombs falling in Highrow. 350 yards west of the Town railway station a bomb smashed a conservatory of Uplees House, injuring two female occupants. Another bomb fell near the railway about 200 yards north of Goyfield House but failed to explode. Close to St. John’s Church another destroyed the cook house near the Parish Room. Wanstead Cottage in Garrison Lane was badly damaged by another bomb as were neighbouring homes on either side. Another bomb then struck the rear of the Ordnance Hotel, Garrison Lane, the barman lost his life, a sergeant and private of the 3rd Suffolk Regiment were injured along with two other soldiers who were in the property at the time. Another exploded at the corner of Garfield Road and Victoria Road without causing damage. Three more bombs fell in Langer Road, close to the Army Service Corps headquarters, the blasts shattered windows and brought down telephone wires, two soldiers were injured, one of them fatally.

    At the junction of Landguard and Manor roads a bomb brought down more telephone wires but the next, falling on the beach 100 yards south of Manor Terrace, killed an officer and seven men of 3rd Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment, and injured an officer and 15 men of the same battalion. The men were sheltering in a trench but instead of keeping down, those killed had stood up to watch the raid. A cellar of Landguard House was damaged, close to the 3rd Bedfordshire Regiment's camp. Three bombs which exploded as they fell on Landguard Common injured a soldier of the Royal Defence Corps and demolished two huts of the camp. Four bombs fell close by on the A Rifle Range creating craters. Another bomb landed at the RNAS station demolishing an engineers shed and injuring two naval ratings, one of whom later died. Another bomb droped 50 yards west of Landguard lighthouse and destroyed a shed, whilst another three landed Landguard Point, all exploded without damage.

    Around 13 bombs fell in the River Stour and Harwich harbour damaging the minesweeper HMT Touchstone and injuring two of her crew.

    At Parkeston a bomb landed harmlessly in allotments, another two bomb dropped in fields at Ray Farm between Parkeston and Dovercourt without causing damage. A bomb landed in a field on Tollgate Farm, Upper Dovercourt, a second fell in St. Nicholas’ Cemetery and three on New Hall Farm, all without causing damage. Three bombs landed close together in Dovercourt, two lightly damaged houses in Lee Road but fortunately failed to explode, the third damaged a slaughterhouse near Old Vicarage Farm.

    Anti-Aircraft guns had opened fire as soon as the aircraft crossed the coast and at 13 minutes past the first aircraft took to the sky to pursue the raiders. By 8.17am the Gothas had turned for home and escaped unscathed. A Bristol Fighter patrol of No. 48 Squadron, which went up from the frontier aerodrome near Bray Dunes, met five of the returning Gothas and one pilot forced a Gotha down on the sea north of Ostend.

    The Harwich AA guns had fired off 273 rounds but the defence aircraft were unable to climb up to operational height before the raiders had headed out over the North Sea. Flying in formation for the first time in action two flights from No.37 Squadron were presumed to be German by the spotters of the Mobile AA Brigade and the 3-inch gun at Canvey opened fire at them when they were 30 miles south-east of Harwich.

    The Illustrated London News reported on the 28th:

    "Our readers will be interested to see from these photographs exactly how the warning by sound-signals was given to London at 8.30 a.m. on Sunday, July 22, when 237 one-pound sound-bombs were fired 300 ft. into the air from 79 London Fire Brigade stations. An official notice that such a warning would be given, in case of an expected raid on London, had been issued by the Home Office only the previous evening. "Take Cover" notices were shown at the same time by the police in the streets, and at 9.45 they displayed the "All Clear" notice. The authorities were satisfied with the results of this system of warning, though the Home Secretary, Sir George Cave, thought that the number of signals might well be reduced, and that the warning might be delayed until enemy aircraft were nearer to London. Later, it was stated that only two, instead of three, rockets would in future be sent up from each station and that signals that could be seen as well as heard were considered."

    John Doran

  •  Church services

  •  In Action

  • Working Parties   At Thelus S.5.d.7.8 18th DLi are in Brigade Reserve. Working parties nightly.

    18th DLI war diary WO95/2361/1

  •  On the March

  •  Gas Masks

  •  Church Parades

  •  Move

  •  In Action

  •  In Action

  •  On the Move

  •  Further shelling

  •  In the Trenches

  •  Patrols

  •  Training

  •  Hot Day

  •  Training

  •  Training and Recreation

  •  Trench Raid

  •  New Aircraft

  •  On the March



  •  In Action

  •  Working Parties

  •  On Relief

  •  Diary

  •  Church & Sport

  •  On the Move

  •  Hostile MGs Active

  •  Church parade

  •  The Battalion exchanged camp with the Bedford Regt.

  •  Explosion

  •  Training

  •  Church

  •  Church Parades

  •  Engaged in fitting new unditching Gear

  •  Sound of Singing and Music

  •  Course Ends

  •  C.Q.M.S. of "C" Coy. ( Colour Sgt. Taylor. ) Killed

  •  Church Parades

  •  Two pilots killed

Can you add to this factual information? Do you know the whereabouts of a unit on a particular day? Do you have a copy of an official war diary entry? Details of an an incident? The loss of a ship? A letter, postcard, photo or any other interesting snipts?

If your information relates only to an individual, eg. enlistment, award of a medal or death, please use this form: Add a story.

Killed, Wounded, Missing, Prisoner and Patient Reports published this day.

    This section is under construction.

    Want to know more about 22nd of July 1917?

    There are:42 items tagged 22nd of July 1917 available in our Library

      These include information on officers, regimental histories, letters, diary entries, personal accounts and information about actions during the Great War.

    Remembering those who died this day, 22nd of July 1917.

  • Air Mechanic 1st Class William Allen. H.M.S. President III. Read their Story.
  • Ordinary Seaman George Edward Charles Amor. H.M.S. Vivid. Read their Story.
  • Pte. Cecil Beaumont Badnall. 48th Btn. Read their Story.
  • Pte Walter Binks. 52nd Coy Machine Gun Corps Read their Story.
  • Gnr. Sydney Ernest Brogden. B Bty., 235th Bde., RFA 47th (2nd London) Division Read their Story.
  • Pte. Herbert Livsey. 1st Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Lt. William Cattell Morton. MC 282nd Brigade, C Bty. Royal Field Artillery Read their Story.
  • Pte. Richard Riley. 11th Btn. West Yorkshire Regiment Read their Story.
  • Pte. John Thomas Wilcox. 7th Battalion South Lancashire Regiment Read their Story.

    Add a name to this list.

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